Posted in Body, Business, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Tower Garden, Video, Work From Home

We Are Buying a Tower Garden

We are pulling the trigger and getting ourselves a tower garden! Wonder how the tower garden works? You can watch this short video that gives an overview:

We have decided it is time to start really saving on our grocery bill! Have been contemplating this move for 16 months now. Before it didn’t make a ton of sense because it was just pretty much myself and ADam who would be eating the fruits and veggies. However since we have been taking our capsules and chews their tastes are changing!
Here is a video with actual customer reviews:

Are you wondering why a tower garden is a better choice verse a traditional garden? There are five researched back benefits to aeroponic gardening.

  1. Tower Gardens can increase yields of up to 30%
  2. Plants grow up to 3x more quickly
  3. Tower Garden uses up to 98% less water
  4. A vertical design requires 90% less space
  5. Pollution and pests are less of a problem

If you would love to read the whole article where this has come from click here!

One nice thing is that with it being summer, I can stick it outside for the rest of the warm weather. Then in the winter we can get the lights on and move it indoors.

Have you ever just been so excited for something? It is almost like I’m a little who can’t sleep because Santa is coming to leave presents under the tree!

Are you looking for a way to help your grocery budget while still eating healthy? Do you love to garden but hate the weeding and getting dirty (I do!)? This could be the perfect solution for you!

Are you worried because you live in a small space? We have talked about that here in our house as well. However we know it isn’t that big. In the winter we are going to put it in the kitchen at the end of the cupboards. I have a couple friends who are in apartments who have them in their living rooms in the winter and then our on their deck in the summer.

I can’t wait to start sharing photos of the growth from our own tower garden!

Posted in Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden

God Has Blessed Us

Do you know that God loves to bless His children? He uses so many things to bless us with. Today has been this huge blessing for our family! I have been praying about a lot of things. I have not been praying the way I was before spring break got here, but I have still been doing some prayers.

When you look at your life, where do you see your blessings? For me, they were not always as obvious as they should have been. I was looking for big things! Things that screamed blessing to me. Things like: an unexpected check from insurance, or a friend who knew I was having an awful day stopping over with a coffee – they were physical things.

Now when I am looking for blessings I look at my life much differently. It is as though He has flipped a switch in my mind, or maybe because I am getting closer to Him it opened my mind up to what He has been trying to show me. I am not looking at only things that come to me in the physical form, but those do count as well.

Today my daughter had a birthday party to go to. We had our whole day planned out. We had time for the three of us to go pick out a present, time to eat, time to play, time to enjoy each other’s company and time to just be. 

Now lets back up to the weekend. My favorite daughter has been going through a phase where she isn’t into taking anything. Actually she isn’t into eating, unless it is yogurt or sherbet or ice cream. Since she was sick, her throat has been bothering her and so it has been a fight to even get her fruit, veggie and berry chews down her. Over the past few days she has had her seasonal head crud creep into her body. 

Drawing Bella Did At Lunch On Wednesday

She has been pretty miserable. Two days in a row every time I looked at her, I had to tell her to blow her nose because it was just running away from her. She isn’t a fan of blowing her nose either, so we were butting heads a bit. I didn’t want to listen to her sniffling, she didn’t want to blow it out, and when you get there, mom is the trump card. 

Monday during the day was a battle and by noon her eyes were purple and watering so bad she looked like she was crying all the time. We got to Monday night and I gave her some options. Sit with a tissue under your nose non stop. Blow your nose and I mean actually blow it. Or take one full dose of your chews tonight and we take a double dose of your chews (broken up 4 times to help with the chewing issue) to help your body heal.

We got to her taking her third set of chews on Tuesday and there was no more drip. We made it to this morning and her purple ring around the eyes and the watering was all gone. It was amazing to watch her body heal. The best part was, she could see it! She could tell what it was doing for her because she had been so miserable.

Today, we got to have our whole day. We were able to go shopping for the present. We were able to enjoy some meals together. We were able to go and play at the mall together. We watched a movie together. She even helped me cook today. 

Not only did we have a great day together it was the day of an awesome announcement. Last month our team played a friendly DMO game. Jack and I decided to join in. We needed a bit of a boost to get back on track after our month of February. It was the perfect time to jump in. We however were not on the winning team, but we were given kudos for being the individual with the highest monthly points. Which was awesome! Then to top it off, we got an unexpected, greatly appreciated bonus for that! Then add that our checks for the company posted today and it is the best month we have had so far. Talk about a super exciting day. 

