Posted in Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Mind, Passing Info On, Work From Home

Cancer, Health, Overall Wellness

Not about perfection but balance.  #thinkonechangeI wish I could say that my eating habits were perfect and I only made good choices. But I am not perfect. There are times I make really poor choices. Like today, I really wanted a sweet treat and so I ate marshmallows. While it isn’t an overall bad choice, my body doesn’t do well with processed sugars anymore. It probably never did well but I made the choice to not associate it with my poor eating habits.

I have been flooding my body daily with whole food nutrition (in capsules) and it has changed my life. I know what happens when I make poor choices and yet I still make them. Tonight my body is rebelling from my poor choices earlier today. It is crazy how fast the processed sugars now affect my body. It is what happens when you remove them from your diet.

I thought I was a healthy person. I ate my fruits and veggies each day. I had all of my servings. So why wasn’t I healthier? Because I was still making unhealthy choices. I wasFocus on the GOOD.  #thinkonechange still eating junk food. I was eating a lot of processed sugars. I was eating a lot of unhealthy carbohydrates (cookies, cakes, bread, etc.).

Not only that but I wasn’t eating a variety of fruits and veggies. I was only eating a few of each and that isn’t enough to help your body be healthy. Each fruit, veggie and berry has its own phytonutrients  that work with its own organs of the body. It was no wonder that my body was still in a broken state. It was no wonder that when I started taking the whole food nutrition daily my body started to heal and get better.

Cancer seems to run in my family. If I continued on the path I was, I was pretty certain I would end up with cancer. There are a ton of people in my life who have cancer. I wish I would reach out to them and help them. I have something that would help but just like me, they are skeptical and don’t get it yet.

Diet/Over Exercising vs Cleansing.  #thinkonechangeIt isn’t always easy to make changes, especially when it comes to our health. We just want to eat what we like. We want what tastes great. Which is one reason that I talk about think about one change at a time. Add just the good stuff and maybe when you start to feel a little better from the goodness, you will then start to make other changes.

I am not perfect but I am focusing on balanced living now. I wasn’t when I first started. Do you live a balanced life? It isn’t always easy, like I said earlier. Have you ever heard about the healthy living revolution? It is exactly what it sounds like!

It is a focus on changing your life so that you are getting healthy. Making healthier choices. Moving more. Getting enough sleep. It is about changing your life. Thinking about one simple change at a time. There is no point in overwhelming our bodies, ourShred10 - 10 days giving up things that are not serving you.  #thinkonechange minds and our lives with trying to change everything at once.

Trying to make a complete overhaul is a perfect way to give up on everything. At least for me. I used to go into something 100% with trying to make changes. It was an all or nothing mentality. It would work for a while and then I would give it all up. It was just to much for me.

It has been sixteen months since I started making changes in my life. Guess what? I have been making slow changes and each change I have made I have kept going. I am still not perfect but I haven’t given any of it up. To me that is amazing.

In the past sixteen months my life has changed. Here in Michigan it has been raining for the last three days. Do you have any idea what would happen to me prior to rainy days before I started to make these changes? Let me take  you through the basics:

  • My body would
  • img_0604 start to ache, especially my hands, shoulders, elbows, knees, feet, thighs, hips and neck.
  • I would barely be able to move without being in pain that was a 10+.
  • I would attempt to do laundry (basement) and my knees would give out.
  • I would attempt to do dishes and I would break cups, plates, glasses and anything else glass in my sink because I would not hold onto it.
  • I would not be able to hold a brush or comb to take care of my hair and would need my daughter to pull my hair up into a messy bun (because a ponytail would show it was uncombed).
  • I would attempt
    to vacuum and give up because I wouldn’t close my hand well enough to grip the handle.
  • I would attempt to cook and would either drop the food from the oven while taking it out or putting it in. I would end up burning the food because I didn’t have enough hand strength to stir the food in the pans. Little Caesars was a best friend to me (as long as someone else would go and get it.

Get rid of the doubt and just DO!  #thinkonechangeYesterday I realized this:

I have vacuumed, done dishes and folded clothes today. Then it dawned on me that today has been a rainy day. Sixteen months ago I would not have been able to accomplish any of those today without awful pain and consequences. So thankful for the ability to flood my body with nutrition now!

