Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Tower Garden, Video, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Is The Urban Garden Worth It?

Do you want to be able to garden year round no matter where you live? Me too!

In December I happened to click on a link off of Facebook and ended up on They have some pretty amazing things on the site and there were a couple things I will definitely be investing in later. However I also found something that really shocked me.

They have a grow light there. Again I love the idea of having the ability to grow fresh food year round. Then I started to look at it and while it is counter size, the cost and the amount of plants you can grow blew my mind away!

I love the idea behind it. It is similar to the Tower Garden. It allows for year round growing. It allows to have zero weeding (no dirt, no weeding). But you are paying a big price and you do not get any plants.

What other options are there out there? I am not 100% certain about that. I do know that indoor gardening seems to be becoming a much bigger thing. Can you imagine living in a small apartment or condo and having no place to be able to make a garden outdoors?

I can think of so many reasons why an indoor garden would be beneficial and whom they could benefit. There are some local businesses who utilize small gardens during the summer months. It would be fabulous if they could move their garden inside during the winter months. Our local airport has a few restaurants inside of it that would be able to use the fresh food year round in their dishes. I think it would be amazing in schools to help teach children learn how to be self-sustaining as they get older. I think nursing homes or  apartments for older people would give them something to look forward to doing and seeing. It would be fabulous if they could grow and harvest some fresh food for themselves. Oh my goodness could you imagine if you lived in a tiny house and have a portable garden year round!

Can you see yourself with an indoor garden during the winter months (or even an outdoor garden if you live someplace warm)? What could you see yourself doing with it?

For me I could see our family growing and using fresh herbs in our cooking! We have been using the Instant Pot all week and oh my goodness! The food that has been coming out of it is amazing! The meat is so tender and flavorful, the potatoes are soft and amazing and the veggies taste so good. All I have really been using for seasonings is other foods and water at this point. I have been very impressed with how infused the foods are with flavor! I am getting so excited for us to order and have our Tower Garden arrive!

I can also seeing doing jar salad parties! Being able to use the fresh veggies and herbs from the Tower Garden to be able to make salads and the dressings.

I can’t wait to be able to involve the kiddos in planting and picking our fresh foods. Jack David is excited about cucumbers now. Of course because he is excited about and we now know he likes them, we will be having cucs!

Can you see yourself with a Tower Garden? Do you live in a warm or cooler climate? There are ways to grow even in the winter months (lights and cage). Tell me about what you would love to use your Tower Garden for if you have one!

Still not sure if the Tower Garden is for you? Take a moment to watch this video to learn more about the Tower Garden and how it works!

Would it be a stepping point to your family getting healthier? I know it will be a big stepping point for our family. Jack and the two younger kiddos are trying and we are working on healthier options. I just think if we have fresh foods that they are participating in, there will be better flavors and more excitement about trying new things.

I can’t wait to hear what you think! Would you rather have a Tower Garden or growing light? I know what my answer is!


Wife~Mom~Grandma~Daughter of God ~ Lover of Photography~Elephants~Giving~ Writing~Inspiring~Balance

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