Talk about a fabulous day. I got to see my kiddos have a fabulous day today between a birthday party, time with mom, playing at the mall, and just hanging out. Jack and I got to see that we are one step closer to accomplishing our goals with this company that we have joined that IS changing our future. I got to watch April the Giraffe (okay lets be honest, that is a daily thing, still). 

God has truly blessed this family. He has opened my eyes, my mind and my ears. I look at my children and hear them giggle and know how blessed we are. I open my front door and feel the cold air on my face and know how truly blessed we are. I sit in my chair and work while watching April the Giraffe and know how truly blessed we are. A bonus check comes in the mail because we are working a business to change this families life and know how truly blessed we are. 

God has blessed us. He blesses us many times daily! We have a story to share. You have a story to share!  

What has He blessed you with today? I would love to hear about the blessings He has been giving to your family! Share your story! The world needs to hear it!

Posted in Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden

Let Us Help Change Your Life

Change is not easy. When you decide it is time to change your life you usually have motivationJust Give Us Four Months! and determination. Then as you get going and things are not going as you thought they should, you get overwhelmed and give up. Change is not easy.

Change is something that you should give time to. This is when you should work on thinking about one change at a time. When you focus on trying to change to many things at once, failure is bound to happen. When I used to try to do it all and make everything stick at once, it would all come crashing down around me and I would give up because nothing was working! I know a lot of people like this. Change is something that you should give time to.

Change is something I have learned that in order for something to stick, I have to work on one thing at a time. Once it has become a habit and I am doing it without really thinking about it, then I know I can move on to the next thing.

We want to help you. We are looking for people who are smart, who are motivated, who are looking to change their life! Are you someone who is looking to change your health? We can help you with it. We WANT to help you with it! Are you someone who is looking to change your health and your financial health? We can help you with it. We WANT to help you with it!

It doesn’t matter what kind of change you are doing in your life. It doesn’t matter if you are changing your health and starting a nutritional product like we did over a year ago. It doesn’t matter if you are changing you financial life and starting a virtual franchise like we did over a year ago. It doesn’t matter if you have determined you want to rid your home of toxic chemicals. It doesn’t matter if you have decided the change is how you treat and talk to your family!

Change takes time. Change is not easy. Let us help you with your health and wellness changes. Let us help you with your health and financial changes. I won’t lie to you and say, 5 minutes a day and your life is going to change! You need to be willing to put effort and energy into it.

How Secure Is Your JobWhen you look at the world and see what is going on in this world what do you see? Here in our town I have been watching store after store closing. We are not talking about small hometown stores, we are talking large department stores. Kmart closed! McSports is closing. JcPenny is closing. Sears is closing. That is a lot of jobs that are going to be lost. This town has even lost factories, and they were not small. When GM closed down here you had the option of retiring, early retirement package, going to another plant (because not everyone was eligible for an early retirement package) or quit and give up all your benefits you had worked so hard for.

Then I look at companies that are not closing. I know of three people who drive trucks for a living. Two of these are local drivers, so they stay in town. The other one is an state to state driver. All three of them in the past 7 years have taken pay cuts, benefit cuts, and lost part of their pensions. I look at another company I know that sells kitchen and bath items. I personally know one of the employees there and she has been there for almost 20 years now. In the past 5 years they have required all of their employees to take pay cuts, benefit packages have been cut and rates raised and jobs cut.

Where is the security in any of that?

Now let’s take a moment and look at work at home companies. How many of them require you to carry inventory? How many require you start each month over to build up your PVC, and don’t allow you to maintain your level? How many require you get up to a certain point before you can maintain that level but will still make you go backwards if you lose customers, distributors and PVC? How many hoops do you have to jump through to make it work daily?

No matter what you are working at, job, weight loss, getting healthy, owning your own life or making your life your own – it does take work and effort. Still if you are working so hard for someone else and those things you are working for can be taken away so easily, maybe you are working for the wrong company and wrong person.

Let us help you make a change. Let us help you change your health & wellness. Let us help change your health and your financial life.

Are you looking to gain control in your life? We would love to be able to talk to you! We would love to help you. We would love to see if this is the perfect fit for you and your family.

Over a year ago our lives changed. Over a year ago we made a huge choice to take control and to own our life. It has been work. It has taken effort but we have never been happier that we made the choice. We have been changing our health and wellness and people see it. People ask what we are doing! We have been changing our financial health and even though no one can see it, we know it and we know that each bit of effort we put into the company, isn’t going to be taken away from us.

