Posted in Body, Business, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Memories, Passing Info On

How Much Does Your Health Matter To You?

I have been using the whole food based nutrition capsules for over a year now. I have talked about them before and how thankful I am for them. Life has changed, for the better. I still have bad days, we all do. However I am totally blessed to be about to move on with life, move forward with life and not stay huddled up in bed (although the last two days I have wanted to because the minute I step out of my room, I am dripping with sweat. We don’t have central air and only have a window unit in our room).

I used to avoid people. I used to avoid so much. I didn’t realize how much I was missing. I didn’t realize how much life was passing me by. Even though I have felt a nudge for a while about youth, I have pushed it down and pushed it aside. I was so embarrassed by my looks that there was no way I was volunteering to be with teens. I would look at myself and wonder how they would see or hear anything other than my face that was so full of pustules, redness and pain. I couldn’t see anything past my face, how could anyone else!

Today I was talked to a couple different people. It is so hard for some to understand these are not supplements. I so often hear please tell me the DRA (daily recommended allowance) or how is this any different than me going to the store and buying fruits and veggies. I eat healthy and I take vitamins. I wish I had a magic wand to help someone’s eyes be opened to see the difference. 

These are dehydrated, crushed up, put into a capsule (or chew) fruits, veggies and berries. This isn’t broken into a million pieces, and put it back together in a different form using chemicals and who know what other products to make it a supplement for what you don’t get from the real thing. Even when you eat healthy, you are still not getting what you need. There are a lot of reasons for it but some of the basic ones are

  • In order to get fruits, veggies and berries to the stores on time, they are picked very early. This way they are able to be packaged up, packed up, shipped and to the store about the time they are ripe. 
  • Fruits, veggies and berries get 90% of their nutrition in the last week to few days prior to the food being ripe. So if they have already been picked, weeks (and sometimes months) before they are rippened, they are no longer getting nutrients from the sun or the soil. 
  • Soils are depleated of nutrients from farmers not rotating the way they should and using harmful chemicals on the foods to keep pests away.
  • A lot of our foods come from genetically modified organisms (GMO) and that includes our seeds.

Often photos say way more than words ever can. I was scrolling though Facebook and saw this.

“A friend shared this and it was too good not to pass along. 

•Vitamins Vs. Wholefood•

“So I decided to share with my friends how vitamins are “dead” with no living enzymes…I used a powerful visual and took 3 separate bowls of creamy cooked quaker oats and in one I crushed up a Centrum vitamin the 2nd bowl I crushed an Alive vitamin (which you can see should be called (Dead) and in the 3rd bowl I opened one Garden Juice Plus capsule and one Orchard Juice Plus capsule. The Centrum and Alive crushed tablets that were stirred in the bowls and left for over two hours looked like hard putty and could easily be held upside down and stuck to the bowl. The bowl with the Juice Plus turned the oats to liquid ….why?????? Because it IS ALIVE!!

Juice Plus has living enzymes and is real produce that gets into the cell …it’s food….not a hard synthetic fragmented man made vitamin tablet. Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words.
Save yourself the unnecessary expenses of MultiVitamins and just get what’s truly affordable & your body will recognize:) Whole Food Nutrition in a capsule!

watch this🙌🏼

#wholefoodnutrition #healyourtummy #letsbreakitdownfolks #thinkonechange #justletitsinkin”

Are you spending money on supplements? Do you know that your body only utilizes about 25% of them? Let’s just look at what that really means. If you purchase a bottle of multivitamins and you spend $20.00 on it (I have no idea how much a bottle is but I do know I used to personally look for the cheapest bottle I could find because what did it matter, they were vitamins!). If your body is only able to process 25% of what you take daily and that bottle lasts you a month you are wasting $15 a month. Now how many different supplements do you actually take monthly? 

When I was taking vitamins I know I had a lot of different ones: B’s, multi, D, E, and the list goes on. So it wasn’t just finding the cheapest one, it was finding the cheapest all of them and my body wasn’t using even half of what I was putting into it. That is really sad to think about. 

These capsules are whole food based nutrition which means that my body is using 100% of them. I am no longer wasting money. My body is taking it all in, breaking it down and using all of it. Plus it is something I can tell is happening! I feel it, I see it and there is no denying that it is helping me as a person. 

