Posted in Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Mind, Passing Info On, Recipe

Make Your Own Sleeping Balm And Change Your Days

This world is busy and our brains have a hard time shutting off. I have started using a homemade sleeping balm on my feet and wrists to help me shut it off.

I know you have been there! You want to sleep and your eyes are burning. You climb into bed and can not wait to drift off to sleep. And you get all snuggled in and it seems that your brain didn’t get the memo that the rest of your body did. You think about everything that went on that day. You think about everything you didn’t accomplish that day. You think about conversations you had, what you could have said instead, what was left unsaid. And the thoughts just keep on coming.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could help your brain shut off? Wouldn’t it be great if you could do it and it was natural and not harmful to your body? The good news is there is something and it is natural and you can make it!

When your brain is the clown car and the clowns just keep on coming out. Sometimes, you have to slam the door to stop the madness.

Are you ready to help yourself relax and to shut your brain down naturally? Give a shout out and ask to be added to my inner circle so you can have the recipe!


Wife~Mom~Grandma~Daughter of God ~ Lover of Photography~Elephants~Giving~ Writing~Inspiring~Balance

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