Does it all get frustrating at times? You bet! When I am having a unhealthy day I feel it all day and then the next couple of days. Then if I am reaching out to people and I am hearing no thank you or worse yet if I am hearing silence, it can get frustrating. Yet each month when the pay comes in I recall that in any MLM you put in a ton of energy and effort in the beginning for little return and end up putting in much less energy and effort later on for a huge return.

One of my favorite parts of all of it is when we go to the mailbox and pull out a BONUS check! So far in the past twelve months, we have gotten three and we are currently headed for a fourth!

Are you looking for change? We may be just what you need to help it become your reality.

Own Your Life
Own Your Health

Posted in Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home

Just Give Us Four Months!

Just Give Me Four Months!In February Jack lost hours at work because of the surgeries I had to have. Two of them were planned surgeries but the one in the middle was not planned and resulted in a lot of extra time being taken off. Here is the best thing of all, the income we got from this company helped supplement all but about $50 that was lost.

How amazing is that? How amazing is God that He placed this in our lives?

Even though both of us pretty much took the whole month of February off from truly working our business. Even though Jack had to take unexpected and unpaid time off from his regular day job. We still got had money put into our bank account from this company.

So this is what we are doing this month. We decided to participate in a DMO game with our team from this company (Daily Mode of Operation). We decided that since we felt like we lost all of our ground in February and lost touch with so many, we needed to kick it into gear. That is exactly what we have been doing. Truly when you are pushing yourself and changing what you are doing, you see where you are lacking and where you need to step out of your comfort zone.

That being said here we are starting week three and it hit me hard today what a blessing we have. We have transformed our lives. We want to help transform yours!

We are looking for Ten People who want to change their health!
We are looking for Ten People who want to change their health and financial life!

I Want To Inspire PeopleFor the last year I have been kicking myself for how long it took us to get going with this company. For the last year I have been hem hawing over really getting going. I have talked about it with others (because it just comes natural when something changes your life). I have written about it. Still we just didn’t pursue it the way we should have. That is changing.

We are looking for you and your family. We are looking for those who have tried everything and haven’t seen the change in their health they are hoping for. We are looking for stay at home parents, single parents, college students, teachers, doctors, nurses, anyone who wants to change their financial life and also their time. We are looking for you!

We want to help you become healthy. We want to help you improve your life. For years I looked for answers and never found them. There were a lot of moments I just wanted to give up and give in, but I didn’t. I just could not do it. I have children and a husband and I didn’t want to let them see me throw in the towel.

Thankfully there was someone who dripped on me and dripped on me and I finally gave it a chance. We want you to reach out. Ask us questions, let us help you! Just give us four months to help change your health! That isn’t a long time. In four months you are going to feel a difference. Every four months you are using it you are going to see a change.

It has changed our lives. Now we want to help you change yours.

Why Do I Need Four Months

Posted in Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Tower Garden, Work From Home

What We Do Matters

Happy People Create Their FutureNo matter what you are doing in life. No matter where you have gone to school or not gone to school. No matter if you stay at home or work at home or work out of the home.

We all matter. Our choices matter. Our life is important.

I have been watching facebook a lot in the past couple of days and some of the things I have seen really make you think!

I have worked outside the home. I have worked in the home. I have been a stay at home mom. I have gone to school. I have used what I learned in school. Now I do not use what I went to college for.

It has all mattered.

Poll: how many people are currently doing what they went to school for/are trained for? And do you love it, hate it, feel neutral about it? (edit: did you go to school for it early or later in life?)

💥Why do I share this? Because MY life has been so wonderfully changed since I learned…and was OPEN to…a better way. You deserve to know it too. 💫

Here is some food for thought!!

68 Macy’s stores closing. 😳
ALL Limited and Sports Authority stores closing. 😳
108 Kmart stores closing.😳
42 Sears stores closing.😳
Things to think about…
* The largest transportation provider in the U.S. doesn’t own a single car (Uber) 🚗
* The new largest hotel company in the world doesn’t own a single hotel (Airbnb) 🏨
* Amazon just passed Wal-Mart as the nation’s biggest retailer (and, much more valuable) & they don’t own a single store 💳👌

We are fast becoming an E-Commerce society. I am so thankful that I am already a part of it!

Find a company that is BLOWING UP AND GET INVOLVED!!!! Don’t say NO to what you don’t KNOW… do your research… ask the questions… DIVE IN!!! If you are curious about one of the fastest growing companies in history, I am happy to share with you!

