Posted in Education, Essential Oils

Losing Your Labels?

Have you ever played the game, “Guess the Oil?”
Have you ever attempted to put a few different oils on by layering and pick up your bottles with oils on your hands already?
Have you ever looked at a bottle and thought when did this one start to wear away?
Yeah, me either!

Now to bring it all back to reality. I have and still do at times lose my labels! I do have to play guess the oil (played it just today) by smelling and trying to compare what is left of the color portion to other oils. Of course that means I have to pray I have more of those oils on hand.

So today I am going to teach you a really easy and simple trick to stop losing your labels.

I store most of my every day oils in a pouch that has a zipper, is a thermal and can be thrown in my purse so I always have them with me! It really works out fabulous because I can switch out oils if I am using something different because of a bit of head pressure or anything new that comes up.LabelFix1The only down side to that is I need more bottle top labels so I can actually see which oils is which. But I can pack a lot of oils into this one pouch! I take it out when I get home and it pretty much follows me room to room all day long. (can you see how some of them have labels on the top – so much easier to see what I am grabbing instead of trying to remember where I put Young Living Lavender Essential Oil bottle).LabelFix2I don’t always layer oils but as you store the oils next to each other, as you have handled the bottles with oils on your hands and on your fingers, the labels are going to start to break off.LabelFix3I guess this is really good proof I actually use and love these oils! But this also can lead to the game, “Guess the oil”. I guess it isn’t a bad game to play. I get to sniff the oils and that strengthens my knowledge of the different oils and it also helps build up the immunity in my body. However it can be frustrating at times when you really want a certain oil and you can’t find one anywhere and you have a few bottles that look like this.LabelFix4There is however a really simple and easy solution to this problem! When your new bottles come into your home, sit down and immediately tape them. Any tape will work, the one I have been using is from the dollar store. It is just to protect the label from the oils on your hands and fingers!LabelFix5It can save you a lot of heartache from trying to guess, unless you like that game. I started where I was only putting it around the name portion of the bottle. I learned that it still was not completely fixing the issue. It was keeping the name on there but it wasn’t keeping the whole label on and I was still using the oils, so I then resorted to covering up the whole label.LabelFix6LabelFix7This has been a huge help. It really is a simple solution to a problem that probably plagues a good portion of Young Living Essential Oil users! It is simple and it isn’t time consuming. Don’t lose another label. Head any place that tape is sold and keep all of your labels fresh and easy to read!LabelFix8

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Wife~Mom~Grandma~Daughter of God ~ Lover of Photography~Elephants~Giving~ Writing~Inspiring~Balance

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