Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Passing Info On

2 Month Face Update

It isn’t the easiest to see the changes in photos. I am trying to do close up’s so you can tell but it is so hard; even for me to see the difference.

I am beyond impressed with all of the changes that are going on in my life! There really are a lot but my face truly is amazing to me!

I can touch my face without pain! Bigger than big!

My face is becoming smooth (still working on the whole picking thing). Amazing how smooth my face really is.

I am only getting pimples (not pustules) around God’s once a month gift to women. This is unbelievable!

I am not completely embarrassed to go out in public. I still have redness but it is getting better. Children still notice and I explain what is going on but it is so much better!

Really I am not one for posting photos. I hated the way I looked. So the fact I have been posting (had to put on my bravery panties) is a huge thing.

I can’t wait to tell you guys more of the good things that have been going on!


Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.


Wife~Mom~Grandma~Daughter of God ~ Lover of Photography~Elephants~Giving~ Writing~Inspiring~Balance

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