Do you know how amazing this is? I didn’t lay in bed making my children bring me peanut butter, jelly, and the bread so I could make them a sandwich to eat. I was up and I was active. It is because I have finally taken control of my health. I am not perfect and I still have bad days but I am so much better even on my bad days.

Our health, our wellness, our ability to protect ourselves from illness, autoimmune issues and even cancer really comes down to how we treat our bodies. What we put in our bodies, what we put on our bodies, what we breath in and if we move or not all makes a difference.

Dr. Dalzell, Oncology Nutrition.  #thinkonechange

I am not saying that you can prevent everything but if you could prevent when it started

would you? If you could live a longer life before serious things showed up in your life, would you? I know I would.

There is a woman who I had the privilege of watching talk and learn from a couple weekends ago. She is amazing with her knowledge. She has a PhD, RD and specialized in Oncology Nutrition.

She is going to be speaking on Sunday, August 6, 2017. If you are interested in hearing this talk, please send me a message. I would love to pass the information on to you!

This is our one and only life. You want to be able to enjoy it your way. Yes sometimes that means not being able to indulge in everything you want all the time. That just means you get a healthier life, a longer life, a life you get to enjoy with your friends and family.



Posted in Body, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Mind, Passing Info On

We Make No Apologies For Running A Business And Living A Healthy Life

I have been questioning who I am and if Jack and I are doing the correct things lately. Making a choice to do certain things don’t always make us popular with family and friends. That would cause me to question if it was the correct choice. I do not need their approval for the life we have chosen because we are doing it after prayer and conversations with God. We have His approval, we have Him leading the way and while I would love to have others approve and see what we see, we do not need it.

We made the choice over four years ago to supplement our income with a work at home business. We were heading one direction and we still use those products, we still sign people up but it isn’t where God was leading us. A little over sixteen months ago, we actually got on board with God and where He wanted us to go long ago. Things have still been a bit of a struggle but the best thing is, we are in sync now and we do not need to apologize for what we are doing. You do not have to agree with us, but do not stand in our way. 

Sixteen months ago we decided to change our health and join a business. Sixteen months ago, we had a lot of options in front of us to pick from. Sixteen months ago, we made the choice that our health was so important that we were going to give food a chance to see what it could do. Sixteen months ago, our lives changed.

We went with a company that makes products that are safe for all ages. We went with a company that doesn’t have a warning label on it for if you overdose. We went with a company that doesn’t tell you to check with your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, nursing, a child, on a blood thinner or any other medications. We went with a company that doesn’t have a warning label telling you it is not intended for children under the age of 18. We went with a company that doesn’t have a label telling you to call poison control for accidental overdose. We went with a company that doesn’t have a label stating that if you are under two years of age you can not take it. We went with a company that is making health a priority for all ages. 

We thought long and hard and decided we wanted to be able to help ALL people, ALL ages, and not have to worry about them overdosing because they taste so good. We truly care about others and have a passion to help EVERYONE and the best thing is WE CAN!

We used to buy vitamins at the store. We used to buy supplements at the store. I had to keep them up high, out of the reach of our kiddos, the dogs, the cats, and even us. How in the world did I ever feel safe giving my children something that could be fatal? Have you ever taken the time to read the labels on children’s vitamins? I don’t think I ever really did because if I had read that an overdose could be fatal to my children, I would not have bought them! I was just doing what I was blindly told to do, give your children vitamins because there is no way they are getting what they need from food. 

That is true, we do not get all we need nutrition wise from foods at grocery stores. We have talked about that before here and also here. So we are told to supplement what is missing from our diets with vitamins. Thankfully our family has found another option, one that if my children overdose on it all they are doing is getting more fruits, veggies and berries. There will not be the possibility of any of us ever having a hospital stay from overdosing on our supplements, because we choose whole food based nutrition. 

 There are a lot of options out there. There is a lot of confusing facts out there when it comes to health products. When you read your labels, when you choose a company (for business, health or both) do you know what you are putting into your body? Can you read all of the ingredients? Where do the ingredients come from? Do you know what the ingredients are or do you need to google them to find out? Does your supplement enter your bloodstream and is there solid research to back it up? Is there scientific evidence to prove that it is does healthful things for your body? Has the product ever been researched at all? Does it have a food lable (nutrition) or does it have a supplement label? 