BUSINESS IS BOOMING in the Wellness World! 🍎🍅🍒🍊🍇🍑

Remember that little project I was working on? Well, hundreds of people eating Juice Plus+ were asked to describe it in 3 words…check out what they had to say:

  • Best insurance policy
  • Changing my future
  • Experience the plus
  • Won’t live without
  • Peace of mind
  • No more meds
  • Absolutely life changing
  • Inspiring healthy living
  • Changed my life
  • So much energy
  • One healthy momma
  • Financial freedom family
  • Amazing fantastic unbelievable
  • Energetic healthy pregnancy
  • No more allergies
  • Healthier for life
  • Clarity energy stamina
  • Bridge the gap
  • No more migraines
  • No more pain
  • Real healthy energy
  • Changed our lives
  • No more vitamins
  • Best choice ever
  • Healthy overwhelming happiness
  • No more depression
  • Quick yummy meals
  • Lowest weight ever
  • Greatest investment around
  • Total life changer
  • Never felt better
  • Healthy freedom fun
  • Saved my life
  • Energizing beyond belief
  • Can’t do without
  • Lots of confidence
  • Exciting new lifestyle
  • Changed our lives
  • Health is wealth
  • Never going back
  • Kids love it
  • Living your best
  • Life changing products
  • Just makes sense
  • Best decision ever
  • One simple change

The power of fruits, vegetables, and berries!!!

~ Nancy J. Kroupa

 Loving people where they are as others have done that for me over and over again.
 Give What You've GotIt is so important to respect people. To respect their choices. It is their life. It is their choice. All you should do is love them where they are with those choices. It does not mean stand by and watch them make bad choices that are hurtful or harmful, I am talking less extreme things here.
That is what I am doing these days. I am providing information for those who are looking. I am saying it isn’t a problem if they are not interested. I am talking with them if they want to. I am honoring everyone right where they are.
I hope, that if you have an at home business or brick and motar business that you have enough honor and respect for those who come in to allow them to make their own choices.

If your friend sells Essential Oils, try it!
If your friend sells Lip Sense, try it!
If your friend sells Plexus, try it!
If your friend sells Rodan + Fields, try it!
If your friend sells Premiere Jewelry, try it!
If your friend sells Pampered Chef, try it!
If your friend sells LuLa Roe, try it!
If your friend sells on an Etsy shop, buy it!

If your friend sells whole food nutrition, buy it!

So, the next time you are walking into a Yankee candle, think about your friend who sells Scentsy & how they are putting children through college.

Next time you walk into Sephora, think about that Younique rep who has an 8 month old & is trying to buy a house.

When you shop at a William Sonoma, think about your friend who sells Pampered Chef & how they are working a 2nd job to pay the bills & build a legacy for their kids.

The next time you go into a whole food store or health store to buy a supplement or protein shake, think about your friend who sells Juice Plus+ and how they are working to help others gain health and nutrition to get out of debt and create a healthly life for her family.

At the end of the day, we’re just a bunch of people, trying to build a better life for our family, and reach for our dreams by growing a perfectly respectable business with a business model that’s been around for over a hundred years. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

I’m so very thankful for those who are helping to make my (home based) business a success, and sending referrals to help it grow. Seriously, THANK YOU 💕! I wouldn’t own this business, if I didn’t whole heartedly believe in the products and what the business model can do for individuals and families. It’s opening doors that I’ve always dreamed about.

Our family is working on changing our life with what we do best. Jack works out of theLove People Where They Are home and works two home based businesses. I am a stay at home mom who helps my husband work two home based businsses. I volunteer on Friday nights at our church and my kiddos are watching and helping now as well.

We are working hard to get out of debt, to get healthly, to own our lives, to provide for our children and ourselves. We are making life changes, simple changes, small changes that take time and effort.

No matter what you are doing. No matter how you are doing it. It all matters. Take some time to be nice to others who are working just as hard for their life as you are for your life. No matter the path they are taking to get there, they feel it is the current path they are supposed to be on.

Maybe they know there is more and they are looking. Don’t shoot them down, don’t dismiss their dreams, their hopes, their wishes. Support people where they are are, love them where they are at because what they are doing matters.

Don't let 1 person stop your dream
Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home

Children’s Health Study

Juice Plus Children's Health StudyWe started just over a year ago on our capsules and chews. One of the main things I wanted to do was to help my children. They were very much like their dad. While we attempted to eat healthy, if given a choice (or with daddy) they would pick pizza rolls, pizza, mac n cheese, chicken nuggets and hot dogs.

We did not have a lot of variety in the house unless mom went shopping! Then we added things like pineapple, apples, green beans, brussel sprouts and well you get the picture.