How much does your health mean to you? I was trying to do the right things, part of the time but I was going about it the wrong way. Truth is we were made to eat fruits and veggies and berries. Our bodies were created to use them for food, nutrition, healthy, energy, healing. I was not getting enough of anything in order to get well. I had to take lots of medications to try and fix what was wrong. The problem for me was, each new medication had its own new side effects that required another new medication. 

I felt like a walking pharmacy and at times I had to think really hard about what I was on the medications for. Was it something I had gone to the Doctor in regards to my body? Was it something that probably was for a side effect from a medication? My life was becoming a joke. Add to all of that, I had turned to emotional eating. That might not have been such a big deal if I was allowed to eat healthy foods (I love salads) but I was also on warfarin/Coumadin for a clotting disorder. So my list of what I could and could not eat was long for that. Then add in having IC, IBS, kidney stones, ulcers, rosacea and all my other diagnosis’. 

Part of the problem with being told what to eat and what not to eat is that we were not created to avoid these things. We were created to use them. I sat down with my doctor one day and we went over the list of things that were on my “no eat” lists. Do you know I had about 5 things I could eat on that list but they were all limited to small amounts once a month. So what it came down to is that I was expected to live on water! 

What does health mean to you? How much does your health mean to you? No truer words have been spoken that I have come to believe: You either pay for your health now with good choices or you will end up paying later for your bad choices. What do you want to do? I had to learn the hard way and was paying for my poor health choices at an early age. No more! What about you? 

Think One Change, this one change has changed my life in ways I never knew were possible

Posted in Faith, Getting Healthy, Work From Home

Keeping Your Schedule When School Is Out

I decided to use our spring break to try a few different things for our summer schedule. So far nothing seems to be working. For whatever reason my kiddos seem to think they can do what they want. They can say no as often as they want. They don’t have to do their chores. They can sit on tablets or in front of the TV all day. They have another thing coming.

So far we have all been off our schedule and I do not want that for our summer. We need to be able to be consistent. We need to have specific times laid out for what we are doing. Even if each day varies, we need to know what we are doing on which day of the week.

Being a work from home parent and a stay at home parent, there are certain things that need to be accomplished daily. So far this spring break has shown me that we will not be able to accomplish it if we continue on our current method of winging it! Last summer wasn’t as much working as letting it go. Which is fine but we are trying to get further in life, which requires a little more work this summer.  

Tomorrow is a new day. I got this amazing planner about a week ago (post coming on how amazing it is) and it is time to put it into play. We are going to sit down and work on our hourly schedule as a family. I will be making mine based upon what I was doing prior to this vacation time. Then we will sit and work on the kids based upon what I am doing. 

Currently my days are not filled with anything constructive. I have not been doing my Bible study time. I have not been doing my reading. I have not been doing my typical reaching out for business. I have not been doing my chores. I have not been cooking as much as I was. I have not been playing my music during the day. 

I am off. I am not my happy self. My bright aura is missing and dull. I need to get back on track because I feel like I am losing what I had set in place over the past few months. Even when I went through all the surgeries, I still did my best to keep the schedule I had going. Then as soon as I was better, I was right back to it. So to be feeling so off and not have anything wrong other than children being home, frustration!

I am hoping that with us sitting down together, things will get better. It is really hard to sit and do this lack of everything. I am more exhausted dealing with the lack of stuff to do than I am when I have a full day. Don’t get me wrong, I am exhausted when I climb into bed at the end of each day. Yet when I am accomplishing things with my day, other than dealing with two children who just want their way, it is a different feeling. 

I realize how much of an introvert I am when I deal with them all day, every day. Being a mom is a huge blessing. There are times when it is hard but I would not trade it for anything. And yet, I still need my me time I am finding. I am not getting my me time, I am finding. When I look at last summer and how I was getting my me time, it was my Bible study time. They would do their reading and I would do mine. Even if we were in the same room, they were quiet and I made it through the days much better. 

Another huge thing I am seeing is that I am not going to prayer like I have been doing. I am just so frustrated, so short tempered and so irritated. Instead of me stopping, praying and deep breathing then dealing with things, I am just flying off the handle. At things I would not normally be upset over. I am seeing how being off schedule for even just a little bit of time, is not my friend.

So how am I going to stay on track? How are we going to start our school free time with a schedule? 

