Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home

Children’s Health Study

Juice Plus Children's Health StudyWe started just over a year ago on our capsules and chews. One of the main things I wanted to do was to help my children. They were very much like their dad. While we attempted to eat healthy, if given a choice (or with daddy) they would pick pizza rolls, pizza, mac n cheese, chicken nuggets and hot dogs.

We did not have a lot of variety in the house unless mom went shopping! Then we added things like pineapple, apples, green beans, brussel sprouts and well you get the picture.

So one day on Facebook a friend posted about the CHS (Children’s Health Study). I was atWhat Is Juice Plus my personal breaking point and I was fed up with arguing with the kids about what they would or would not eat. I reached out to her. Found out what was really involved. Walked away and prayed on it.

Was it worth paying for two adult portions to get two free kids duos for up to four years? It wasn’t really free. The company and the rep was actually paying for it so that the children could participate. So here I was, in this huge debate about if it was worth doing.

What is the Children's Health StudyI complained on a regular basis that my children were not getting the nutrition they needed. They would take vitamins if I bought them, however it was a supplement. Plus no matter what I purchased for them, it had a warning label on it. That was a huge worry for me because my children love gummies and most vitamins come in gummy form or are like a candy. They overdose on that and I am in the ER with them.

Here was something that didn’t have a warning label on it. Here was a way to get them the nutrition they need from whole foods in the form of a gummy. They could overdose on it and I wouldn’t end up in the ER because of it. On top of all of that, for up to four years their product would be free.

What was I waiting for? Daddy to agree it was a good idea. Which he did, but it was more about me being at my breaking point than about the kiddos getting the nutrition they needed.

We are taught at such a young age that we need to eat good foods. We are what we eat. We What The Childrens Health Study Have Foundhear it all to often, and yet most of us in this world don’t get what we need from the foods we eat. Even when we are making good and healthier choices, a good portion of us supplement what is lacking from vitamins. It sounds great at the time, but if you can take a product that is from food why wouldn’t you?

Our bodies were created to use food for nutrition and energy. Our bodies were not created to break down supplements to get the nutrition you need. If we were back when our grandparents or great-grandparents lived, if we were eating farm fresh foods, eating meats we had raised and processed ourselves, very little of these things would be needed.

In 1747 surgeon James Lind realized that something in citrus fruits could prevent scurvy. In 1912 biochemist Casimir Funk came up with the term “vit-amine”. He defined it as important substances in food that are vital for life – “vita” meaning life and “amine” from nitrogen compounds found in the thiamine (vitamin B-1). Finally in 1935 vitamin C became the first vitamin to be artificially synthesized by Dr. Tadeusz Reichstein.

Why Does My Family Need Juice PlusThe interesting thing about all of that is that as you read the history of supplements, all of these people realized that it was important for them to come from foods. They knew that and believed, “Ancient cultures understood the principle that a life force within the foods of nature could maintain human health and even restore it.”

Amazing that ancient cultures knew this, understood it, used it as best as they could and then all these doctors and scientists started to look for a way to get the important nutrition out of food and create a supplement with it. Why would they do that? Why wouldn’t they work on finding a way that would keep it the same, keep the nutritional value, keep it in a form that the body can fully use?

We did join the children’s health study. It has changed things in our house. It is a slow move but when your son turns down cupcakes and fruit drink at a school party and opts for cucumbers, carrots and water you know something is working! We still are not where I would like to be at but I am so much more confident in the nutrition they are getting now versus what they were getting before!

My family still makes unhealthy choices at times. I still get upset when daddy takes them to the gas station and they come home with a slushy. Still I am happy with the progress we have had with them. They are both eating more fruits and veggies. They are both making healthier choices, even when I am not standing right there. They are more willing to try new things and even sometimes they like it!

We do have a ways to go but change does not happen instantly. Change doesn’t happenDon't Give Up On The Kiddos Future overnight. We are making small, simple changes and they do take time. I am really thankful that we have the option to improve our family’s health with real foods. We have made the choice not to use supplements if we have the option to have a nutrition label.

I could go and pick up carrots, beets, broccoli, tomatoes and try to force feed my kiddos. Instead right now we are choosing to participate in the CHS. We are choosing to pull open the pouch of orchard, garden and pull out 2 chews from each and have them eat those instead. I do not have to fight with them. I do not have to argue with them. I don’t even have to watch them, it just goes in the mouth, down the throat and I know they are getting whole food based nutrition!