Those questions are something you should always ask yourself before you start on anything. Maybe once you have read what is in your supplement and done your own research you are okay with a product. That is great but you should never just be blinded by what others tell you to do. I have done that for far to long and now that I know better, I make the choice to put our health and wellbeing first! 

Yes, we have a business but we also have our health because of it. Not everyone wants a business and there is nothing wrong with that. I do highly encourage you though to think about your health. Ask those questions for yourself, make sure you are happy with the answers you get! This is about you and your family, where are you being lead? Are you okay with using products that if your children or grandchildren get into it could put them into the hospital? Are you okay with using products that if you take to much could put yourself in the hospital? 

I know the answer for this family is, no we are not okay with that. It is really one of the reasons I love this company. I can make myself a shake and if my children want some of mine, they can have it! If my pregnant friend comes over and wants to try it, she can have it. If my nursing friend comes over and wants to try it, her and her baby can enjoy it. If my children want me to make them a whole shake that they can have all to themselves, there are no issues and they can devour it! 

We had a lot of excuses as to why we went the route we did long ago. We just followed blindly. We were told it would heal us. We just wanted to feel better. We could not afford it. These things at the store are just so much cheaper. How is it possible that product ABC could be so much different than this one. 

We have run out of excuses because now we know the truth. When you take time to do your own research. When you take time to really learn and think about what is going on and what choices you are making. You have to own what you do and what you do not do, that includes what you put into your body.

We no longer try to please others in our life by doing what they want or they suggest. We make the choices to put into our bodies actual food. What are you going to do with the knowledge you are gaining? Don’t waste it, use it and make well informed choices about your health and wellness for you and your family. 

Make no excuses for your choices. Just make sure you are asking the correct questions, getting answers that benefit you and that you are comfortable with. Be educated and informed! 

Posted in Getting Healthy, Mind

Think One Change – Hydrate

If you are attempting to make any changes in your life, that can be overwhelming. When most people who are unhealthy decide to make a change, it is an all or nothing mentality. So you decide you want to change and the next day you are going to be doing everything correct and making it work, or else…

Except that or else typically comes and quickly. Trying to change everything at once usually does not work well, it just overwhelms. I would try to get back into exercise, eating correct, drinking more water and anything else that would cross my mind (Bible reading, journaling, cleaning, etc). For me there was more than the typical overwhelming because with autoimmune issues, I would crash and burn, fast. That would lead to giving up, fast.

So what is a better way to go about changing your life? If you can’t use an all or nothing mentally what can you do? 

You can make the choice that you want to change. You can focus on making one change at a time. How long does it take to create a habit? It takes a minimum of 21 days but most people take between 2 and 8 months for a habit to truly become a habit! This information comes from a study that Dr. Maxwell Maltz did in 1960. He then published a book called “Psycho-Cybernetics” in which he talks about how it takes a minimum of 21 days to create a new habit. The key word is minimum. 

We are all created different. That means each one of our brains is unique and how long it takes to create a habit is different for each of us! That can be a little disheartening at times because certain things may be a little easier to change for a friend than you.  And yet it is one of the things that I love the most about how unique we all are.

This week Think One Change – hydrate! Water intake is so important for everyone. This isn’t an optional change in life. If you want healthy skin, nails, brain, and body you must drink water! Your body needs water.

Water is a critical nutrient for your body. Up to 60% of an adult human body is made of water. The brain and heart are 73% water, the lungs are around 83% water, the muscles and kidneys are 79% water andyour skin contains about 74% water. Even your bones are composed of around 31% water!

So what happens if you are not drinking enough water for your body? 

  • Increased Fatigue
  • Increased Weight
  • Fluid Retention
  • Muscle Reduction
  • Decreased in Muscle Tone
  • Increases Risk of Diseases
  • Increased Brain Fog
  • Increased Joint Pain

Did you know that there is an average that 75% of adults in America have chronic, mild dehydration? This is a really scary statistic considering how important water is to your body functioning properly. What are some of the reasons that you are dehydrated and have excess water loss?

  • Exercise
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • How Weather (Increase Sweating)
  • Stress

What are some of the things your body needs the water for?