We are going to do like we talked about above. We are going to have a schedule. We are going to sit down a good week before school gets out for the summer and come up with our schedule. We are going to work together because when you involve your children (or spouse) you are going to have a much easier time getting them to stick to it. You are not dictating what will be done, because you came up with the plan together. 

There may be times when it is hard to keep our schedule due to weather. There may be times when it is hard to keep our schedule because we decide to throw caution to the wind and do something extra special. Yet we will have this schedule. We will talk about what the day looks like each morning before we begin. We will talk about what the next night looks like each night before we go to bed. 

Another huge key to keeping on schedule is going to be bed time and wake up time! Yes I will probably extend it a couple hours verse their school schedule because of when Jack gets home from work. It will give us some time as a family to be able to eat dinner, go for a walk and have some family time. At the same time, my youngest two children are very much so like me. They need their sleep! If they do not get the correct amount of sleep (because they always wake up at the same time every morning), everyone who is around them (this includes themselves) is miserable! 

So how are we going to keep our schedule when there is no school. We are going to create a schedule together. We are going to talk about it twice a day (and maybe more). We are going to have plenty of fun times mixed in with work times. We are going to work as a family to make this work. 

How do you keep your life on schedule and sane when you have vacations from school? It isn’t always an easy thing to do but I would love to hear how your family does it!

I’m sorry if this post seems off and fragmented.  If you come across this post, please pray. Tonight I am struggling to focus on this post. A friend I went to high school with, her 5 month pregnant daughter is missing. She dropped her off on Friday the 31st of March to eat and be with her boyfriend. She heard from her that she was heading home soon and hasn’t heard from her or her boyfriend since. Their phones have been off since she tried reaching them Saturday morning. A couple people reached out letting them know they saw her and her boyfriend in an altercation about 5:30 at the transit station. There was an OB appointment to find out the sex of the baby today and neither of them showed up. She has been known to take off before when angry but she was okay. She was so excited for this appointment, so even if she had taken off, she would have made this appointment. I am in tears for this family. I am praying she is fine. I am praying that she just got angry about something and took off. Still as a mother who has had to sit and wonder, I know her heart is breaking. Now as a mother, I know the pain and heartache I put my parents through and for that I am sorry. My prayers are with this family as they try and find some answers. 

Posted in Education, Faith, Passing Info On

April the Giraffe (Dos)

There are zero words to express what this giraffe has done to my life since the 24th. My life hasn’t stopped, it has learned how to work and revolve around being attached to a wall or outlet of some kind to keep my phone working. I even sleep with her on my nightstand. I don’t even know if you can actually call it sleep (no joke I have never been so happy to have the fruit, veggie and berry capsules in the past 12 months!). I am functioning but tired because I wake up all the time to look at my phone to see if she has started to go into active labor yet.

Speaking of active labor I have started my own birth pool (with myself). I believe she is going to give birth on March 7, 2017. Mainly because I love the way it sounds for a birthday: 3-7-17. I believe she is going to have a girl. I believe she will be about 147 pounds and 5’7″. I can’t help it. I know she isn’t a person. I know this will happen when the time is right but I have my own pool going with myself. Of course as soon as I say she best hurry up because tomorrow is due date and then I’m out of the pool my adorable little man goes, “Oh come on (insert palm plant to head)! That is when I say she was going to have the baby!”. He is such a doll.

Seriously if you want to watch and see my sleep mate, my cleaning mate, my laundry mate, my working mate, my overall 24/7 companion head over to view her! 

There are still a LOT of fraudulent sites out there. Please if you are not seeing and Mazuri on the screen, if you didn’t click on Animal Adventure Park – report them! Lots of people are out there taking money for donations, selling clothing that isn’t official and making money off of the YouTube videos! 

Here are the REAL sites for April the Giraffe: 

  1. Facebook: Animal Adventure Park
  2. YouTube: View Animal Adventure Park Giraffe Cam
  3. Website: Animal Adventure Park
  4. Shopping: Get all your April Gear Here
  5. Sponsorship: Help Sponsor April & the Park

Also if you are reaching out to them via email please stop. They are flooded and their servers are overwhelmed because of their limits. They are having to purge their email regularly it sounds and so any schools or educational questions or requests for visits are getting missed and trashed. If you want to reach out it seems the best way to do so is on their Facebook page!

Here is their update about emails tonight: 

 Our inbox was flooded today with concerns of April stealing Oliver’s food (Hay). So many emails – that it has harmed the business – in the sense we cannot respond to emails due to capacity limits. 