We are blessed and truly thankful for this opportunity! If you would like to learn more about what is involved with the children’s health study please contact us!



Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Vacation, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Happy Anniversary!

That is right. As of this week my family has been on Juice Plus for eight months! We have been making healthier choices for eight months (for the most part). We received our last shipment to make it a full year. What you are looking at is our four month supply of Juice Plus (minus the Complete shakes because those do not last me four months).

Juice Plus has been on my mind and heart for a long time now. Almost eight years. It took a long time for me to finally pull the trigger and get here. So thankful I finally did that in March!

Jack and I participate in the Children’s Health Study with Bella and Jack David. What we are doing for that is we get the children’s portion (orchard/garden) for free for up to four years as long as there is an adults purchased. Do you know what has happened in the last eight months with our doing the CHS?

My children are making healthier choices. They drink more water. They pick fruits over sugars. They still indulge at times but for the most part they are picking healthier things to eat. They are trying more veggies. Prior to this dinner time was a nightmare. It isn’t better every day at this point but it is much better than it was. I used to have to fight with them to take a single bite of a veggie. Now they are eating about a tablespoon of veggies at a time. It might be small progress but after just about eight years with Bella and four years with Jack David I will take baby steps! Happy Anniversary to us!

We make healthier choices as a family. We are outside doing more together. We have more energy. We go on walks. We go on bike rides. I get out in the yard and play soccer with them. We run up and down our big hill and have races. We are having an enjoyable time as a family. We went out to the lake this summer four times. Not only did we go to the lake, we walked out to the pier, we ran up and down the sand dunes and we have a pleasant time together. Happy Anniversary to us!

It has been eight months of my face not hurting. It has been eight months of my face getting less red and less bumpy. It has been eight months of less overall pain in my body. It has been eight months of my nails getting stronger. It has been eight months of having more energy. It has been eight months of me being more active. It has been eight months of me being happier. It has been eight months of me having smiles. It has been the best eight months I personally have had in over ten (plus) years! Happy Anniversary to us!

I am really excited that we are going into our final four month shipment. By the time we finish these four months we will have been on Juice Plus for a full year. It is so hard to believe it will be a full year. I truly can not wait to see where it takes us.

We are going to Disney World again next year. This time I am really excited about it. I will have energy. I will weight less. I will not be unprepared and out of shape. I will be happy and keeping up with my children. I had a great time last time we went but I was always in pain. My whole body hurt 24/7 and even though it was my happy place and a fabulous vacation, I overall was miserable. I can’t wait to head to Florida next year and to step into Disney World and be able to enjoy it!

Life has changed for us over the last eight months. I am very excited to see where it is going to take us. My body still has a lot of healing to do. I have beat it up for 41 years now! That is a long time to beat yourself up! 🙂 However I am now on the path of health, wellness and healing. Things don’t just happen overnight. It would be amazing if that was the case but I’ll take what I get.

Do you know what else Juice Plus has done for us over the past 8 months? It has provided extra income. We decided to do it as a business if we were going to use it. I am really happy we did. We are not only changing our health, we are helping others to change theirs! Do you know how excited that is?! For me it is really excited. I actually took time over this past week and wrote a thank you to all customers we have had over the last eight months! Thank you for trying it even if it didn’t work (we had some people who had food allergies they didn’t know about until they tried Juice Plus). Thank you for caring about your health and wellness. Thank you for being a dedicated customer.

I really do care about you and your health. I really do care about your family and how they are doing. I really want you to feel better, even if it doesn’t include Juice Plus or Young Living! You live near me and need someone to walk with? Let’s go! You live near me and need someone to keep you accountable? Let’s go! You don’t live close and still want my help? Phone call, text, facetime, facebook messenger call? Let’s do it!

I believe in you. I believe in your well being. I want you to be happy. I know what it is like to be miserable. I still have bad days but you know what, 90% of my days are 70% better than they have been in a long time now. I want that for you as well!

Juice Plus has given our family a new outlook over the past eight months. We have had our lives changed. We are happy with this eight month Happy Anniversary!

What can I help change for you over the next week, month, year? How can I help you be happier? How can I help you and your health?

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Think One Change links are most of the time an  affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

No Sugar Bugs

So my Bella has bad teeth. She was born with reflux and her teeth developed brown spots and soft spots. Our amazing Dentist has been monitoring them since she was around 3. We have had to fill a couple of brown/soft spots because they broke through the surface.