  • Forms Saliva (necessary for proper digestion)
  • Helps Regulate Body Temperature
  • Needed to Manufacture Hormones by Brain
  • Needed to Manufacture Neurotransmitters by Brain
  • Body Cells Need to Grow, Reproduce and Survive
  • Flushes Waste and Toxins Out of Body
  • Keeps Joints Lubricated
  • Helps Oxygen be Delivered to Whole Body
  • Helps Absorb Shock for Brain and Spinal Cord

How much water do you need each day and how do you go about getting it? Water intake is based upon each individual, their activity levels, weight, food consumption, and medications. A good base to follow though is to make sure you are getting at least 8 to 12 cups of water each day. 

You do not want to wait until you are feeling thristy, because then it is too late, you are dehydrated by that point. The effects of dehydration on your body can last for days. Try drinking at least one cup of water each hour you are awake. That will also help you spread it out throughout the day and not feel so overwhelmed with having to guzzle your water down before the day is over! 

For anyone who is making a huge change with their health, you can figure out your minimum water intake by dividing your weight in half. That is how many ounces you should be drinking each day. Do not forget if you have already added exercise into your daily routine you must increase your water intake by approximately 12 ounces for each 30 minutes of exercise you do. 

Another way to increase your water intake is to increase your water-based foods. Here are some of the foods that are great for increase your water intake.

  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • Zucchini
  • Cantaloupe
  • Watermelon
  • Bell Pepper
  • Pear
  • Pineapple
  • Carrots
  • Mango

Please also know that if you are on medications that limit your water consumption, listen to your Doctor’s recommendations. You do not want to go against your Doctor’s advice when it has to do with medications and their side effects. I do know that some medications can cause you to retain water, which is not going to help you in the long run! 

Are you going to try to increase your hydration? I would love to hear about your plan!

Posted in Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Struggle Is Real

I tend to share a lot of what goes on in our personal life here. I can’t help it. This is who I am. I am really starting to love the person who I was created to be. Part of that person, shares and is open and real.

In Bible study we are reading the book FerVent by Priscilla Shirer.

Hi Ladies,

Last week was strategy 2: your focus.

I just got done watching church from home. This is the fourth week I have missed church, 2nd week I have watched it. First two weeks I didn’t even think about it, my focus was distracted.

Since my surgery on the 30th and then again on the 6th I have allowed myself to get sidetracked. I have stopped being fervent in prayer. I still pray, but I haven’t been writing them down and praying The Word the way I was. Why? I can’t even tell you! I have just lost my focus, allowed life to get in the way and take over and I haven’t been doing what I had created as my habit in the mornings.

I wasn’t even making excuses for what was going on because I didn’t see what was going on. That is until this mornings sermon. I have been dealing with demonic disturbances and I have not even seen it, but I can say I have been feeling it.
Here are a few of the things that have been going on since the 6th: kicking child out of the house for stealing, finding out he stole much more than I thought and has once again put our financial life in jeopardy, the lies going on in my head that I should have known and kept things safer with him in the house (mind you our door has a lock on it, everything valuable was always locked in our room even while we were home; he would have needed to break into our room to get any of it and did – our window lock had to be replaced), one illness after another, feeling as if I am not following Gods leading for Friday nights and I am over my head and I don’t fit in and shouldn’t be there, and this is just some of it.

I have been a very easy target in the last couple of weeks. Last night at 2:55 AM I was up reading, “The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1. Then it really hit me ~ the devil can not hear my thoughts, reading focuses on God but doesn’t shoo the demons out of my home. So today I am speaking verses out loud and getting the devil out of my home.

My 3D glasses are on. I know who my Enemy is. I know who has been shifting my focus. I know who is going to help fill me and bring me back to The Word daily. I know I am going to be praying The Word with the Holy Spirit.

Even reading strategy 2 and knowing all of this the Enemy came in and had a stronghold over my home! Even knowing the demons shift our focus and can manipulate and blur of vision. It really makes me mad that I fell into this trap, this manipulation, this lie and I am now fighting with the Power that is within me!

Ladies, I am praying for each of you! Praying that life’s busyness, that the Enemy hasn’t weaseled the way into your life over this past week. The Enemy is always right there waiting for a way to sneak in, especially when we are pushing so hard back against him.

Get into The Word. Pray with the Power of the Holy Spirit within you! Claim it – Believe it!

