Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Mind, Relationship

Gossip Is The Problem and People Are The Solution

Gossip is the problem and people are the solution.

I am sure you have been in this situation before because we all have. I was sitting in a restaurant and overheard the table next to me talking. I know, I can hear it now, that’s the pot calling the kettle black, you should not have been listening to them talk, it was a private conversation, and I realize all of this. Still, when my ears catch a word, I struggle to turn them off. And when you are in public anyone can hear anything you say.

She was talking about a friend. She wasn’t lifting her up. I would dare say that Susan really wasn’t a friend of hers!

I am the solution to gossip. I’m working hard to change my mindset so I am confident with who I am.

I once heard a story about a feathered pillow that went like this, “My mom held a feather pillow and said, ‘If I tear this open, the feathers will fly to the four winds, and I could never get them back in the pillow.”

I encourage you to keep your pillows together because you never know when you will need to lay your head down.

Do you want to learn solutions to combat gossip in your life? Click this link to be invited to my inner circle:


Wife~Mom~Grandma~Daughter of God ~ Lover of Photography~Elephants~Giving~ Writing~Inspiring~Balance

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