Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Mind, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Bad Days Happen

I’m Amy and I have four children, three fur babies and a husband and every single one of us have bad days!

My baby has a horrible attitude lately. He has a love hate relationship with the word, “No”. He loves to make his sisters life miserable. He is the kindest soul you will meet and the meanest child you will meet. One minute he is screaming and in a rage and the next hugging and kissing on you.

My only daughter has an issue with looks lately. Oh and words, and humming, and breathing, and well basically everything. She is amazing when she wants to be but look her direction and the world may crumble under her feet. At least that is what I equate it with when she makes her noises lately. She is amazing and laughing one second and bawling the next.

My middle son is a teen. He has a typical teen tude but thankfully he listens. Even when he huffs and puffs and grunts and moans, he still does whatever. Plus if he is taking to long; his just a minute turns into hours if I let it, I threaten wifi to be gone and amazingly enough he is right on it. He is so full of talent and has a very dry sarcastic sense of humor. He is a senior this year and it’s hard to believe but we have almost made it through the hard years with minimum scars from him.

My oldest is my oldest. I love him and always will. Tough love, I have to get better at. Pretty sure we haven’t made it through the tough years yet.

My Jack rarely is in a bad mood but when he is watch out. He has a mean streak. He always makes me smile though.

Me, well, honestly lately I’ve been pushed over the edge of the cliff. I’m not even holding on anymore, I’m down a few ledges and not sure if I’m coming back up.

I personally need to work on not yelling at my children so much. I was doing so good and things were better for me. Then just after my little mans birthday he changed into this mean person. Doesn’t listen, argues, yells, cries, hits, pinches, tantrums and I fall right down.

The two littles wake up at each other’s throats. My days are long and loud and rough.

I avoid going in public with them currently unless it is a MUST. Today was a must, I had to have my protime taken and was already three days late.

My youngest two are in therapy and I’m hoping we all learn something to help us cope. I see my baby and see a train wreck going on. He is just like my oldest, and even though it’s scary to admit, worse at times.

Bad days happen. Bad weeks happen. But always take time in the midst of all of it and find something good. Find a smile. Find a hug. Find a laugh. Find something positive. It’s okay to have a bad tude sometimes but do not let that become who you are.

Find the light!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.

Posted in Body, Education, Essential Oils, Financial, Getting Healthy, Memories, Mind, Passing Info On, Spiritual, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Live What You Love

I finally understand the body better than I ever have. I understand if you want to be proactive and keep you body levels where they should be: fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and eliminating or restricting processed foods is so important.

I also understand doing everything “correct” doesn’t stop things from happening.

School is right around the corner and this year I’m so thankful we will be using Juice Plus and Young Living! I understand you can’t protect you and your family fully from those nasty germies and critters but there are proactive measures you can take. We are taking them.

We have been a very ill family. Since adding Juice Plus to our daily living we have been so much healthier. I know I can’t keep the kiddos in a bubble. I know I can’t make things perfect. I can however live what I love.

I love Young Living. I love Juice Plus. I love salads. I love veggies. I love fruits. I love water. I love watching my children slowly changing.

My youngest tried and ate 3 slices of cucumber today!!! This is HUGE. He does not eat green anything! The color on food freaks him out and he ate 3 and liked it.

It was awesome!

I am glad they see me living what I love. Do your loved ones take any proactive measures to help your body stay boosted? Do you and are you living what you love?

I hope so because it makes life so much more enjoyable!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.

Posted in Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Memories, Work From Home

I Do Care

Lately I have been finding more and more blogs and with those blogs come people. I may not always comment. Sometimes I just have no clue what to say and so I pray.

I add you to my prayer list. I continue to read and update my list.

I have made some of my best friends online. Other than my husband the other best friend I have (male) is someone I met online 12 years ago. He is a brother to me and I have never actually met him.

I really do care about others. There are times I wish I had endless money to help and give. Since I do not have that though, I do have endless amounts of prayer.


Do you have unspoken prayers? Do you have health concerns? Do you have financial concerns? Do you have spiritual concerns? Do you have a brokenness that scares you? Do you have an addiction?

How can I “Just Pray” for you?


Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

When Kitty Meets Skunk

About 3 years ago we took in an abandoned 3 week old kitten. He was adorable, white, tiny, sick, cuddly, and in need of a mama.

I became his mama and we called him Gizmo.

Even though we got him so young he has had this desire to be outside. It just seems to be inside of him. I wish he was an indoor all the time cat but about a year ago I gave up. He goes outside during the day and comes home to eat and rest.

Last night however the younger two accidentally let him out at dusk. They tried to catch him but he was happy and gone. I went out around 10, 11, and midnight to call for him but he wasn’t coming around like he typically does.

I went out to let Mindee out this morning and Gizmo was on the porch. He walked in the house and I was smelling skunk. (Keep in mind we living in a skunk path. Year round about every 6 to 8 weeks a mama and babies go through our yard to their den). So I didn’t think twice, until I stepped inside the house and the smell was stronger. Bent over and about died when I realized it was my baby Gizmo.

So we went and let the puppies out we were dog sitting for the last time. And went to the store to grab tomato juice.