So one day on Facebook a friend posted about the CHS (Children’s Health Study). I was atWhat Is Juice Plus my personal breaking point and I was fed up with arguing with the kids about what they would or would not eat. I reached out to her. Found out what was really involved. Walked away and prayed on it.

Was it worth paying for two adult portions to get two free kids duos for up to four years? It wasn’t really free. The company and the rep was actually paying for it so that the children could participate. So here I was, in this huge debate about if it was worth doing.

What is the Children's Health StudyI complained on a regular basis that my children were not getting the nutrition they needed. They would take vitamins if I bought them, however it was a supplement. Plus no matter what I purchased for them, it had a warning label on it. That was a huge worry for me because my children love gummies and most vitamins come in gummy form or are like a candy. They overdose on that and I am in the ER with them.

Here was something that didn’t have a warning label on it. Here was a way to get them the nutrition they need from whole foods in the form of a gummy. They could overdose on it and I wouldn’t end up in the ER because of it. On top of all of that, for up to four years their product would be free.

What was I waiting for? Daddy to agree it was a good idea. Which he did, but it was more about me being at my breaking point than about the kiddos getting the nutrition they needed.

We are taught at such a young age that we need to eat good foods. We are what we eat. We What The Childrens Health Study Have Foundhear it all to often, and yet most of us in this world don’t get what we need from the foods we eat. Even when we are making good and healthier choices, a good portion of us supplement what is lacking from vitamins. It sounds great at the time, but if you can take a product that is from food why wouldn’t you?

Our bodies were created to use food for nutrition and energy. Our bodies were not created to break down supplements to get the nutrition you need. If we were back when our grandparents or great-grandparents lived, if we were eating farm fresh foods, eating meats we had raised and processed ourselves, very little of these things would be needed.

In 1747 surgeon James Lind realized that something in citrus fruits could prevent scurvy. In 1912 biochemist Casimir Funk came up with the term “vit-amine”. He defined it as important substances in food that are vital for life – “vita” meaning life and “amine” from nitrogen compounds found in the thiamine (vitamin B-1). Finally in 1935 vitamin C became the first vitamin to be artificially synthesized by Dr. Tadeusz Reichstein.

Why Does My Family Need Juice PlusThe interesting thing about all of that is that as you read the history of supplements, all of these people realized that it was important for them to come from foods. They knew that and believed, “Ancient cultures understood the principle that a life force within the foods of nature could maintain human health and even restore it.”

Amazing that ancient cultures knew this, understood it, used it as best as they could and then all these doctors and scientists started to look for a way to get the important nutrition out of food and create a supplement with it. Why would they do that? Why wouldn’t they work on finding a way that would keep it the same, keep the nutritional value, keep it in a form that the body can fully use?

We did join the children’s health study. It has changed things in our house. It is a slow move but when your son turns down cupcakes and fruit drink at a school party and opts for cucumbers, carrots and water you know something is working! We still are not where I would like to be at but I am so much more confident in the nutrition they are getting now versus what they were getting before!

My family still makes unhealthy choices at times. I still get upset when daddy takes them to the gas station and they come home with a slushy. Still I am happy with the progress we have had with them. They are both eating more fruits and veggies. They are both making healthier choices, even when I am not standing right there. They are more willing to try new things and even sometimes they like it!

We do have a ways to go but change does not happen instantly. Change doesn’t happenDon't Give Up On The Kiddos Future overnight. We are making small, simple changes and they do take time. I am really thankful that we have the option to improve our family’s health with real foods. We have made the choice not to use supplements if we have the option to have a nutrition label.

I could go and pick up carrots, beets, broccoli, tomatoes and try to force feed my kiddos. Instead right now we are choosing to participate in the CHS. We are choosing to pull open the pouch of orchard, garden and pull out 2 chews from each and have them eat those instead. I do not have to fight with them. I do not have to argue with them. I don’t even have to watch them, it just goes in the mouth, down the throat and I know they are getting whole food based nutrition!

We are blessed and truly thankful for this opportunity! If you would like to learn more about what is involved with the children’s health study please contact us!



Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home

Happy One Year Anniversary

Happy One Year Anniversary!We made our choice over a year ago to add the daily fruit, veggies and berries. Today however marks the year mark of when we actually started to take it. One year ago we woke up, took the capsules and chews for the first time and haven’t looked back.

This daily activity has changed our lives in ways we can’t even explain. I look back and I truly can’t believe a year has passed since we started this. How is it possible a year has passed? I really don’t know where the past year has gone.

