Posted in Body, Essential Oils, Financial, Getting Healthy, Giveaway, Mind, Passing Info On, Recipe, Spiritual, Young Living Essential Oils

Frizzy Hair – No More

I am sure most women and maybe even some men can related to the whole frizzy hair thing. Especially anyone who has curly hair! Add some moisture to the air and all bets are off with control being there!

My Bella’s newest thing is straight hair. I guess it isn’t that new but she was blessed with curly hair Frizzy Hair No Morelike I was. Funny thing is I never thought to buy a straightener in my life! I thought about using chemicals on my head to make it straight. Actually I don’t think I can say I just thought about it, I believe I tried it. But never crossed my mind to just buy a really simple product out there called a hair straightener. That is until about 2 years ago when one of my best friends cousins was at her house doing hair. I went over for a hair cut and she used one on me! WOW – I had to get one of those!

You know what happens when you get a new “toy” in the house? Well in my house my daughter wants it and wants it done right this second.

Still even with us now occasionally straightening our hair. Even with us using store bought products
to try and help keep it straight. That natural curly hair texture and frizziness just comes out.

So now we use a natural product main with 3 things:

  1. Fractionated Coconut Oil
  2. Distilled Water
  3. Young Living Lavender Essential Oil

Occasionally I make it four things and add YL Cedarwood EO to it.

So we use this for when we have straight or our natural curly state. It is all natural. I do not have to worry about it putting toxic chemicals into myself or my family.

We may not be 100% toxic chemical free but each and every day we as a family are getting closer and closer to it. We are focused on our health as a family and that means a lot of things. We have stopped looking at size as a way to judge our health; have you stopped looking at that yet? It was the best thing we did as a family!

Be sure to register today (Just think if you are the winner you already will have 1 of the three needed items for this!):

Click -> August 2016 Giveaway

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.



Posted in Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On

August 2016 Giveaway

Who is ready for a giveaway? We are giving away 2 Young Living Essential Oils! You can enter each day for free plus you can earn up to 5 additional entries!

August 2016 GiveawayDon’t miss out on the chance to win a 15ml Lavender and Peppermint essential oil from Think One Change!

Additional Entries Include:

  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Comments
  • Subscription

We get really excited when we are able to give away products! While we may not be able to help everyone we want to, we can help at least one person a month with a giveaway!

Be sure to register today:

Click -> August 2016 Giveaway

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.

Posted in Getting Healthy, Memories


Sitting in my chair this afternoon all of a sudden I could smell a familiar and beautiful scent. It was rain that was coming.

I could feel myself wrapped in His arms this afternoon and it was just what I needed.

You see I know that not everyone ha the gift of smelling and knowing the rain is coming. For me it is a pretty amazing gift from God to me.

I’ve been pretty down this week. So many things have not been going my way. I haven’t been spending enough time in Bible study and with Him.

I wanted to throw the towel in this morning for everything. I wasn’t feeling Him. I have been feeling defeated about a lot.

So while sitting this morning I was attempting to do Bible study and it wasn’t going well. I opened up email and saw that a post of mine had been reposted. I opened it and read my post. It was just what I needed.

Amazing how God can take a day that feels like it is awful and He can throw reminders at you all day so you recall He loves you.

Can you smell the rain? What is a one of the reminders He sends to you?

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Work From Anywhere = A Bike!

So here is a bonus for me for the work I have been doing from home and anywhere and everywhere!

Not only have we been sharing our health, mind and spiritual journey, we have been working with customers and other reps to get their health journey going! So now we are adding that we have a financial journey we are on. It is so awesome and God really is so good!

As of yesterday I am down 20.2 pounds from where I started. As of the 8th it was 4 months from when we placed our first order of Juice Plus (our next order is on its ways to us now)!

Thanks to us being able to work anywhere, it has provided me with a new form of exercise! I will be able to ride the bike while camping. I will be able to go on bike rides with the kiddos while we are at home!

We have been very blessed by God and for that I am very grateful! I spent about 30 minutes tonight riding in a circle in our court with the two youngest!

I love that what we are doing in our family is providing in so many ways! We can take a week off and do not work and we still make an income and improve our health. We can go away for a week and work while on vacation and still improve our health.

How can I help you get to where you want to be? I would love to talk to you! I would love to help in anyway I can. Do you need to improve your overall health? Do you need to improve your spiritual health? Do you need to improve your financial health?

