Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Year End Special

We have decided to do one final special for 2016!

Start your New Year out right. Put your health at the top of your priority list. Make the promise to yourself that every day you will get in 30 plus fruits, veggies and berries!

It is so easy to do with these capsules. We can’t help but want you to start this for your health. It has changed our lives!

Order the TRIO before the end of December 31, 2016 and after your order has arrived we will send you $25!

This also includes all Children Health Study sign ups with the TRIO.

If you are looking for ways to improve your physical health along with your financial health this may be a great option for you as well!

We can’t wait to help you on your way to improving your health!

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Christmas Break

So our Christmas break here in West Michigan this year is about 10 days. For our family all it has been is sickness, sleep, recovery, bedroom time, rest, watching movies and urgent care rooms. At least that is how it has felt. 

Today started out about 2 AM with Jack David crying about his head hurting. Then around 3:30 AM with Jack David crying about not being able to breath and his head hurting. Then about 8 AM with his ear hurting. So we split duties and I went to the urgent care with Jack David and Jack took Isabella to her counseling appointment.

He has an ear infection just like mama. We pretty much hung out all day long in bed. Seems to be what we are doing around here. Our vacation is almost over and other than the first three days, we have been at home, in bed. We live a very exciting life. 

However I do try and keep us with things that are healthier. We had some homemade dairy free ice cream tonight. It is so easy to make and it tastes so good. We took some frozen fruit, Chocolate Complete (sometimes we use Vanilla), and some vanilla almond milk. 

While we were eating our ice cream we took the time to refill out containers for weekly capsules. We are filling them much sooner than normal because I have been doubling up and so have the kiddos. We don’t always make the best choices when it comes to food but we are trying to make sure we are getting our fruits, berries and veggies daily. Then if I give them little treats like the homemade dairy free ice cream there is an extra bonus they are getting!

I have been dealing with one illness after another but they have been short lived. I have at least a day or two break between where I feel better before something else comes on. I can’t even tell you the last time I had a day between germs coming and going. It has been at least ten years, that I know for sure. I know it has been even longer than that though because my ex used to say I had munchhausen syndrome by proxy. Of course he was talking about it wrong because it would not have been by proxy. What I am getting at is that even way back when, I was sick, I had things wrong and no one could figure out what was going on with me. So that was all the way back in 1997. I have been dealing with the germs, pain, constant one illness overlapping another for a long time now. 

I am thankful I have an answer to what is causing it. I am even more thankful that I have found things that help me boost my bodily systems and support those. I was just talking to a friend that it is kind of this catch 22. Before when I was in pain all the time, I was sick all the time, I was down and out all the time but I had built up a tolerance in some ways to the things going on. Now when I am hit, my tolerance has been decreased because I have been doing better for so long now. So I almost feel like I am back at the beginning when I just had to deal with it. It is a blessing though because all these things are not as bad and not lasting as long!

Another thing we did today was look at recipes and manuals for my Christmas gift, the Instant Pot! Talk about being super excited. I have been wanting one of these for a while now but kept on putting it off. I never have any ideas when it comes to Christmas presents and I knew this would be a great gift idea. 


So today while watching movies and laying in bed we were looking at the recipes that came with the Instant Pot. I got this on Christmas Eve and have been dying to use it. No excuses that meals will take to long, even if they are frozen. I am horrible at recalling to take meat out of the freezer. I think about it the night before, I think about it in the morning and it is always while I am in the middle of doing something else. Then the next time I recall to take the meat out is about 15 minutes after I should have started cooking our dinner.

Ski Team Season is always more difficult as well. I have my middle son, Adam whom is eating about 3 meals in one sitting. He is always starving and he needs healthy foods instead of here is some McDonalds or Pizza or make a sandwich. So I am really excited to be able to put this to use. 

The closest I have come to using it since getting it is reading the manuals today. Jack putting it on the counter wanting to know what I am going to cook first in it. Now I get to start my Pinterest board and start collecting recipes. Seriously this was the highlight of my day! 

Praying that you have had a blessed day and that you have been able to enjoy your Christmas break with your children. 

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

24 Hours Only

24 HOURS ONLY: $50 if you purchase Tower Garden*                                                                                                              $25 if you purchase Trio*

Ends @ 10 PM 12-9-16

We want to help you and your family! No need to wait until the New Year to start your health resolution. Your health is important to us now and we want to help you get your fruits, veggies and berries! We are currently running specials to help you get started NOW during this holiday season. We even have a program that helps your child (4-18) for FREE with parents purchase! Message us, comment or like today so we can get you started on your wellness path!