So many things have changed for us. My skin on my face isn’t in pain, red, swollen or full of pustules. The swelling in my joints have reduced (I can get my wedding rings on and off my finger!). My favorite husband isn’t on allergy medications anymore. My favorite daughter has started to eat healthier and we have eliminated her allergy meds. My favorite youngest son has eaten GREEN foods out of 12 Months On Fruit, Veggy and Berry Capsulesthe garden and LOVED it! He hasn’t needed his lactulose, his iron levels have risen to just about normal levels (1 point away) and he asks to take them daily.

My favorite thing over the last year has been the reduction in illness time and the reduction of symptoms when we do have an illness. It has been amazing to see such a difference, in all of us. When the flu was going around, we all got some form of it, but it was short lived and so nice. When the flu came around again, we missed it. Colds have been missed or quickly gone.

This is so different than what my life and my families life had been prior to that. We would get into September and we were pretty much sick until April and then allergies kicked in. We were a miserable and avoided household! It wasn’t much fun.

Here we are now, one year in! We still have room for improvement. We still have a ways to go for health. It has been one of the best things that has happened to this family. Who would have thought that flooding the body with fruits, veggies and berries would make such a difference in this household?!

I wish I could convey well enough what this has done for us. I wish I could convince each of you what these capsules could do for you and your family. I wish I would have started them a long time ago (took me eight years to jump on board). But wishing gets you nowhere, just have to accept I have been blessed enough to have had it for the past twelve months now!

Time has truly flown by for us. Not only has it changed our health, it has changed our financial health. It isn’t anything I really ever expected to happen. I am an introvert. I am not an outgoing person who can reach out to strangers in a line and tell them about how amazing this stuff is.

Tower Garden GrowthI had done every kind of home based business out there and I was not looking forward to doing another. I signed up with Jack because he wanted the money back each month. We were already getting a discount with our essential oils, he just saw it as a wise choice to get money back from this. He of course, was correct!

Another part of this great company that does the fruit, veggie and berry capsules & chews is the indoor/outdoor vertical aeroponic growing system. We are going to be getting the tower garden here soon. Do you know how exciting it is to be able to grow our own veggies year round? I mean I live in Michigan and it isn’t like I can just put a greenhouse up and make it work. We do not get enough sun here year round to make one work. I do not want to be outside in the winter weeding (I don’t want to do it in the summer either) while it is freezing outside. I also do not want to be outside in the winter harvesting what I grow (if I could grow anything in the winter here).

I am beyond happy with an indoor/outdoor, weedless, soilless, vertical growing system! When was your food picked?How could you not be excited about having lettuce, cucumbers, brussel sprouts and whatever else my heart desires all year round?

We have changed our life over the last twelve months. We have added the fruit, veggie, and berry capsules. We have increased our movements/exercise. We have been making healthier choices with food as a family. We have been doing more as a family. Overall it has been a fabulous twelve months.

All I can say for sure is that, if you know you need to make a change in your life, this is a
really simple first step to take. Adding a capsule that floods your body with whole food nutrition is really simple to do! In all seriousness anyone can do this. It is a bit different from getting fruits and veggies from the store, because it is in a capsule. Not only that but you also are not 100% certain when the food in the store was actually harvested. I can say for certain though it was prior to it developing all of the nutrition that you really need. If they waited until it was prime for the picking for nutrition, by the time it got to the store, it would be overripe and unsellable.

Have you ever really thought about that? Pretty sad when you think about it! You think that by picking fruits and veggies instead of processed food you are getting the nutrition you actually need, but you are not. It is a better choice to pick fruits and veggies, at the same time, your nutrition is lacking. Very sad.

When was the lettuce picked that you purchased at your grocery store? Take a guess! Answer is here.

Are you looking for a change in your health and wellness? Are you looking for a change in your life financially? Autoimmune issues? Illness issues? Allergies driving you nuts?

So many things are worse in this day and age because we are not getting the nutrition our bodies really need. Here is a really simple change you can make. What is it going to hurt to try capsules for four months that could change your life?

Have you used them before? Tell me what they did for you? I would love to hear from you!

What have these capsules done for you? Shhhh don't say what they are!

Posted in Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Happy 1 Year Anniversary 

It has been a while since I have really done a face update. What better time to do it than the 1 year anniversary of being on the whole food based nutrtion. Better know as the fruit, veggies and berry capsules around here. Plus 13 months of using the natural face cleanser from Young Living! The past year has changed my face and the life of this family!