Last October I took the three youngest in for their cleanings. Two got a clean bill of health and could just come back in April for a cleaning and one of them had two spots that were breaking through and would need to be filled at the next appointment.

So when I scheduled Bella’s appointment I made sure there was enough time for cleaning and fillings.

April got here and my oldest son went but the youngest two were sick. Then I never called back and rescheduled their appointments.

Fast forward through the summer months where I avoided the phone calls when they would call. Then would proceed to write myself a note to call them and stick it in my planner and realize after hours I never called. Call and leave them a message only to avoid their call again when it would ring.

This past week I set up all three of the younger ones with appointments. We are technically 53 weeks past the littles last appointment. I just scheduled a cleaning for both of them and figured I would set up her fillings for next week.

Guess what? No more soft spots*! The brown spots are still there but no soft spots. Let me also say my children are not the best at brushing teeth either. Over the past year we probably have had about 80% of them that didn’t include toothbrush to mouth contact.

There is only ONE thing that has changed in this time and that is we have added Juice Plus to our daily diets! It is filling the gap from what we are missing and what my children have not been doing. They have been drinking more water. They are making healthier choices in the snacks and foods they pick. They are branching out and trying new things.

If we only make one change for the next few years I will take it! The thing is while we have only made ONE change in what we are doing, my children and my family are making other healthier choices and most of the time they don’t even realize it!

Best thing of all is we are currently participating in the Children’s Health Study. If you haven’t heard about it here are the basics on how it works:

The way the Children’s Health Study works is simple. For every parent, grandparent, or other adult that signs up as a Juice Plus+® customer, the study provides Juice Plus+® Orchard Blend and Juice Plus+® Garden Blend free to a child, teenager, or college student for up to four years. At various intervals — after 4-8 months and then at the end of each year — adult participants are asked to fill out a voluntary survey to determine whether (and how) their families’ health habits have changed as a result of taking Juice Plus+®.

[Information from Juice Plus site]

Interested in learning more or becoming involved in the ongoing CHS? I would love to talk to you!

*This does not mean that you can just take Juice Plus+ and not brush your teeth and have zero cavities. What this does mean is this time Juice Plus+ helped Bella’s gums and mouth, this time. 

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Think One Change links are most of the time an  affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Posted in Education, Memories, Passing Info On

Lisa’s Story

Let me tell you all about Lisa. She is an amazing lady I have had the pleasure of getting to Lisa's Storyknow thanks to our woman’s Bible study! She found us one day when it was a bad day for her. I would have said a long time ago, she found us on accident but the truth is she found us just when she needed us. God lead her to us and for that we are very thankful!

She started to have some health issues a while ago. She went to see her doctors and then her doctors started to send her to specialists. About a year ago she was finally diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

We had hoped as her church family that getting a diagnosis would help. It seemed though that her treatments and the MS were causing her more complication. She ended up having to stop working.

The second half of last year she spent more time in the hospital than out, or so it seemed. She was losing her eye sight. She was having issues walking.

The beginning of this year seemed to start much the same way that the end of last year closed. She started another symptom and the doctors were not sure what was going on. It was swelling and painful to touch. Looked to me like she had shingles on her head and face and eye (I have had shingles before and so I felt super sorry for her). She ended up having to go to the U of M to figure out what was going on because it seemed her Doctors were stumped. Turned out a good portion of the symptoms she was having were from a treatment she was on.

A little over a month ago she started taking Juice Plus capsules. She enrolled her daughter in the Children’s Health Study; which meant she had to purchase the parents portion. This was all for her daughter, not for Lisa. Her daughter deals with headaches and has other things going on so we were hoping it would help give her some relief.

Today she got the best news she could ever get! She is able to go back to work part time! Her treatment was reduced some today. Her levels are within normal range. Her typical treatment lasts for 6 hours and today it was 3 hours!

She actually reached out to me to see if I could go and pick her up because her ride was still at work. It was the best thing ever!

Lisa is working on healing her body from the inside out! She is feeling better. She has more energy. She is able to accomplish more on a daily basis. She even shared with me when I picked her up that she hasn’t had to take a nap in the afternoon!

God is so good for putting health and wellness in our lives! He has given me the ability to share with others and He is using me for His purpose!

