Posted in Getting Healthy, Mind

Think One Change – Hydrate

If you are attempting to make any changes in your life, that can be overwhelming. When most people who are unhealthy decide to make a change, it is an all or nothing mentality. So you decide you want to change and the next day you are going to be doing everything correct and making it work, or else…

Except that or else typically comes and quickly. Trying to change everything at once usually does not work well, it just overwhelms. I would try to get back into exercise, eating correct, drinking more water and anything else that would cross my mind (Bible reading, journaling, cleaning, etc). For me there was more than the typical overwhelming because with autoimmune issues, I would crash and burn, fast. That would lead to giving up, fast.

So what is a better way to go about changing your life? If you can’t use an all or nothing mentally what can you do? 

You can make the choice that you want to change. You can focus on making one change at a time. How long does it take to create a habit? It takes a minimum of 21 days but most people take between 2 and 8 months for a habit to truly become a habit! This information comes from a study that Dr. Maxwell Maltz did in 1960. He then published a book called “Psycho-Cybernetics” in which he talks about how it takes a minimum of 21 days to create a new habit. The key word is minimum. 

We are all created different. That means each one of our brains is unique and how long it takes to create a habit is different for each of us! That can be a little disheartening at times because certain things may be a little easier to change for a friend than you.  And yet it is one of the things that I love the most about how unique we all are.

This week Think One Change – hydrate! Water intake is so important for everyone. This isn’t an optional change in life. If you want healthy skin, nails, brain, and body you must drink water! Your body needs water.

Water is a critical nutrient for your body. Up to 60% of an adult human body is made of water. The brain and heart are 73% water, the lungs are around 83% water, the muscles and kidneys are 79% water andyour skin contains about 74% water. Even your bones are composed of around 31% water!

So what happens if you are not drinking enough water for your body? 

  • Increased Fatigue
  • Increased Weight
  • Fluid Retention
  • Muscle Reduction
  • Decreased in Muscle Tone
  • Increases Risk of Diseases
  • Increased Brain Fog
  • Increased Joint Pain

Did you know that there is an average that 75% of adults in America have chronic, mild dehydration? This is a really scary statistic considering how important water is to your body functioning properly. What are some of the reasons that you are dehydrated and have excess water loss?

  • Exercise
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • How Weather (Increase Sweating)
  • Stress

What are some of the things your body needs the water for?

  • Forms Saliva (necessary for proper digestion)
  • Helps Regulate Body Temperature
  • Needed to Manufacture Hormones by Brain
  • Needed to Manufacture Neurotransmitters by Brain
  • Body Cells Need to Grow, Reproduce and Survive
  • Flushes Waste and Toxins Out of Body
  • Keeps Joints Lubricated
  • Helps Oxygen be Delivered to Whole Body
  • Helps Absorb Shock for Brain and Spinal Cord

How much water do you need each day and how do you go about getting it? Water intake is based upon each individual, their activity levels, weight, food consumption, and medications. A good base to follow though is to make sure you are getting at least 8 to 12 cups of water each day. 

You do not want to wait until you are feeling thristy, because then it is too late, you are dehydrated by that point. The effects of dehydration on your body can last for days. Try drinking at least one cup of water each hour you are awake. That will also help you spread it out throughout the day and not feel so overwhelmed with having to guzzle your water down before the day is over! 

For anyone who is making a huge change with their health, you can figure out your minimum water intake by dividing your weight in half. That is how many ounces you should be drinking each day. Do not forget if you have already added exercise into your daily routine you must increase your water intake by approximately 12 ounces for each 30 minutes of exercise you do. 

Another way to increase your water intake is to increase your water-based foods. Here are some of the foods that are great for increase your water intake.

  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • Zucchini
  • Cantaloupe
  • Watermelon
  • Bell Pepper
  • Pear
  • Pineapple
  • Carrots
  • Mango

Please also know that if you are on medications that limit your water consumption, listen to your Doctor’s recommendations. You do not want to go against your Doctor’s advice when it has to do with medications and their side effects. I do know that some medications can cause you to retain water, which is not going to help you in the long run! 

Are you going to try to increase your hydration? I would love to hear about your plan!


Wife~Mom~Grandma~Daughter of God ~ Lover of Photography~Elephants~Giving~ Writing~Inspiring~Balance

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