We are talking about strategy 3 next week and I am ready! My Passion is back, My Focus is back and I can’t wait to get into who I AM in Him!

Today is Wednesday and today I should have been at Bible study. I was not. Yesterday was Valentines Day and Jack and I got the flu. Jack David had it over the weekend. We thought we were in the clear and we were wrong. Started for Jack early in the morning Tuesday and for me about 10 AM. It was the best Valentine’s Day ever (can you hear the sarcasm). Thankfully for me, it wasn’t the full flu. I had the aches and pains (still do) and some other problems but I didn’t throw up. 

When you have an autoimmune diagnosis, recovery from any sickness is rough. It takes longer than most other people. You are worn out longer. You just feel it and live it for about three times as long. I am starting to feel better from the flu but I am still dealing with the pain from the stints. I attribute my quick healing to our capsules! The last time I had the flu I was stuck in the bathroom and bed for over a week. Everyone said oh it is a quick one, well quick for them, not for me!

I banished the devil from my home again today. I am done with him being involved with things in my life. I am a child of God and He rules my home! No more negative. No more disappointment. No more blurry vision. I know that the Enemy wants us focused on anything other than Christ.  

You see the every day things can get in our way and that is what the Enemy wants from us. Focus on all of the things not of Christ. Focus on things you can’t control. Focus on the illness, the injury, the unexpected pregnancy, the money, the way to keep up with your neighbor, the bills, the job, the friends, the night out, any problems that keep you from focusing on the Lord.

A friend at Bible study made a point that makes so much sense. It does comes up in the Bible, especially in Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God.”

Life is full of struggles. The question you have to ask yourself is are you going to worry, are you going to let the Enemy win and distract you from what you are called to do or are you going to pray, go to God and focus on Him?

Where are you at right now? I would love to hear about it!

Posted in Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Work From Home (Actually Anywhere)

I am going to share a secret with you. I had surgery last week Monday. I could not do anything for the week but rest and more resting. I had some complications and ended up being admitted to the hospital on Saturday. I spent my birthday in the hospital. I had a second surgery on Monday. I got paid on Monday. I got to go home on Tuesday.

What is so significant about what I just shared? If I had been working a 9-5 job, I might not have gotten paid. It is the beginning of the year. Most companies only give a couple sick days for the year. Most companies make you use vacation time if you have something like this or they make you go without pay. 

My husband and I work together. He works a lot harder than I do, but even he had to take some time off because of me. Guess what? We are not getting paid from his 9-5 job for the time he had to take off because of my hospital stay. The company he works for part time he did get paid from. 

This has become something we love. We build relationships. We help others achieve a better life from fruits, veggies and berries! We do work. Don’t believe anyone who tells you they have a work at home opportunity for you that is going to put hundreds of dollars in your bank account daily by doing NOTHING! If you see something like that RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! It is a SCAM. I will never tell you that this isn’t work because it is. However how much fun is it to talk to people all day long and work on relationships? To help educate and get people on a healthy path? 

Jack can not quit working outside of the home yet, but he will be able to some day. When we started this work at home position it was so we were getting money back from the products we were using. It didn’t take long for others to notice a difference in us though and start asking what we were doing. We had not planned on this becoming a business for us. We had planned on it being products we used and money we got back monthly from becoming a VF. There were other plans for us that I didn’t know about. 

Since joining this company we have moved up three levels. It may not seem like a big deal to some but for (me) us it is a huge deal. I have been involved in just about every work from home company there is out there. I have never made it off of the ground floor. I always invested way more money into the company than the company ever invested in me. This company is different. You don’t have to go far. You can just use the product. You can choose to become a VF for the money you get back from your product. You can also choose to help others because you want to help educate others about health and you want to build relationships! That is what we ended up doing! It was the best choice we ever made.

Do you have a desire to help people? Do you just want enough to make a vacation fund, house payment, or savings account? Do you like helping people get healthy? Do you like educating and learning yourself? Do you like developing relationships (because meeting the people on this team has been amazing in itself, but reaching out to new people and developing those relationships has been amazing!)?

Maybe you don’t want to work from home but you are looking for answers to help you and your health. We can help you with that as well!

God has been amazing to this family. We have had our hard times, we still have hard times. At the same time He has been amazing to us. He has placed this company, these people in our life right when we needed it.