I will be forever grateful for the means He has been using to get our family health, happy and how He has been providing for us!

 Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

Posted in Education, Giveaway, Passing Info On

Happy Helper

Ever since we got Mindee Lou (August 2014) she has been in love with fresh fruits and veggies. No matter where she is, when you pull out a carrot, apple, cantaloup, watermelon, beans (and the list keeps on going);she is now right there with you. She sits next to you and looks at you with those adorable puppy dog eyes waiting for you to pass your treats on to her. She can’t wait for you to share with her! Carrots and apples are her favorites but honestly, if it is healthy she will gladly help you eat it.

Well ever since we started to fill the gap in the house she is always there the minute she smells them. That really was my first indication (other than the research I read) that these were real fruits and veggies. My pup who knows the real deal and loves the real deal smells them and comes running.

We fill them every Sunday night and she sits and watches, waiting for one to fall so she can grab it. She now even knows what the words mean! We keep the contains in my side drawer next to my bed. Each morning we sit on my bed and we take them together. When I call to the children, “It’s JP time” and she comes running, jumps up on the bed and sits and waits. Once Jack David did drop one, man is Mindee Lou fast! She got that gummy faster than anything. My poor little man didn’t have a chance of recovering it!

You always hear that dogs are a good judge of character! I guess that isn’t limited to just people, it also applies to health and wellness!

God has been good to us! We have been able to place natural non-toxic wellness boosters in our lives! I will be forever grateful for all He has done!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.


Posted in Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On

April 2016 Giveaway

We are here to spOIL your family again!

Let us help awaken your senses this spring with some Young Living Lemongrass Essential Oil!

Between April 14th-27th be sure to come back daily to register for free to win!

April 16 Giveaway



Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Memories, Passing Info On

Rough Weekend

We had a very rough weekend and all of a sudden I realized something on Sunday afternoon.

From Friday to Saturday I had about 3 hours of sleep. Saturday was a very long and rough day because of an accident that took place. Spent a long time looking for a missing dog and the rest of the time at the hospital waiting. Saturday night lead to not much sleep because I hit my second wind.

Sunday was church and by the afternoon, making lunch, cleaning, getting ready for the next day of school and whatever else it could hold for us.

I was feeling a bit tired by the weekend but I all of a sudden realized I still had a good amount of energy. I should have wanted to lay down and do nothing but sleep.  

Coming off the week of my gift from God I am always exhausted. Then add to it the lack of sleep from the weekend emergency and normal life. That isn’t what I wanted though. I laid down thinking I was going to nap and I laid there.

It has been a month and I am seeing so many differences! Our children are seeing differences. My husband is seeing differences.

Are you ready for changes in your life? We are so excited for the things we are seeing. I can’t wait for us to get further down the road.

We are all living a life with a ton of chemicals. Some of them are toxic and some of them are non-toxic. We are on a path right now and we have eliminated most of the toxic chemicals from our home (I am sure we have some I haven’t tossed out yet). We are choosing to be healthy. We are choosing to put our health and lives first. We are choosing to pay for this stuff now and not later!

What choices are you making for yourself and your family?


Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Memories, Passing Info On

How to Make Marriage Last

I am not a counselor. I am not a therapist. I don’t have a degree in anything to do with marriage. However I have gone through a divorce and I am currently watching two people I love and adore go through divorce.

There is a lot that people could do. There is a lot that people do. There are however some things I think are really important for a marriage to make it through good and bad times.

How do you go from wedding day to old age?

