Posted in 2022, Bible Verse, Faith, My One Word

One Word 2022

I had never heard of One Word until I attended Bible study at Ada Bible. However, it turns out that this isn’t just a Christian thing. But for this (and I would guess most) Christian it is typically a little different because I tend to anchor our word with a Bible verse.

So, what exactly is One Word? I have seen many things but it comes down to this overall concept: To change anything in your life you need to focus and picking one word, with God’s help, to focus on and have clarity about for the year will bring you that change.

To be honest, I do not think I have ever really used it the way I should through the years of picking a word. Because, it has gotten hard. Not just hard but Satan pushing in ways that break me and I have allowed him to win over the years. And then, I finish the year without any focus on my word, or much of anything to be honest.

And the worst part is I never even realized it, until this year. Here we are only 18 days into the new year. My word is picked. My verse is picked. I have started and stuck with a new habit of writing scripture out each day. I am leading a Bible study and attending two other Bible studies. I have been doing well, to the outside world.

And yet, my word, which happens to be Fulfilled, is no where in site. My home life is in chaos. My desire to draw closer to God through scripture writing and Bible reading and studying isn’t there. Yes, I am doing both of them. Yes, I am getting in depth with both of them. Yes, I pray for God to light a fire within me for His Word. And still, so many things are going wrong.

Do you want to know what all of these things are telling me? Satan is working overtime my life. This has got to be a fabulous year that I will be feeling Fulfilled in all aspects of my life. I mean, normally the devil gives me a little bit of time. Typically I am pretty focused on the word for a good 4-6 months and then it goes downhill. And here we are not even out of January and I am being hit hard.

My favorite hat says, “Not Today Satan” and I often say it out loud. I even, at times, open a door or window and tell him to get outta my house!

So, what if you want to give up making resolutions and just focus on One Word for your year? How do you decide on a word? How do you even begin or know where to start?

There are a lot of blogs out there and websites that have lists of words to help you get started. But this is what I have done.

  1. What went on in the past year? Was there something that really stood out that I wasn’t happy with?
  2. I typically have a couple words in mind at this point and I pray over them. I flat out ask God to give me a clue as to what word I need in my life. Where do I need to focus so I know it is coming from Him and not me.
  3. Once my word is chosen I start digging into Bible verses. Sometimes they have the word in it and sometimes it does not but it hints at it.
  4. I write both the word and the verse down. Commit it to my heart. This year I also committed it to God that I would focus on this all year and not allow other things to get in my way.
  5. I share it. I don’t have to but I am hoping it will help with the commitment to keep it in my forefront all year long. When you have an accountability partner who can say, “Hey what has God done with you and being fulfilled lately?”

Are you going to pick a word for the year? I would love to hear what yours is!

Posted in Bible Verse, Devotion, Faith

Coming Home

As a believer living in a this world it is easy to become jaded and miss what gifts God blesses me with daily. I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart and each day I have the Holy Spirit who is giving me the guidance I need to navigate this broken world. But there are still times that my focus is on this world and not Christ.

Luke 15:20-24

When I wake up each day I try and start by give thanks, praise, and gratitude to God. It doesn’t matter if it is something simple like being able to wiggle my toes or if it is something huge like having a roof over my head. I find when I start my day with giving thanks I focus on the good things just a little longer. 

But as each day goes on, I tend to lose site of Jesus. I rush around trying to accomplish all the things on my to-do list, which is never ending. I become impatient as the person in front of me on the road is going 5 MPH slower than the speed limit. I ask my family to do something and then I have to ask again, and again, and again. And by that point I am frustrated, impatient, and yelling. I get overwhelmed with trying to keep appointments, meals, plans, and life all straight and in order. 

And at the end of each night when I crawl into bed and reflect upon my day, more often than not I am not proud of who I was, what I thought, the words I said, or even what I accomplished. 

At the end of each night, Jesus embraces me.

Then I look up and I see the Father running towards me. His arms wide open, tears streaming down His face. When He reaches me He embraces me. He is filled with love, compassion, hugs, and kisses. And once again He says, “We must celebrate with a feast! For you, my child, were dead and has now returned to life. You were lost, and now you are found.”

I am reminded that Jesus is the way and the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Him. That nothing I do will make Him love me less and nothing I do will make Him love me more. But thankfully each day, I am able to start over because of God’s grace and I get to come home to Him and so do you.

Luke 15:20-24 (NLT)
“So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son.
“But his father said to the servants, ‘Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.’ So the party began.
Lamentations 3:22-24
Lamentations 3:22-24 (NLT)
The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!”