*After deliver

Tower Garden Growth

Juice Plus Chews

Did you take your Juice Plus today?

Juice Plus+

Immunity Boosting

Juice Plus Cost Per Day

Juice Plus Options

What are you missing from your day?

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice ]Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Tower Garden is the only vertical aeroponic we recommend for vertical gardens.

*Think One Change links have the potential to be an affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Vacation, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Happy Anniversary!

That is right. As of this week my family has been on Juice Plus for eight months! We have been making healthier choices for eight months (for the most part). We received our last shipment to make it a full year. What you are looking at is our four month supply of Juice Plus (minus the Complete shakes because those do not last me four months).

Juice Plus has been on my mind and heart for a long time now. Almost eight years. It took a long time for me to finally pull the trigger and get here. So thankful I finally did that in March!

Jack and I participate in the Children’s Health Study with Bella and Jack David. What we are doing for that is we get the children’s portion (orchard/garden) for free for up to four years as long as there is an adults purchased. Do you know what has happened in the last eight months with our doing the CHS?

My children are making healthier choices. They drink more water. They pick fruits over sugars. They still indulge at times but for the most part they are picking healthier things to eat. They are trying more veggies. Prior to this dinner time was a nightmare. It isn’t better every day at this point but it is much better than it was. I used to have to fight with them to take a single bite of a veggie. Now they are eating about a tablespoon of veggies at a time. It might be small progress but after just about eight years with Bella and four years with Jack David I will take baby steps! Happy Anniversary to us!

We make healthier choices as a family. We are outside doing more together. We have more energy. We go on walks. We go on bike rides. I get out in the yard and play soccer with them. We run up and down our big hill and have races. We are having an enjoyable time as a family. We went out to the lake this summer four times. Not only did we go to the lake, we walked out to the pier, we ran up and down the sand dunes and we have a pleasant time together. Happy Anniversary to us!

It has been eight months of my face not hurting. It has been eight months of my face getting less red and less bumpy. It has been eight months of less overall pain in my body. It has been eight months of my nails getting stronger. It has been eight months of having more energy. It has been eight months of me being more active. It has been eight months of me being happier. It has been eight months of me having smiles. It has been the best eight months I personally have had in over ten (plus) years! Happy Anniversary to us!

I am really excited that we are going into our final four month shipment. By the time we finish these four months we will have been on Juice Plus for a full year. It is so hard to believe it will be a full year. I truly can not wait to see where it takes us.

We are going to Disney World again next year. This time I am really excited about it. I will have energy. I will weight less. I will not be unprepared and out of shape. I will be happy and keeping up with my children. I had a great time last time we went but I was always in pain. My whole body hurt 24/7 and even though it was my happy place and a fabulous vacation, I overall was miserable. I can’t wait to head to Florida next year and to step into Disney World and be able to enjoy it!

Life has changed for us over the last eight months. I am very excited to see where it is going to take us. My body still has a lot of healing to do. I have beat it up for 41 years now! That is a long time to beat yourself up! 🙂 However I am now on the path of health, wellness and healing. Things don’t just happen overnight. It would be amazing if that was the case but I’ll take what I get.

Do you know what else Juice Plus has done for us over the past 8 months? It has provided extra income. We decided to do it as a business if we were going to use it. I am really happy we did. We are not only changing our health, we are helping others to change theirs! Do you know how excited that is?! For me it is really excited. I actually took time over this past week and wrote a thank you to all customers we have had over the last eight months! Thank you for trying it even if it didn’t work (we had some people who had food allergies they didn’t know about until they tried Juice Plus). Thank you for caring about your health and wellness. Thank you for being a dedicated customer.

I really do care about you and your health. I really do care about your family and how they are doing. I really want you to feel better, even if it doesn’t include Juice Plus or Young Living! You live near me and need someone to walk with? Let’s go! You live near me and need someone to keep you accountable? Let’s go! You don’t live close and still want my help? Phone call, text, facetime, facebook messenger call? Let’s do it!

I believe in you. I believe in your well being. I want you to be happy. I know what it is like to be miserable. I still have bad days but you know what, 90% of my days are 70% better than they have been in a long time now. I want that for you as well!

Juice Plus has given our family a new outlook over the past eight months. We have had our lives changed. We are happy with this eight month Happy Anniversary!

What can I help change for you over the next week, month, year? How can I help you be happier? How can I help you and your health?

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Think One Change links are most of the time an  affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Posted in Getting Healthy, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Own Your Life

Are you happy with your life? I mean really happy with your life? Why do you continue to do what you do? What is your why in life?