This isn’t our first run in with the skunk family but most of the time it is just the animals walking through the grass and picking up the smell. This time he was sprayed.

So I mix up baking soda and Young Living Purification. (Now some people do not believe tea tree should be used on cats, I have diffused and used tea tree and purification around Gizmo since he was a baby and we have never had issues. If you are worried about it you can use lemon, lime, orange or citrus fresh). Get him wet and put the baking soda and EO mix on him, run it in and let it sit. Then after about 5 minutes add some tomato juice on him and let it sit. Rinse and repeat about three more times. Then I wash him with soap and then top one more time with baking soda and EO and rinse.

My normally white kitty stays orangish for a couple days.

I also mix up in a 2 oz Amber bottle vinegar, purification and citrus fresh to spritz around and spray on him.

He doesn’t smell as great as he normally does after a skunk encounter but I can have him in the house. The sticky stuff is gone from him and the smell is slowly going away.

I’m so thankful for my essential oils right now!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Mind, Passing Info On, Vacation

Responsibility and Helping 

Some day I hope that as parents we will hear a thank you for teaching me (fill in the blank).

Last week I was asked last minute to help take care of two pups. So basically dog sitting while they were gone. I said yes. While it was a last minute ask, I have been in a situation where things fell through. Someone helped me and I was so thankful and grateful.

So this week the two youngest and I have been going over to the house three to four times a day. We let them out. We play with them. We pet and cuddle them. We walk them.

I want the children to see how important it is to help others. To be responsible for things that are not ours. To understand that giving back is so important.

To someone it may just be dog sitting but to me this is a great way to teach. We were not out here to be selfish and to only think of ourself. We were put here to help, be gracious, be caring (to people and animals), and to be willing to go out of our way to do something that takes time. Also to do our best and give our all because we did say yes I’ll help.

I know far to often that we could be doing a much better job raising our kiddos in certain areas. I realize that far to often we give them things they don’t need and didn’t earn. There are times when instead of going through the fit that would happen because no was said, we will say yes to save time and sanity. I have let them sleep in my bed way to long and now we have bad habits. They don’t always have chores that must be done here and those that are given often results in tears and whining.

Yet they see us do and give. They see us being responsible and helping others. I make them help when we do those things. We talk about the whys and how important things like this are.

I hope we are doing something right. They may not be able to maintain their own homes but ask them for help and they will be there with bells on.

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.

Posted in Body, Education, Essential Oils, Financial, Getting Healthy, Memories, Mind, Spiritual

Tips and Tricks

Vacation has take a toll on me! I’m still struggling to get back into what was our normal routine.

Jack was off work for a two week shut down. Back to work he went for three days and then off for a ten day vacation.

That time right there there our routine that had been established for the last 6.5 months, flew right out the window.


I am in need of some tips and tricks to get back on track! What is your secret when you come home from an extended vacation?

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

When Tired Becomes Lazy

That is what I have been dealing with since about 1 AM Friday morning.

Children with missing a few doses of Juice Plus were hit hard with the weather change. Stuff/runny noses, elevated body temps, sore throats from nasal drainage, and now we have managed to add head discomfort, body discomfort and non-stop crying and whining.

Yes it has been amazing around here and I am guessing you are all jealous!

Now add to that we are currently down to one car. What that means for this mama is she is either without a car while daddy is at work or I get up super early and drive him to work. That also means driving back mid day to get him from work.

So I feel exhausted but actually have energy I’m just lacking in the give a crude to accomplish anything. So my tiredness has turned into laziness.

I look around. I know what needs to be done. I know what I should be doing. Then I divert my eyes to avoid the line of site of the things that need to be done.

Yup that is what is going on here: tired turns to lazy turns to avoidance.

I’m perfecting all of it.

How are you doing? The weather change here is taking a told on a lot of people, not just my family.

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.

Posted in Body, Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Face Update – Week 19

It has been a while since I have done a real update on my face. For those who are new here I had rosacea that came out about 9 years ago.

In the past 9 years my face has had varying degrees of redness. Pustules all the time. Pain that was never ending. Plus a nickname I had given myself of reverse clown face (due to where my redness verse whiteness was).

I am just shy of 5 months of using Juice Plus+ and the changes are amazing!

I would love to talk to you about what Juice Plus+ could do for you and your family!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Memories, Mind, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Back In Action

I think I need a vacation from vacation! It is going to be hard getting back into the swing of things and I’m sure I’ll be delayed a little bit. I’ll get there though.

Yesterday we had an enjoy time recouping from vacation.

Since our visit to Dinsey and going through their house, the kiddos have wanted to see this so badly. Finally found it in Amazon. Since that time they have watched it three times now.

Today was a bit rough but I did have a business and catch up meeting tonight. It was fabulous. Just what was needed. While talking about business stuff is something I love to do, seeing this person and spending some time with her was amazing! I’m so glad we got together.

Tomorrow is going to be a good day. Back on track!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.

Posted in Body, Essential Oils, Financial, Getting Healthy, Memories, Mind, Passing Info On, Spiritual

Amazing Lightening Show

Last night we had an amazing light show from the UP (or Michigan’s Upper Peninsula).

Here is some video from it.

Hope you are having a great time!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.