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

Posted in Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On

Red, White & Blue Giveaway

We are doing our July 2016 Giveaway a little earlier than normal but I am excited! It is always fun when we are able to celebrate something with a giveaway! So we are going to celebrate America and what it has meant for us!

July '16 Giveaway

Click Here –> July 2016 Giveaway

Make sure you come back daily to at least register with your free entry!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Passing Info On

Lets Learn About: YL Lemon EO

Here is a little bit of education. I was told one of the best ways to learn about a specific oil is to study it for a week and by the end of a year you will have taken the time to learn about 52 essential oils in depth.

Lets Learn About LemonWhat a great idea. While this post is not completely in depth it will give you some general knowledge that you can expand upon if you choose to!

Please keep in mind that in the post I am talking about Young Living Essential Oil. I am not talking about any other brand that may be out there! I only trust one EO company and that is whom this post is about!

Lemon can be diffused, directly inhaled and applied topically. Some of the things we use it for around our home would be:

  1. Diffusing when the dogs come in wet. Get that YL Lemon EO going so that I don’t have to smell wet dog.
  2. Use to polish jewelry with a soft cloth.
  3. Use it to get sticker residue off.
  4. Add it to Young Living Household Cleaner for a more prominent lemon smell
  5. Add to a load of laundry to help brighten up your white clothes.

Lemon Vitality can also be used as a dietary supplement. Some of the things we use it for around our home would be:

  1. Adding a drop or two to our glass (only use EO’s in glass) water bottle.
  2. Use it when you are cooking! Poultry is a favorite of mine. Also I make a killer cheesecake with Lemon Vitality! Amazing!
  3. Put a drop or two into a capsule and take up to three times a day.
  4. Make our own teas with it instead of using a tea bag.
  5. I have been adding it to my Greek Yogurt. Oh my gosh talking about goodness! Plain yogurt you can do so much with but when you add a drop of YL Lemon EO to it – heaven!

Lemon Facts

What are your favorite uses for lemon essential oil? I am always in awe when I learn something new about an essential oil so teach me! What do you know about lemon that I don’t!

 Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.


Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Recipe

Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Well I have used hand sanitizer for a long time now. There are a few things I am not fond of when it comes to it:

  1. Some of them make your hands really dry; actually I haven’t found one that hasn’t dried my hands out
  2. Some of them make your hands feel really sticky or tacky and I really hate that feeling
  3. Some of them don’t do what they should be doing

So when we started to use Young Living and then started to get on other sites I was seeing all these recipes for homemade. We have tried a few of them but still a lot of them still used alcohol in them!

Homemade Hand SanitizerWhat is the point people? It isn’t saving you money to make your own that dries your hands out because then you are still investing in lotion to hydrate your hands! Pish Posh

So we have since been doing four different variations but basically it is the same. These are a gel and would be something you would squirt out of a bottle. We have another one that is more like a spray, but we will save that for another day. Both do what I would like it to do and both do not dry my hands or anyone else in the family.

Homemade Hand Sanitizer – Gel Option 1

1 Cup Aloe Vera Gel
1 Tablespoon Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
30 Drops Thieves Essential Oil

Mix well and store in glass jar. Put in 2 oz. squeeze
tube/bottle as needed.

Homemade Hand Sanitizer – Gel Option 2

2 Tablespoons Aloe Vera Gel
1/8 Teaspoon Vitamin E Oil
10 Drops Thieves Essential Oil
5 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
1 Tablespoon Water

Mix all ingredients but water in a 2 oz. tube/bottle.
At end add the water and shake again.

Homemade Hand Sanitizer – Gel Option 3

3 Tablespoons Aloe Vera Gel
1/2 Tablespoon Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 Teaspoon Vitamin E Oil
16 Drops Thieves Essential Oil
8 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
8 Drops Citrus Essential Oil (any kind)

Mix everything together in a bowl and then add to a small jar or a 2 oz.
squeeze tube/bottle.

Homemade Hand Sanitizer – Gel Option 4

This is a do not measure running out the door option when I find I have run
out and am in need of something quickly:
Pure Aloe Vera Gel
Vitamin E Oil
Thieves Essential Oil

Take 2 oz. squeeze tube/bottle. Fill about 2/3rds of the way with Aloe Vera Gel.
Next add Vitamin E Oil. Put in about 15 drops Thieves Essential Oil. Top off
with water. Shake and Go!

Do you have a favorite? Do you use different essential oils? Have you ever made a homemade hand sanitizer? If not what is stopping you?