I am owning my life. As a husband and wife we are owning our life.

own-your-lifeFor a long time I really believed that if I wanted the whole world I had to let go of Christ. I could not be a Christian and have money for enjoyment. However after much discussion I know part of it is true but not all of it.

Can I live without money? Yes I have done it.

Can I live with money? Yes, as long as I am not worshiping it and I am using it for His kingdom.

Being a person who works from home allows me the time to do things for Him. It allows me to show others His light that is within me. It allows me to have more time with my children and help at their schools. It allows me more time for me to be healthy and work out. It allows me more time for my inlaws and parents.

Being a person who is making this work we are tithing more now than we ever have. Not only are we able to tithe more, we are giving more; more time, more money, and more gifts to others.

A year ago we had our first giveaway here on this site. At the time I felt like it was going to be 3 months of giving. As I reached the end of the 3 months I felt like I was being told, “Keep going.” and so we did and we haven’t stopped since that time.

That is just one more blessing we have been able to do by following His lead.

I know that when I say I want the whole world, I know exactly what I mean. I want to be able to have it all. I want to praise Him and all He has given to us. I want to show my children that you can work and bring honor to Christ with all you earn and do. You can still go on vacations and give back and be humble. You can have it all when you put Christ first in your life and hand your life over to Him.

Amazing things happen.

Do you listen to His lead? It took me a long time to get there but the last 12 months have been amazing since I really started to listen to Him.

God is so good and I am very happy we have been following Him.

Where is He leading you and your life? Is there anyway I can help you?

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Think One Change links are most of the time an  affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Posted in Body, Essential Oils, Financial, Getting Healthy, Giveaway, Mind, Passing Info On, Recipe, Spiritual, Young Living Essential Oils

Frizzy Hair – No More

I am sure most women and maybe even some men can related to the whole frizzy hair thing. Especially anyone who has curly hair! Add some moisture to the air and all bets are off with control being there!

My Bella’s newest thing is straight hair. I guess it isn’t that new but she was blessed with curly hair Frizzy Hair No Morelike I was. Funny thing is I never thought to buy a straightener in my life! I thought about using chemicals on my head to make it straight. Actually I don’t think I can say I just thought about it, I believe I tried it. But never crossed my mind to just buy a really simple product out there called a hair straightener. That is until about 2 years ago when one of my best friends cousins was at her house doing hair. I went over for a hair cut and she used one on me! WOW – I had to get one of those!

You know what happens when you get a new “toy” in the house? Well in my house my daughter wants it and wants it done right this second.

Still even with us now occasionally straightening our hair. Even with us using store bought products
to try and help keep it straight. That natural curly hair texture and frizziness just comes out.

So now we use a natural product main with 3 things:

  1. Fractionated Coconut Oil
  2. Distilled Water
  3. Young Living Lavender Essential Oil

Occasionally I make it four things and add YL Cedarwood EO to it.

So we use this for when we have straight or our natural curly state. It is all natural. I do not have to worry about it putting toxic chemicals into myself or my family.

We may not be 100% toxic chemical free but each and every day we as a family are getting closer and closer to it. We are focused on our health as a family and that means a lot of things. We have stopped looking at size as a way to judge our health; have you stopped looking at that yet? It was the best thing we did as a family!

Be sure to register today (Just think if you are the winner you already will have 1 of the three needed items for this!):

Click -> August 2016 Giveaway

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.



Posted in Body, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Giveaway, Memories, Mental Health, Mind, Passing Info On, Spiritual

I Am Worn; i am weary

Old habits die hard. I made some really serious health changes last year and then again in March. It is August and all of a sudden the last week for me has been filled with old habits. Not just old habits but old bad habits.

We are human and if you believe in God or not, we are all in the flesh. What that means for me is that we tend to see the person, their past, their present, their thoughts, their actions and we lump them into this person. I do not talk about my past a lot because for the most part, I am not her anymore and I do not want to be judged on who I was way back then. Sometimes though it is hard not to talk about the past because part of it will always be a part of me and where I am right now.

I am Worn, I am WearyWhen I had my oldest son, I was very young. My life for quite a few years had been full of turmoil. I ripped my immediate family apart. I had dropped out of school. I had defied and redefined who I thought I was. Then I was pregnant and about to become a mom.

Those years were filled with a lot of stupidity. For a long time I didn’t even raise my oldest. My parents were his guardians. I had asked them to do it and they did. Those for me were very scary years. Those were years I don’t even fully recall.