WOW is the first thing that comes to mind as I see this image. I look at my face before I started and I see so much sadness. I was in so much pain. My face was not only red, it was swollen. It was painful. I had pustules. I hated being around people. I hated going grocery shopping. I hated going to appointments. I hated going to the kiddos sporting events. I hated going to church. I hated going any place that kids and old people were (for some reason kids have zero fear and love to point out how you look and old people tend to go back to a kids mentality). I hated even going to family and friends.

I used to think hate was a really strong word. I wasn’t a fan of it. I always got after my children when they would use it. I still do actually. Yet as I think back to how I felt and who I was just over a year ago, I hated myself, how I looked and what my life had really become. Plus each time I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face or wash my hands I was reminded just how awful I looked to others in this world.

Add to all of that, my reflection from my face didn’t even begin to express the physical pain I was dealing with on a daily basis. I was not the person I had hoped to be when I was growing up. I was not the mom I wanted to be. I was not the wife I wanted to be. I was not even the friend I wanted to be. I was at a breaking point a year ago. I was on the verge of having a break down because I could not deal with all of it anymore.

After years and years and years of being in pain and no one being able to physically see it, you get worn down. I couldn’t take pain medications from the doctor or over the counter. We tried different types of things to help and thankfully some did. Most of the time though I ended up having a reaction and needed to stop. I had been using essential oils for three years at this point. They helped, a lot but there were not fully taking care of everything.

I knew I needed more health and wellness in my life, in my families lives. After breaking down, reaching out to my friend Dana, speaking with Jack, it was decided that we were going to be adding the capsules to our lives! Here we are now a year into our change.

Twelve months later: Most of the redness is gone from my face. All of the swelling is gone from my face. I could not give you an actual date of the last time I had pustules from it. My daily pain level has gone from a 10+ down to a 4-6. Our family dynamics have really changed.

We all take time to encourage each other to make healthier choices when it comes to food and drinks. We get outside in the spring, summer, fall and play with each other which is providing us with exercise. We are laughing more and enjoying each other more. We do have a ways to go still but when I look bad to one year ago, we are not the same. We have energy, we have life, we have love and we are using all of it.

We have been very blessed. We have changed our life, our health. We still deal with illness like most people have been but ours has not been nearly as long or as drawn out (thank you God).

Are you at your breaking point? Are you looking for an answer to help change you and what you are dealing with? Take just a couple minutes to watch this quick video where I talk about the changes over the past 12 months! Maybe this is the answer you are looking for. I would love to talk with you!

Posted in Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Video, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

April The Giraffe

So almost a week ago I saw all the hype about April the giraffe who was in labor and about to give birth. I thought people were nuts for sitting there watching this. Then on Friday the 24th of February I opened it up to see this mama while I was sitting at lunch with Jack. Oh my gosh, I fell in love with this girl and with GiraffeMoji

I have my two youngest who ask many times during the day how April and Oliver are doing. We pull the video up of them many times a day, if it isn’t currently streaming on my phone. Since Friday I have pretty much been attached to an outlet or plug so that my phone won’t die. I sleep with her on my phone looking at me. I wake up so many times each night and check on her. I have freaked myself out a few times because my eyes go where I last saw her and when she isn’t there, I panic. I have lost my mind over this girl.

I am putting a warning out, there are a lot of fake sites right now. People streaming from their site and not from Animal Adventure Park’s camera. People are also out there asking for donations to support April and Oliver and their soon to be calf. If you are NOT getting there from giraffemoji or their site, April The Giraffe, be warned that you could possible be donating money to fraudulent sites and not actually supporting April, Oliver and baby. 

If you are wanting to watch April, purchase clothing, support them, get the emojis or learn about any of them April The Giraffe is the site to go to! Anything and everything you want to know about them you can and will find there!

I love that we are using April with the kids. I love that they ask about her and how she is doing. I love that they ask how Oliver is doing. I am thankful that Animal Adventure Park has been able to allow this. It has been amazing and exciting. It has been educational and it has been opening up discussions with the youngest two.

Jack David has said a couple times now, “First we go to John Ball and then we go visit April and Oliver” I have then had to explain to him that April isn’t near us, she is in another state. He then proceeded to explain to me, “I don’t care. I am up for the drive to see April and Oliver.” Well good to know my little man! 

As crazy as it is these things are why we have really started to focus on our health and our business. I have not been in good health. I have not been able to get into a car, plane, train, or bus and just go. We have to make a lot of stops and travel takes a lot longer than it would for most people. I could not just sit because I would be in to much pain and discomfort to do it. 

Our business has changed our health. Our business has changed our life. Our business is what keeps me going. It has given me health. It has made it so my pain and discomfort isn’t like it used to be. I still have bad days but my good days outweighs my bad days! 

