Posted in Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Video, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

April The Giraffe

So almost a week ago I saw all the hype about April the giraffe who was in labor and about to give birth. I thought people were nuts for sitting there watching this. Then on Friday the 24th of February I opened it up to see this mama while I was sitting at lunch with Jack. Oh my gosh, I fell in love with this girl and with GiraffeMoji

I have my two youngest who ask many times during the day how April and Oliver are doing. We pull the video up of them many times a day, if it isn’t currently streaming on my phone. Since Friday I have pretty much been attached to an outlet or plug so that my phone won’t die. I sleep with her on my phone looking at me. I wake up so many times each night and check on her. I have freaked myself out a few times because my eyes go where I last saw her and when she isn’t there, I panic. I have lost my mind over this girl.

I am putting a warning out, there are a lot of fake sites right now. People streaming from their site and not from Animal Adventure Park’s camera. People are also out there asking for donations to support April and Oliver and their soon to be calf. If you are NOT getting there from giraffemoji or their site, April The Giraffe, be warned that you could possible be donating money to fraudulent sites and not actually supporting April, Oliver and baby. 

If you are wanting to watch April, purchase clothing, support them, get the emojis or learn about any of them April The Giraffe is the site to go to! Anything and everything you want to know about them you can and will find there!

I love that we are using April with the kids. I love that they ask about her and how she is doing. I love that they ask how Oliver is doing. I am thankful that Animal Adventure Park has been able to allow this. It has been amazing and exciting. It has been educational and it has been opening up discussions with the youngest two.

Jack David has said a couple times now, “First we go to John Ball and then we go visit April and Oliver” I have then had to explain to him that April isn’t near us, she is in another state. He then proceeded to explain to me, “I don’t care. I am up for the drive to see April and Oliver.” Well good to know my little man! 

As crazy as it is these things are why we have really started to focus on our health and our business. I have not been in good health. I have not been able to get into a car, plane, train, or bus and just go. We have to make a lot of stops and travel takes a lot longer than it would for most people. I could not just sit because I would be in to much pain and discomfort to do it. 

Our business has changed our health. Our business has changed our life. Our business is what keeps me going. It has given me health. It has made it so my pain and discomfort isn’t like it used to be. I still have bad days but my good days outweighs my bad days! 

The last month of my life has been hard on us as a family. In the last 30 days I have had 3 surgeries. I have had to be in the hospital. Things have not gone as we planned. We thought it was going to be a few days down and back to normal until the next surgery. Instead I had one surgery, an extended hospital stay with an unexpected emergency surgery and then a final planned surgery. 

In the last week I have had some pretty amazing prayer warriors praying for me. Praying that this last surgery would be different. That I would have less pain, less complications and that I would be able to feel their prayers. Guess what? I have felt all of them. God has blessed me this past week, and yet I still feel as if I have lost the last month of my life. 

However even with losing the last month, I have had time to be with my children. I have had time to watch April the Giraffe. I have had time to not work the businesses but the time needed to heal and be miserable. The best thing though is that during this time, when Jack has had to take time off work without pay, we are still getting paid from our businesses and it is bridging the gap which we were missing.

I am truly thankful that I took the time to look at a video of April. It has brought my focus back to what matters in this life. It has brought my focus back to what is important to this family. We are not perfect. We are not rich. We are moody. We are human. We are silly. We are fun. We are building a life of health and education for our whole family. We are truly blessed and if you are in need of a blessing, talk to us! We can pray for you, we can talk to you. We can help educate you about giraffes and capsules and oils and prayer and its power. 

Hopefully you will take a moment, click on a link and watch a few moments of April. She is beautiful.


Wife~Mom~Grandma~Daughter of God ~ Lover of Photography~Elephants~Giving~ Writing~Inspiring~Balance

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