About Us

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Welcome to our life. We are a husband and wife team. We believe that it is important to educate, embrace, empower, have fun, and to accept people right where they are at.

Our names are Jack and Amy. We met at a local restaurant while doing karaoke back in December 2006.  We have five children; Kyle and his wife Jacqueline, Adam, Isabella and Jack David. We are also blessed to be grandparents to a sweet little girl who was born in March 2019. We run a zoo with two dogs (Luna Rey, Mindee Lou), three cats (Gizmo, Zazoo, Kali) and many who we have had to say goodbye to.

Jack is an outdoors man who loves to hunt, fish, and also shoots trap and skeet. He really loves his family and spending time with his children. He is a huge University of Michigan fan (U of M). He also loves watching sports; football, hockey, and baseball. He used to play football, hockey, and baseball as well as coached after he graduated from high school (do you see the theme?) He is easy going, humorous, has a great voice, our peacemaker and he is always willing to help others.

Amy (that’s me) is a daughter, wife, mom, taxi driver, tear wiper, tear creator, writer, God loving, path finding, photographer, nature loving, animal rescuer, and she is finding herself she has discovered she is a magnificant person whom she loves. She became pregnant back in 1992 and became an official mom in 1993. She is bipolar and self-medicated for a long time. She has finally come to acceptance that she has highs and lows and will always need medication to help level out her emotions. Another thing that happened back in 1993 was she lost who she was. She actually has come to realize in the last few years that she never knew who she was. She was always trying to find herself and this is a place that a lot of that comes out. She left a narciastic man whom she was married to back in 2006 and has had to fight all of those demons to get where she is today.

This is a place that I write about life, faith, ups and downs, and the journey we are on in this life. Each one of us is a complicated, complex being who has many components. I am here to help you learn how to blend all of these individual things and make them work in harmony. I am here to help educate, embrace, and empower. This is Life Synergy…

We hope you enjoy getting to know us and our family. We are excited to get to know you! Be sure to head over to Our Musings to read our posts.

Jack and Amy
*Life Synergy links have the potential to have affiliate link

6 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Jack and Amy, very nice to meet you and learn more about you. Thank you for following my blog, I will certainly take time to visit yours as well. I hope your day is a happy one! 🙂


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