Posted in Education, Faith, Getting Healthy, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

Left Kidney Stones Removal Day

Had surgery today. I didn’t know what to expect. It wasn’t a normal lithotripsy and that I know what to expect. This I though was going to be easier. It isn’t easier but it is different. 

Managing pain currently with peppermint and deep relief. Although I wasn’t earlier and was dying from pain. Was just so out of it I wasn’t thinking. Then I managed to be out of it enough to put a gracious amount of peppermint in my eye. Followed up with grapeseed oil. 

Going to sleep for the night. There is still one more day for the giveaway to register. There is still one more day to take advantage of the refund Think One Change is giving when you order the Trio capsules!

God bless each of you!


Wife~Mom~Grandma~Daughter of God ~ Lover of Photography~Elephants~Giving~ Writing~Inspiring~Balance

3 thoughts on “Left Kidney Stones Removal Day

    1. Maemi! So good to hear from you! I hope you are doing well friend. You have been missed. Recovery is slow going but it has only been one day. I guess I expect to much from myself! Hehe – hope to hear from you more soon! Amy

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