#1 the shared feeder is a shared feeder…it is neither of their main food source. 

#2 The giraffes didn’t arrive with the web cam – they’ve been here years prior – and no one has starved! Please have faith in our team! Many things happen and occur off camera; including feeding, watering, enrichment, etc.

If you haven’t had the chance to go and watch the video I highly encourage it. To see her belly jump from that baby kicking and moving! It is truly amazing. I can’t tell you have many times I have just watched in awe. God is amazing isn’t He?! To know how to create such a beautiful animal. To know because they are so tall the front legs would need to bend backwards while the back legs would need to bend forward in order for them to get up and down. To make each one unique with their spots, just like each of us are unique. I do stand and stare at her in awe. I also am in awe of Oliver. To see him running and kicking around. How in the world is it possible for those tall animals to be so graceful? I am not even the height of their legs and I can barely walk with grace. I am pretty good at falling with grace though!

While this wasn’t a huge update I need to get my rest before the big day tomorrow! Hahaha – come on April, let me win my pool of one! Also if she doesn’t give birth tomorrow my second guess is March 13, 2017 (poor April, hopefully I am not correct with guess number 2!)

Posted in Getting Healthy

Fixing A Shattered Life

Today was an overwhelming day. I had an appointment with my psychiatrist this morning. My typical appointment is meetings, giving an (overly) brief update from the last time we meet. New prescriptions being sent to the pharmacy. A hug goodbye. A see you in a few months. Setting up my next appointment and going upon my day.

Today when I talked about what has been going on, I broke down some. Just having to speak some of what has been going on over the last bit of time. Having to admit what could happen in the next few years. I started to cry. Then my PDoc had some more news for me. She is closing her practice and no longer going to be a practicing PDoc. 

I wish I could say I was jumping up and down for her, but I started to cry as she was telling me. You see, I had gone through a lot of PDoc’s in the two years I had been diagnosed. I was not an easy patient. I wanted someone who listened to me. If I stopped taking meds, I would tell them. If I didn’t stop but hated the way it was making me feel, I would tell them. 

When Life Feels Shattered

Most of the PDoc’s I would meet had their favorite drugs to use. They wanted you to use it and if you didn’t agree, some of them had a “God Complex” and would lash out, get upset, ignore your requests, or fight with me (okay it was probably me fighting with them at that time). How I ended up with this amazing lady, I do not totally recall, however it has just about been 18 years now.


We found out not long into our relationship that we had children who were born on the same day. Those two babies just turned 18 at the end of January. Wow.

I have been a broken person most of my life. I have been stable for a while now and don’t need the care I once did. However having her there, knowing she would listen, knowing she cared about my feelings and knowing she always had my back made me feel safe. Life isn’t always about being in your safe zone. 

We have similar views on things like big hospitals, insurance, government overstepping controlling things, mental health care stigma, and the list goes on. There are no words to explain how much she has meant to me over the last 18 years. She hasn’t just been my PDoc, she has also helped with some things when I was having physical pain. She has been a counselor, she has helped me with other issues/questions when it comes to my Factor V Leiden and she has just been there. 

I felt like it was the last bit of me shattering as I walked out of her office today, in tears. I sat in the parking lot for a while and cried. It was this huge bittersweet moment. I am happy for where she is going. I don’t know where she is going to go but I do know she is going to make great waves. I can picture her doing TED talks. I can picture her making speeches to congress about medical issues. I can picture her using her expansive knowledge writing a blog and bringing notice to many things that need to change. She is going to soar no matter where she decides to go with this next part of her life and career.

Fast forward to me getting home today. I did a lot of relfecting on the way home. Just reviewing the last month and I am thankful. I am feeling broken, beyond broken, I was feeling shattered. I walked into the house, look down and see that one of my kittens had been on the counter. I had a bowl, plate and cup shattered all over the floor. 

I could not help but laugh. I am feeling like I am splattered on the ground in a million pieces and I walk into my house and have to clean up a million pieces of glass off the ground in my kitchen. Talk about irony. However as I was sweeping up all the pieces it was very relatable. 