Do you see that “Benefits Package”? It isn’t anything I have ever seen before from any of the work at home companies I have been a part of. Not only that I haven’t seen it before but I have never felt as if the top position was attainable. 

This company is about giving. This company is about teaching. This company is about health and wellness. This company cares not only about their employees, but those who are trying to change their lives by living the business and those who are just customers using the products to change their lives.

Are you ready to work from home? Are you ready to change your life? Talk to us because we would love to help you! 

Reach out and tell us about what you have tried before? Why didn’t it work? You have to love what you do, you have to love the products you are talking about and using! These are whole food based nutrtion, is that something you can get behind? 

We would love to talk to you! It is work, I won’t lie to you, but it is so worth it! To have the freedom to be with your children, your family, your spouse. To have the freedom to build relationships and work with others in regards to something you love. To have the freedom to work your business when you can and when you want! To be able to build up and bring in an income to help your family be free! 

I hope you reach out because this has changed our life and we would love to help change yours!

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden

Eating Healthy (Capsules) Changes Lives

There are just no words to explain how fruits, veggies and berries have changed this family. I know I have talked about some of the things it has helped with before but I want to review some of it.

I have had pain and discomfort in my face for a long time now. It has been close to 10 years. I would call myself the reverse clown face! I would smile so no one really knew what was going on inside of my head or that I had pain. I didn’t like going out in public. I avoided people as often as I could. While I know that no one said things to make me feel bad when I would hear things like, “Oh my goodness your face looks good today.” It made it even more obvious that what I thought about my face, was truth. They were not saying it looked good and it actually looked good. It was just usually that the pustules were not all over. It was not common for most of my issues to be missing. I would be missing one or another but the pain was always there. 

I started on it in March of 2016 and you can see how much my redness has gone down. You can see that I am smiling. You can see that the roughness and bumpiness has gone down. You can see the change. I have great days, good days and okay days with the redness. However what you can’t see is that I am at 97% great days for the pain level! 

My baby, Jack David has had some issues with his ferritin level. I didn’t know what that could mean for him. Last year his level was around a 24. Technically speaking it was in the normal range but for his age they like to see it around 50. They offered to put him on a high dose of iron supplements (elemental iron levels had to be taken into account) and I declined. He started his fruits, veggies and berries in March 2016. Here we are in January 2017 and his ferritin level was drawn again. He is at 49! Jack David is one point away from being at the level they want him at. It has to do with headaches, restless legs, painful legs, teeth grinding, and not sleeping well. It is a bittersweet kind of result. I am so excited with the results and his numbers going up so much and at the same time, it means his ferritin levels were not causing his nighttime issues. 

We are still working on tests to figure out what is going on with his sleeping issues. We do now know that it isn’t being caused by his low ferritin levels. It is nice to know that since he has been having his daily fruits, veggies, and berries his levels have been going up. All it took was getting nutritional essentials into his body on a regular basis. 

Bella had toe cracks her whole life. Winter, summer, spring, fall, season didn’t matter. We were always putting anything we could on them. She would sleep with socks and loaded toes. (You will not see a photo of this; I am not a foot person). They were always hurting her. They bothered her all the time because it was right in the cracks of the toes. It was only a few weeks into starting our daily dose of goodness and she started screaming, “Mommy” and I was thinking something was seriously wrong. Turned out her cracks under the toes were healing. Once we hit about 3 months they were totally gone and we haven’t had to deal with them since! Talk about an amazing gift given to us!

Here are some other amazing things. Jack has rough elbows. So rough I would wake up in the mornings and look like I had been scratched all night long by the kitties. This also added issues with my autoimmune problems. When I was in a huge flare his elbows would send shooting electrical shocks through my body. It made sleeping near impossible. About six months into using our capsules I was having a bad night and so I went to grab the coconut lotion to try and help his elbows not be so mean to me. I couldn’t find the roughness! It was in the dark and I was grabbing trying to find it and it wasn’t there. His rough elbows was like a newborn baby’s bum. 

I have had elevated blood levels for about 10 years now. One of the biggest things that has been watched is my A1C. When you are told you have a lot of illnesses and they put you on medications and give you a list of things that you can’t eat. Each illness and diagnosis would add a new set of rules and regulations and foods not to eat. I had this Dr. telling me to remove this, that and the other thing and then another Dr. would tell me to make sure to eat what the other Dr. had just eliminated but add things I was just told not to eat. At one point, if I had followed all of the “diet rules” I would have been able to indulge in WATER! 