How to Make Marriage Last

  1. Communication: this isn’t just talking to your spouse. It is really listening to what they are saying. It is being honest with your spouse even when you know it will hurt them. Don’t assume you know what they are saying or feeling, don’t assume your spouse knows or understands what you are saying or feeling, make sure they can repeat back to you not only your words but what you actually meant. Do not correct their feelings or their words; even if they are not truth they are theirs. Hear them, absorb them, communicate the truth to them; but only after you actual understand.
  2. Laughter: you have got to be able to laugh at yourself, your spouse and with each other.This doesn’t mean laughing at your spouses expense, there is a huge difference here.
  3. Respect: always respect your spouse. Let them finish talking. Hold them when they are crying. Out in public and don’t agree with them? Stand by their side anyway and take it up in private. In front of your children or family and don’t agree with them? Still stand by their side and then take it up in private.
  4. Time: all of us need one on one time with our spouse. If you do not continue to date after you are married, you are missing out on a huge aspect of marriage. We all change as we age and if you stop dating how are you going to change with your spouse and keep going in the same direction. Each spouse also needs time alone or away to be with friends. There is no need to suffocate each other but there is a huge need to be with each other.
  5. Forgiveness: not only do you need to be able to forgive your spouse, you need to be able to forgive yourself. No one is perfect. We are all going to do things that hurt our spouse and they won’t be intentional. So forgive your spouse. Anger does nothing but break down what goodness there is. Did you make the mistake? Forgive yourself because when you keep on beating yourself up you are breaking down the goodness and dwelling on all things negative.
  6. Selflessness: marriage is not 50/50, divorce is. Don’t stop being the selfless person you were when you were courting and getting to know each other. Don’t stop the little things like putting gas in her car, picking a flower on the way home from work, or some kind of contact from you in the middle of the day so that your spouse knew you were on their mind. Continue to be that selfless person you were because when you lose that and turn selfish, you lose a bit of your spouse.
  7. Trust: is so hard to come by so continue to be open and honest with your spouse so that trust is there. Trust takes time and over the course of dating you learned to trust the person you were with. Continue to do things to encourage the trust on both sides. Sometimes not doing what you say breaks your trust. It can be rebuilt, but it does take a lot of time. So always continue to strive to keep the trust with your spouse.
  8. Patience: is always going to be needed. We all have our moments when we pray, “God give me patience”. Are you trying to learn a new skill from your spouse? Are you trying to teach your spouse a new skill? Maybe it isn’t going well. Maybe sports or cooking do not come easy for your spouse. Remember they want to learn, they want to do this with YOU because they love you and know you love whatever it is. Maybe your spouse has something big to tell you and is struggling to get words out. Be patient, hold their hand, let them know it is okay and wait.
  9. Love: always recall when you first fell in love with your spouse. Love is not easy. Love is an action. Love is a choice. Love is something you wake up each morning and decide you are going to do. Sometimes we feel love. Sometimes we feel blah. Sometimes we struggle when we look at our spouse. Go back, recall when you first fell in love. There are days you may want to run away. There are days you may wonder why did I get married. Go back, recall when you first fell in love. Your love as you age and grow with each other won’t always be the same but your love, if you wake up each morning and choose to love this person will always get you through.
  10. God: when you and your spouse are on the same page and husband, wife and God become one it makes it harder for anything to fall apart. Don’t stop praying. Don’t stop going to church. Don’t stop reaching out to Him alone and together. Find and stay and pray and serve with your church family and your spouse. Don’t ever let God be left at the alter while you and your spouse walk away. If He was there when the marriage started, He will always be there to keep the Three of you together, if you let Him.  
    Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. ~Ecclesiastes 4:12 

It is not always easy. Things are thrown at us in life. We for the most part are a toss away society and that includes marriages. Do not fall into that trap. Do not allow things to come between you and your love. Be strong and practice and date and never give up.

I have watched a lot lately and I do not have all the answers. Still:

I am praying for you and your marriage today, even if I do not know you personally!


Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On


Sometimes you just have to have faith. You just have to know that it is all going to work out. You just have to trust that He loves you more than you love your own children or spouse.

There has been a nudge for a while and I have been pushing it aside; you would think as I get older I would stop putting that off. Over the past couple of days I have been seriously looking at it all.

Some changes are coming. We are going to be the same but different and I can’t wait for everyone to see it.

God Always Provides

Hopefully it won’t take to long but know that God will ALWAYS provide! It may not look like what you thought it was going to be, but He will always provide.

We also have another giveaway coming up, so stay tuned!


Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Memories, Passing Info On

Spring Break Health

Well our spring break is certainly not going as well had planned. We were so excited to be able to go on walks. We were planning a walk to the library. A visit to the zoo. Playing in the yard. Working on soccer and baseball and basketball.

Spring Break

Instead we have been doing things like, reading, writing, talking, laughing, car rides, sleep overs, lunch dates and not much of the outdoor adventures!

We plan on heading over to the local children’s museum. We will find something else to do I am sure!

We are also trying to follow some of these tips about staying healthy on spring break!

What have you been doing for your spring break? Did you already have yours? Was it good weather or did you have to improvise as well?


spOILing your family one drop at a time!

If you are ready to join the YLEO spOILed Family?

Interested in learning about the Children’s Health Study?

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.