The last month of my life has been hard on us as a family. In the last 30 days I have had 3 surgeries. I have had to be in the hospital. Things have not gone as we planned. We thought it was going to be a few days down and back to normal until the next surgery. Instead I had one surgery, an extended hospital stay with an unexpected emergency surgery and then a final planned surgery. 

In the last week I have had some pretty amazing prayer warriors praying for me. Praying that this last surgery would be different. That I would have less pain, less complications and that I would be able to feel their prayers. Guess what? I have felt all of them. God has blessed me this past week, and yet I still feel as if I have lost the last month of my life. 

However even with losing the last month, I have had time to be with my children. I have had time to watch April the Giraffe. I have had time to not work the businesses but the time needed to heal and be miserable. The best thing though is that during this time, when Jack has had to take time off work without pay, we are still getting paid from our businesses and it is bridging the gap which we were missing.

I am truly thankful that I took the time to look at a video of April. It has brought my focus back to what matters in this life. It has brought my focus back to what is important to this family. We are not perfect. We are not rich. We are moody. We are human. We are silly. We are fun. We are building a life of health and education for our whole family. We are truly blessed and if you are in need of a blessing, talk to us! We can pray for you, we can talk to you. We can help educate you about giraffes and capsules and oils and prayer and its power. 

Hopefully you will take a moment, click on a link and watch a few moments of April. She is beautiful.

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Tower Garden

Juice Plus Special

If you have been putting off getting on and using the capsules, maybe you shouldn’t wait any longer. 

We are coming to the end of February and we would love to offer you the chance to get on them. We do end up doing a lot of specials, we want to help people! We know how much these capsules have helped us. We know what they have done for our family. 

We want you to see for yourself how these fruit, veggies and berries can help you! If we could gift each and every person these capsules we would. They have changed our lives. They have changed it in both health and our financial future. We would love for it to both for you, but we will take it just changing your health. 

We are creating an amazing life. We are able to do things we were not able to do before. We are able to be outside in the spring, summer and autumn without the constant sneezing and irritation from allergies. We are able to mow the lawn and not have to stop over and over and over again because the grass is bothering us so bad. We are able to play with our children in the sand, run on the sand dunes, walk out the pier and play with them! PLAY with them!

It hasn’t always been like this. We haven’t always been able to get down on their level without pain and misery. I have had some really rough years. We have been exhausted, we haven’t spent the time with children doing things like we should. We are changing that! Here is a video that talks about some of what I have gone through prior to our capsules: Misery to Victory Video

We are changing our life. We are changing our families lives. We are making our life something we don’t need to run from. We are making our life something we don’t need to take a vacation to get away from it. Do you have a life that you don’t want to run from? Is your life enjoyable and fun and what you had hoped for?

I have come to realize that even the little things can make your life not as much fun. Your health not being optimal. You having aches anywhere on your body. You not eating healthy. You not having energy. You not being able to escape allergies. 

Then for me there is also things that go with my autoimmune diagnosises. Simple illnesses last for a long time. Healing takes a lot longer than most people. That flu that is going around that is closing schools down, we got it. We didn’t escape the bug. We were however lucky that it didn’t last as long as what others had it. We had about 12 hours and everything was gone after that. 

When you are boosting your body’s immune system. When you are pumping your body full of fruits, veggies and berries you are using all that you put in your body. Our bodies were meant to digest food. Our bodies were created to utilize the nutrition from fruits, veggies and berries. Flooding our bodies with the nutrition from whole food’s is the best way to boost your immune system. 

Have you ever taken vitamins? When you take those vitamins did you notice your body isn’t able to utilize all of the nutrition from them? If you are not sure if your body is or isn’t absorbing and putting them to use look at your urine. Does it change color? Does it get bright yellow? Does it have a funky smell? It is all of the minerals and nutrition from the vitamins your body isn’t able to absorb. It has to leave your body one way or another. Easiest way to pass the 75% (average) of minerals & vitamins out is through your kidneys and urine.

In case you are wondering, my urine doesn’t change color from taking these capsules. So what does that mean? It means my body is using all of the nutrition from the fruits, veggies and berries. Why would your body be able to use all in the capsules but not all that is in vitamins? Because the capsules are literally putting food into your body. It is dehydrated food. Vitamins are not just dehydrated vitamins. They are broken down and they change form and your body can not process what they are made into.

We want to help you! We want you healthy. We want you to feel better. We want to make sure you are not wasting money on things your body isn’t even able to use all of. Give the capsules a chance. We are running a special through the end of February. Give yourself a bonus and join our family!