Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Memories, Passing Info On

Rough Weekend

We had a very rough weekend and all of a sudden I realized something on Sunday afternoon.

From Friday to Saturday I had about 3 hours of sleep. Saturday was a very long and rough day because of an accident that took place. Spent a long time looking for a missing dog and the rest of the time at the hospital waiting. Saturday night lead to not much sleep because I hit my second wind.

Sunday was church and by the afternoon, making lunch, cleaning, getting ready for the next day of school and whatever else it could hold for us.

I was feeling a bit tired by the weekend but I all of a sudden realized I still had a good amount of energy. I should have wanted to lay down and do nothing but sleep.  

Coming off the week of my gift from God I am always exhausted. Then add to it the lack of sleep from the weekend emergency and normal life. That isn’t what I wanted though. I laid down thinking I was going to nap and I laid there.

It has been a month and I am seeing so many differences! Our children are seeing differences. My husband is seeing differences.

Are you ready for changes in your life? We are so excited for the things we are seeing. I can’t wait for us to get further down the road.

We are all living a life with a ton of chemicals. Some of them are toxic and some of them are non-toxic. We are on a path right now and we have eliminated most of the toxic chemicals from our home (I am sure we have some I haven’t tossed out yet). We are choosing to be healthy. We are choosing to put our health and lives first. We are choosing to pay for this stuff now and not later!

What choices are you making for yourself and your family?


Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.


Wife~Mom~Grandma~Daughter of God ~ Lover of Photography~Elephants~Giving~ Writing~Inspiring~Balance

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