I have had regular blood draws for the last 10 years. Just before getting pregnant for Bella I had my first diagnosed (back through records we now know it I was my second) DVT. That lead to having to be on anticoagulants my pregnancy. That lead to my life weekly blood draws. Not only to monitor my aPTT (pro-thyme level – INR)but also every three months they were watching my A1C, CBC, CMP, BMP, IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, IgD and a couple others. 

When I went in March to have my annual physical I was on the point of her asking me if I would once again consider going on pills for my pre-diabetic state. I asked her to give me six months on the capsule I had just ordered. She agreed. At my three month recheck I had only gone down a tenth of a point. It was still backward movement and I had not seen that in over 3 years now. Then I had my six month recheck and I was beyond excited! My number was GREEN! Do you know what it means when you see a green number?! It means it is NORMAL range! For the first time in 10 years my A1C was in a normal range. 


Healthy choices can and do making a difference with your body and how it is functioning. If you have fallen upon this page, you were looking for some answers. This may be exactly what you needed to see and it might be missing the mark a little. These capsules daily have changed our lives. It isn’t just my life that has changed. It has helped change each of us in this house. Are you looking for some help? Are you looking for some answers? 

We waited eight years before starting this. It was eight years of knowing about it and not using it. It was eight years of going from medication to medication. It was eight years of no one having answer for me. It was eight years of pain. It was eight years of me getting more and more unhappy and miserable. It was eight years of wondering what was wrong with me and how I could fix it. It has almost been twelve months that our family has been on this. In these months, each and every time we have a victory I look back and wonder why I waited those eight years. 

What are you waiting for? Don’t be like I was and wait eight years to see how this could change your life. 

You can look here and see what happens in the first four months of taking these amazing capsules. I know I am completely partical but you can be as well!

How can I help you on your life change today?

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Work at Home Entrepreneurs Academy

You would think that working at home is just that. Work from home and do what you want. However I have been truly blessed by this group I am a part of. Our team and a couple other teams, top members got together to create an academy to help us grow our life.

It has different parts to it. I can tell already it is going to affect my life, our work at home businesses, our parenting style, my worshiping style, and overall the way I am with others. We will have a weekly call with people who are at the same level you are in the business. You will have homework to do. The leaders have created Voxer groups to interact and learn with a smaller set of people who are at the same level as you. I am really excited about it.

I had never heard of this author prior to being told to order this book for the academy. We are reading Daring Greatly by Brene Brown Ph.D., LMSW. She is a researcher by profession and so I wasn’t really sure how her writing was going to be. She is great though. She is making me think. She is making me smile. She is making me agree. She is making me cringe. Sometimes truth hurts, what can I say.

  The leaders of the group also posted a couple extra credit things for us. Watch this video on vulnerability:

And watch this video on shame: 

She isn’t boring. She isn’t what I thought a researcher would be. She makes me laugh. Then again if you were to meet me or listen to me, I probably am not what you would think I am either. 

We were also asked to pick out a couple of things we liked from the book. There were so many but I picked two that really spoke to me.

This book is really touching on similar things to what I am finishing up in my last Bible study book. I love knowing that I Am Enough! Flaws and all, I am enough and so are you!

I was thinking back to some of the earlier businesses I have done in my life. Really I have done everything you can do to work from home. I have really learned how important it is to be doing something that you love. I was thinking about how I would print tons of fliers and go put them in mailboxes. I would bug family and friends and pray they would sign up. I would push, and push and push and I would miss something that is really important, building relationships. 

In order to build relationships you have to be open, you have to be vulnerable. You can have relationships but are they deep and meaningful if you don’t become vulnerable?

I never thought when my husband wanted to start this as a business that it would be a real business for us. I thought it would be a lot like all the others we have done over our lives. It would be something to come and go. It isn’t though. Here I am, writing this blog, here we are doing training and learning and loving what this company and these capsules have brought to our life! 

Working at home is a job. You have to work it. You can’t just join a company and sit back and collect a check. The nice thing about a work at home company, you work it when you want, when you can. You do not have set hours. You can go to take care of your grandma, your parents, your children, you can go to schools and help. You can do all the things you need to do and still earn a living. 