I am feeling like I was in a million pieces. I have had a month of hell. I have lost the last month of my life it feels like and my appointment was the straw that broke the camels back (or my back). I could be swept up, picked up, dumped in the trash and start fresh. I could attempt to put those pieces back together but it wouldn’t be the same, just like I won’t be the same after this past month. Life changes you. Events change you. You can not go into something and come out the same. You have emotional scars. You have physical scars. You can only make one choice, are you going to be  bitter or are you going to be better? Bitter or better?

Things have been rough this last month. I have to make some choices though. I had to focus, as much as I could on the positive, on the things that are going good instead. On the fact that our health is better from the fruit, berries and veggies we are getting each day. On the fact that even though I had surgery, an emergency hospital stay, emergency surgery and a final surgery and Jack lost pay we made up that pay with our home business. On the fact that I could still be stuck in the hospital and down and out but things were not as bad because I have been getting all the nutrition I need daily from whole food based capsules. On the fact that my children are happy and healthy. On the fact that Jack has a job that provides for us. On the fact that my family, friends and church family have been praying for my healing and pain. 

On the fact that God is so good to our family and I have been very blessed. I have been blessed by a woman who has stood by me for 18 years. I have been blessed by a husband who has stood by me for 10 years. I have been blessed by a church family for the last 13 years. I have been blessed by my children for 24 years.

I am truly thankful for all God has placed in my life, including you!

Posted in Faith, Passing Info On

I’m Miserable and I’m Whining

I have a confession to make. I have been misearable for almost a month now. I had my surgery on January 30th and a second one to hep fix the pain on February 6th. Stents were put in both ureters and I have been miserable since that time.

I am not a person who likes meds. It isn’t because I don’t believe in them, it is because they don’t like me! I do not have very good reactions to medications. Doesn’t really seem to matter what it is made for, I am prone to the rare side effects that are listed. Pain medications, antibiotics, relaxer medications, antidepressants and the list goes on.

About a week ago I finally broke down and made my husband go get the medications I was given at the hospital. Thankfully we were able to find the scripts (serious praise to God there). He went and got them filled and I have been living on them since that time. I have also been living with dry mouth, exhaustion, dizziness and just a general out of it feeling.

I have been using our essential oils since the first surgery. Young Living essential oils typically help relax my body so that the discomfort isn’t so bad. At least it usually isn’t that bad. It has not been touched by my usual helpers. That is one of the biggest reasons I broke down and had Jack go get the medications. 

I also have my extreme discomfort relief bombs that I use. Usually when I use the relief bomb or the extra relief bomb, I am fine. Takes care of what little aches and discomforts are left. I have been through four surgeries since our family started using Young Living. With those four surgeries I only used a couple pain meds that were prescribed and then I was strictly using the essential oils. 

Right now I feel like I am just one big broken mess. I have spasms in the kidney area. I have spasms in the bladder area. It wraps around from my back to the bladder and earlier this week it started to have pain in the groin area. It does not matter if I am sitting, standing, moving, laying, or staying still. It isn’t fun. 

I am really thankful that my husband has been very understanding. He has been very helpful. He has stepped up and is doing a great job. He is always a help around here but with me being in as much discomfort and pain as I have been, he pays attention and when he sees I have had enough, he completely takes over. He makes sure I have the meds I need, that I have taken my Juice Plus and he pushes me over to the bedroom to try and get some relief. 

My next surgery is on Monday, the 27th. I am praying that this will be the end of all the crazy things that are going on. The craziest thing to me is that I had zero issues with my kidney or bladder prior to this surgery. I went to the doctor because I had blood in my urine. 

That started a barrage of tests that led to them seeing a cyst and kidney stones. Since I am on a blood thinner that meant the best option was to remove them from one kidney at a time. We started with the left kidney and it has been crazy since that surgery. The pain that is uncontrollable 54% of each day. I was told that the bleeding would stop once all of the garbage was out of my kidneys, I still have a lot of blood in my urine all day, every day. I haven’t bothered calling about that anymore because each time I have in the past, it is blown off as nothing.

I know that there are people who are dealing with things much worse. I know that this is only temporary for me. I know that the road I am currently on is going to come to an end and soon. I am just worn from it.

I had finally gotten into a good routine. I had my days planned and it was going well. There was time for everything from Bible study, work, cleaning and even relaxing and relationship building time. Now my days are not like that, at all. I struggle to get going each day. I struggle to even want to get dressed each day. The meds make me tired. I make myself get up to go to Bible study and church. It isn’t that I don’t want to be there, it is the steps, the moving, the discomfort it takes to get there. 