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.


Posted in Education, Memories, Passing Info On, Video, Young Living Essential Oils

Soccer In The Sand – Grand Haven – 2016

What a weekend! We had sun, fun, family, friends, sand, soccer, water and exercise!

Soccer In The SandBella was on a team this year, her first year. They made it to the finals and came in second place!

We got a great workout with just walking to and from the courts from the car (If you know Grand Haven beach, the courts went from the Pier all the way down to Bill Mar restaurant). I think we went back and forth a few times to get everything to our spot in the sand. Then the same amount for trips back to the car when we were done.

It was hot out. The sun was relentless. The kids played in the water in the sand. They made bonds with others on the team. For the team themselves they were exhausted and accomplished by the time the last game was over on Sunday.

The two prescription medications I take do not mix well with the sun, so I am not looking or feeling the greatest at this point.

So not only did the children have a great workout from all the walking as well they placed soccer in the sand!

Now I know some people run on the beach, walk on the beach and it is a great workout! Maybe picking running back up and doing it on the beach would be a great option. Soft sand, great workout, automatically cooled off by the waves, and peace and calming from God’s glorious world around me!

What did you do this weekend? Did you have fun outside? Did you get a workout or two in? Did you relax and just have a peaceful time with family and friend? Did you get to have some alone time? No matter what you got to do, I pray that it was a wonderful time for you!

Want to see the girls in action? Here is a video that you can go and watch the U8 Sand Angels play soccer in the sand! I would like to say that Bella was exhausted by the time the last game got there! I am beyond thankful that we started Juice Plus about 4 months ago now! She has so much more energy, I can’t even imagine what it would have been like if she had been without the Juice Plus! I might of had to put her on my back and play the game for her! Plus thank the good Lord that we had Ortho Ease and Ortho Sport to put on her legs before she went to bed on Saturday night and again before we took off on Sunday. There is nothing like natural help that was put here by God! We were able to use non-toxic chemicals to help rejuvenate and rebuild her body (and mine).

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Play Like A Kid

Sometimes you just have to get down on the kiddos level and play with not. NotPlay Like A Kid watch them. Not make them play something you want to do. Get down on their level and play with them!

Last year at this time we were a couple days away from heading down to Florida to go to Disney World. Truth is as much as I was looking forward to it, I was also dreading it. I didn’t have energy. I was always in pain. But I wanted to be with them. I wanted to play with them. I wanted to go on the rides with them!

So that is exactly what I did. I was in pain. I was playing with them. I was on their level. I was swimming with them. I walked with them. I smiled through it all.

It was a great time. It was fun and exciting and it will never be forgotten.

How awesome would it have been though if I had not be in pain?! If I had been able to play like a kid, on their level and still be smiling and it not being a fake or forced smile?!

Here I am this year playing with my kiddos and it is nothing like it was a year ago! Those are real smiles. Those are real laughs. There was no stunt doubled used in the filming of that! It was all me.

They loved that I was doing what they were doing. They continue to ask for us to go back and do it again. They loved that mommy was playing like a kid on the playground with them! I loved doing it for them.

Sometimes the best thing you can do for your kids, is to be a kid and to play with them. Get down on their level. Get down and play with them. Have fun with them. Do the things they love to do and do it with them.

You will never regret doing things with your children, for your children and for yourself. Talk about being the sunshine in your day! My children have always been my sunshine and now I am hoping God has blessed me so that I am their sunshine!

PS – not only is it great to do that to create memories with your children it is also great exercise for you! Get your workout in while you create memories – nothing is better and more priceless than that!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.


Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Memories, Passing Info On

Animals and Essential Oils

I would like to say that I am a believe in essential oils. Not only do I use Young Living on our furless family, I use them on my furry family.

Alternative Treatment for PetsIt has been very helpful for out animals. Especially during firework season. Being able to help calm them is something I think we all appreciate! Especially our fearful pups and kitten.

Here is a great video to show how they can be utilized:

Home Remedies:Essential Oils In Dogs-Dr. Tom Pfafman at the Integrative Vet Med Center

Now Dr. Tom Pfafman isn’t near me but I wish he was! I hope you find something interesting and useful!

One thing I do want to say is that the reporter said you can get these EO’s in a store or online. No you can not buy Young Living in a store – Young Living is a company that you can only (should only) purchase from the Young Living website. You sign up either as retail  customer or wholesale member!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.