I drank, a lot. I smoked cigarettes, a lot. I self mutilated, a lot. I was very sexual. I was not the brightest person. I can say during those years I didn’t do drugs however. So I do have that going for me. Still those were not good years. Lived any place I could. Would go to Detroit just because with some friends. You name it and I probably did it back then. I was self medicating. I was at that point an unmedicated, undiagnosed bipolar train wreck. I attempted suicide three times and the third time in the ER a social worker came in and said, “Get help or we are putting you in the mental health facility.” I agreed to get help.

Now help didn’t fix it all and it took a lot of time. I still deal with things from back then. I still have problems because of back then. Currently I am worn and I am weary.

My oldest has a lot of the issues I had. We have done everything we can do for him. We have gone above and beyond so many times we have hurt ourselves, our relationship, our financial status, our family and our home.

Then there is also other issues that are going on that were brought on by my divorce. Things were supposed to be done by my ex and they were not. We ended up hurt financially and had to make hard choices. We thought things would be better after everything and it turns out, it is still hurting us. Not because of what we had to do but because of what my ex didn’t do. It is hurting us a lot more than I even thought would be possible.

Over the last week I just look at everything and wonder when will it all end. It has really come crashing down over the last week.

We started these home businesses for our health and our family. They then turned into businesses that were helping us financially. They still are helping us but it is all still work. I just have the luxury of working from home (or anywhere) when hours permit. Great because this last week the hours are typically late and erratic.

I have guilt from my past. I have pain from my past. I have unforgiveness at times towards myself. I have children who are angry with me after all these years. I have people who still see me as that unmedicated person who doesn’t know how to make a wise choice.

Weeks like these bring them all to a head. Finally after two weeks of trying I got responses and information. All of it within the last 24 hours. Once again we are in financial craziness because of different things but all of it truly comes down to because of my past.

How crazy is it that I don’t talk about my past because I don’t want to be judged on who I used to be and yet all of my current life issues are because of who I was. Over 23 years later and my life is still being affected by choices I made all those years ago. Not just in one way but many; emotionally, financially, mentally, physically (overeating again) and currently spiritually. Over 23 years ago I started making bad choices, over 12 years ago I started to make good choices; I wouldn’t change the good but I am ready to move on from the bad…

Don’t forget we have our August Giveaway going on. Register daily to win a free Peppermint and Lavender Young Living Essential Oil.

Be sure to register today:

Click -> August 2016 Giveaway

Posted in Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On

August 2016 Giveaway

Who is ready for a giveaway? We are giving away 2 Young Living Essential Oils! You can enter each day for free plus you can earn up to 5 additional entries!

August 2016 GiveawayDon’t miss out on the chance to win a 15ml Lavender and Peppermint essential oil from Think One Change!

Additional Entries Include:

  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Comments
  • Subscription

We get really excited when we are able to give away products! While we may not be able to help everyone we want to, we can help at least one person a month with a giveaway!

Be sure to register today:

Click -> August 2016 Giveaway

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.

Posted in Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Memories, Work From Home

I Do Care

Lately I have been finding more and more blogs and with those blogs come people. I may not always comment. Sometimes I just have no clue what to say and so I pray.

I add you to my prayer list. I continue to read and update my list.

I have made some of my best friends online. Other than my husband the other best friend I have (male) is someone I met online 12 years ago. He is a brother to me and I have never actually met him.

I really do care about others. There are times I wish I had endless money to help and give. Since I do not have that though, I do have endless amounts of prayer.


Do you have unspoken prayers? Do you have health concerns? Do you have financial concerns? Do you have spiritual concerns? Do you have a brokenness that scares you? Do you have an addiction?

How can I “Just Pray” for you?


Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Work From Anywhere = A Bike!

So here is a bonus for me for the work I have been doing from home and anywhere and everywhere!

Not only have we been sharing our health, mind and spiritual journey, we have been working with customers and other reps to get their health journey going! So now we are adding that we have a financial journey we are on. It is so awesome and God really is so good!

As of yesterday I am down 20.2 pounds from where I started. As of the 8th it was 4 months from when we placed our first order of Juice Plus (our next order is on its ways to us now)!

Thanks to us being able to work anywhere, it has provided me with a new form of exercise! I will be able to ride the bike while camping. I will be able to go on bike rides with the kiddos while we are at home!

We have been very blessed by God and for that I am very grateful! I spent about 30 minutes tonight riding in a circle in our court with the two youngest!

I love that what we are doing in our family is providing in so many ways! We can take a week off and do not work and we still make an income and improve our health. We can go away for a week and work while on vacation and still improve our health.

How can I help you get to where you want to be? I would love to talk to you! I would love to help in anyway I can. Do you need to improve your overall health? Do you need to improve your spiritual health? Do you need to improve your financial health?

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.