Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Work at Home Entrepreneurs Academy

You would think that working at home is just that. Work from home and do what you want. However I have been truly blessed by this group I am a part of. Our team and a couple other teams, top members got together to create an academy to help us grow our life.

It has different parts to it. I can tell already it is going to affect my life, our work at home businesses, our parenting style, my worshiping style, and overall the way I am with others. We will have a weekly call with people who are at the same level you are in the business. You will have homework to do. The leaders have created Voxer groups to interact and learn with a smaller set of people who are at the same level as you. I am really excited about it.

I had never heard of this author prior to being told to order this book for the academy. We are reading Daring Greatly by Brene Brown Ph.D., LMSW. She is a researcher by profession and so I wasn’t really sure how her writing was going to be. She is great though. She is making me think. She is making me smile. She is making me agree. She is making me cringe. Sometimes truth hurts, what can I say.

  The leaders of the group also posted a couple extra credit things for us. Watch this video on vulnerability:

And watch this video on shame: 

She isn’t boring. She isn’t what I thought a researcher would be. She makes me laugh. Then again if you were to meet me or listen to me, I probably am not what you would think I am either. 

We were also asked to pick out a couple of things we liked from the book. There were so many but I picked two that really spoke to me.

This book is really touching on similar things to what I am finishing up in my last Bible study book. I love knowing that I Am Enough! Flaws and all, I am enough and so are you!

I was thinking back to some of the earlier businesses I have done in my life. Really I have done everything you can do to work from home. I have really learned how important it is to be doing something that you love. I was thinking about how I would print tons of fliers and go put them in mailboxes. I would bug family and friends and pray they would sign up. I would push, and push and push and I would miss something that is really important, building relationships. 

In order to build relationships you have to be open, you have to be vulnerable. You can have relationships but are they deep and meaningful if you don’t become vulnerable?

I never thought when my husband wanted to start this as a business that it would be a real business for us. I thought it would be a lot like all the others we have done over our lives. It would be something to come and go. It isn’t though. Here I am, writing this blog, here we are doing training and learning and loving what this company and these capsules have brought to our life! 

Working at home is a job. You have to work it. You can’t just join a company and sit back and collect a check. The nice thing about a work at home company, you work it when you want, when you can. You do not have set hours. You can go to take care of your grandma, your parents, your children, you can go to schools and help. You can do all the things you need to do and still earn a living. 

It doesn’t matter if you want to replace all of your income. It doesn’t matter if you just want money to put into a savings account. It doesn’t matter if you just want money to play with. When you become an entrepreneur and work from home, if you actually work at it, you can do it, if you have a passion for it.

Who doesn’t want to be able to be home with their kiddos? Who doesn’t want to work for someone else? It doesn’t mean you can start and have an instant check to cover everything plus some in your life, but it does mean if you are serious, if you do work at it you can provide an income.

I had two weeks where I was not feeling well. Guess what? I didn’t work as much as I normally do. Jack didn’t work as much as he normally does. Still in January on our pay date there was a check that showed up in our bank account. Best thing was, it was the same as what it has been. It didn’t go down. Can you say that about a 9-5 job? I guess you can if you take vacation time or personal time. 

I love the freedom that this company is giving to my family. Are you looking for something to do from home? Are you hoping to provide a little extra for your family? Do you love to learn and met new people and build relationships? Do you love having an amazing support team? Do you have a passion for health and wellness? If any of this speaks to you I would love to talk to you!


Wife~Mom~Grandma~Daughter of God ~ Lover of Photography~Elephants~Giving~ Writing~Inspiring~Balance

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