Posted in Getting Healthy, Recipe, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Spring Is In The Air

Freshen House BlendWe are spring cleaning the house and along with the cleaning of the house comes new essential oils in the diffuser.

We take time to get the stale, winter air out of the house.

We take the time to get the stale thoughts and cobwebs out of our mind.

Spring Clean Your MindWe take time to smell and enjoy a forest just waking up from the winter snow.

We take the time to smell the flowers before they have actually peaked out of the cold, frozen ground.

We clear the cobwebs from the corners of the rooms in the house. We start to clean out the garage to get all the fun toys out for the spring and summer. Warm weather means outdoor play! We are very excited about that this year. We start to pull out the warm weather clothes and start putting away the bulky winter clothes.

I know it is only the second official day of spring. I know that where I live, the likelihood that snow will still visit us is high. I know that I can’t sit out on my porch with coffee in hand in the mornings yet unless i want to be bundled up.

Still we are starting to pull out our spring time diffuser recipe blends. They wake you up. They make you feel like you can already open your windows and enjoy the fabulous spring air.

It isn’t to early to get started with enjoying spring. Maybe one of these recipes will motivate you and get you just as excited for the warm weather as we are in this house!

Do you have a favorite spring time essential oil recipe for your diffuser? Would love to hear about it in the comments below!
Spring Time ForestSpring Time Garden


Wife~Mom~Grandma~Daughter of God ~ Lover of Photography~Elephants~Giving~ Writing~Inspiring~Balance

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