It doesn’t matter if you want to replace all of your income. It doesn’t matter if you just want money to put into a savings account. It doesn’t matter if you just want money to play with. When you become an entrepreneur and work from home, if you actually work at it, you can do it, if you have a passion for it.

Who doesn’t want to be able to be home with their kiddos? Who doesn’t want to work for someone else? It doesn’t mean you can start and have an instant check to cover everything plus some in your life, but it does mean if you are serious, if you do work at it you can provide an income.

I had two weeks where I was not feeling well. Guess what? I didn’t work as much as I normally do. Jack didn’t work as much as he normally does. Still in January on our pay date there was a check that showed up in our bank account. Best thing was, it was the same as what it has been. It didn’t go down. Can you say that about a 9-5 job? I guess you can if you take vacation time or personal time. 

I love the freedom that this company is giving to my family. Are you looking for something to do from home? Are you hoping to provide a little extra for your family? Do you love to learn and met new people and build relationships? Do you love having an amazing support team? Do you have a passion for health and wellness? If any of this speaks to you I would love to talk to you!

Posted in Education, Juice Plus+, Memories, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Winter Still Comes

I live in Michigan. I have some health obstacles that makes winter weather painful. I used to love being outside year round.

I live in a state that has amazing photo opportunities year round. I can drive to Lake Michigan four seasons and have different photo opportunities each season I arrive. A thirty to forty-five minute drive in any direction, in any season and there are amazing wonders and beauty to see.

A few years ago though it seemed the winters got colder and my body broke down even more. I could not tolerate the cold for any amount of time. As I got older, each year my tolerance for the cold became less and less but I still wanted to go out and play with my children.

grandpa-sleddingWe had a sledding birthday party for Bella one year. Here is a photo I put together of my dad who was taking part in the sledding part! Do you see my Dad here? He is out having fun with his children and his grandchildren! This is what I want for myself as I get older. I want to be able to go outside, in any season and be able to live my life and enjoy them.

I haven’t been able to do this. Even the day of her party, I didn’t go sledding. I walked outside and took some photos and then headed back in the house as fast as I could because I was in so much pain.

I have been avoiding living and that is no way to live! When you are having to lay in bed all the time, that isn’t living your life. I want to enjoy my life. I want to be able to walk in any season. I want to be able to ride my bike with the family. I want to walk on the beach and run down the sand dunes.

I no longer want to avoid living except for once in a great while. Of course when I did decide to live that once in a great while, my recovery would take forever and would be miserable. Put on a happy face while you are out in the world because you wouldn’t want anyone to know how much you truly suffer and go through. I am done with that!

Things have been changing since I started taking the capsules. For the first time in a couple years now I am walking the youngest two down to the bus stop again. I am not driving them to school in the winter. I am not picking them up in the car for a drive around the corner. I am walking them to the bus stop!

My life isn’t exactly where I would like it to be but it is so much closer than I have been. I never knew, I never realized how important whole food nutrition was for the body. I never realized how many fruits, veggies and berries you really need in your life!

My life is changing. My life is getting better. I still have fibromyalgia. I still have rosacea. I still have IBS. I still have IC. I still have GERD. I still have bipolar disorder. I still have ocular rosacea. I still have factor v leiden. I still have kidney stones. I still have the rest of my ABC library that I have been diagnosed with over the years. However my life is changing for the better.

My doctor visits have decreased from multiple weekly to one every few months. There are times when I have a doctor visits all at once because of things that come to light. However overall the amount of money we have been spending on doctor appointments and medications has decreased over 53%. I could not believe it when I was working on taxes! We have spent out of pocket 53% less on our medical expenses from March of 2016 when we started taking the capsules of fruit, veggies and berries!

It hasn’t even been a full year of our family take the capsules and chewables. We added the berries to the children’s daily consumption four months ago and I am already seeing even more improvements with them. I can’t wait for us to be on this for years and years to come.

It has helped me decrease my inflammation. It has helped lessen the amount of time I am sick when I am exposed to something. It has helped me get back to living my life!

I can’t wait to see where I our family is at in the years to come!

Are you dealing with not being able to live your life? I would love to talk to you, to help you see there is life out there again. There is a way to help improve your health.