God is good. I am blessed. I am just miserable and counting down the days to when I can go back to being the me I like. I am sure I am not the only one counting down, I am pretty certain my family has a hidden calendar counting down the days as well.

I am miserable and I am whining. However I am so blessed by those who are in my life who have been putting up with my miserable self! Here is just one more huge blessing. Even with everything going on, because I am a work at home parent and because we have built up the business to the point of residual income, we still got a paycheck. Not only did we get a paycheck, we got a bonus! 

Thanking the good Lord for all He has done, and continues to do, even when I choose to whine and moan and grown. 

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Young Living Essential Oils


Sometimes we set goals for ourselves and we don’t meet them. Have you thought about why that is? Is it that you didn’t try hard enough? Is it that you just missed what you were aiming for? 

I had to really think about this. I have had many goals in my life. I can truly only think of one that I made it successfully; my four children. For a long time I felt like God was telling me I would have four children. Guess what, I did. What makes my children so different from the rest of my goals?

I have this clotting factor and I could have died after I gave birth to any of my children. I gave birth at 18 and it all was fine, or so it seemed. Then I gave birth at 24. Still didn’t know I had the clotting factor. About six weeks after I gave birth though my foot swelled up. I couldn’t walk. Ended up going to the ER and do you know what they decided I had? Cellulitis. Now because of my age they didn’t think I could possible have a blood clot. It wasn’t even a thought in anyone’s mind. They put me on crutches and put me on antibiotics. It didn’t get better and they didn’t know why.

Then fast forward and in 2007 I ended up with the same symptoms at age 32. I had swelling in my foot. They could not figure out what was wrong. They did X-rays. Put me on crutches. Then after a trip to the ER they decided to do an ultrasound and found even with my age, I had a DVT. This was February. 

In April I found out I was pregnant and my OB decided to run some tests. Found out I had Factor V Leiden Heterozygous. Basically that means both of my parents had a single gene (maybe both) but I got one gene from each parent. I had to be fully Anticoagulation with my pregnancy. Then as the pregnancy finished, I found out I was going to have to be on blood thinners the rest of my life.

So here I was 32 years old and I had just been given what I felt like was a death sentence. Blood thinners for the rest of my life. Here was just one more thing that was going to limit what I could and couldn’t eat in my life. 

Going back to goals. Most people don’t live with DVT’s without treating them. They go into your lungs, they go into your heart, to go into your brain and you die. Yet I am still here at 41 (almost 42). 

I think goals come together when you are not just focused on your goals for you but focused on the bigger picture with God. The reality is, I shouldn’t be here and yet I am here, with four children and yet I am. There is a reason for it.

So are my goals not being met because they are fully mine and I am not looking to the Lord? It would be something for me to look at. 

I do think some of my goals have been missed because of the fact they were fully mine. I didn’t listen to God’s leading. I can have goals that I succeed in without His guiding but is it really going to take me where I should be going? Will it be fulfilling like it would be if I was listening and following Him? 

I personally don’t want to be heading anywhere in this world without Him anymore! 

Have you had goals you have made but then felt empty with? Have you had goals that you set but didn’t achieve? Have you ever thought about why for either?

I would love to hear from you!

Posted in Education, Faith, Getting Healthy, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

Left Kidney Stones Removal Day

Had surgery today. I didn’t know what to expect. It wasn’t a normal lithotripsy and that I know what to expect. This I though was going to be easier. It isn’t easier but it is different. 

Managing pain currently with peppermint and deep relief. Although I wasn’t earlier and was dying from pain. Was just so out of it I wasn’t thinking. Then I managed to be out of it enough to put a gracious amount of peppermint in my eye. Followed up with grapeseed oil. 

Going to sleep for the night. There is still one more day for the giveaway to register. There is still one more day to take advantage of the refund Think One Change is giving when you order the Trio capsules!

God bless each of you!

Posted in Getting Healthy, Young Living Essential Oils

Health Is So Important

I can’t explain to anyone how important your health is. People look at me and see a perfectly healthy mom/wife/daughter/friend/family member. Yet when I look at me I see what I feel like inside of me. 

Things have been so much better! I haven’t been sick ALL winter long. I have been sick but it hasn’t been non-stop. Thank goodness! I still don’t feel great when I am sick. I know who does feel good when they are sick. 

I am learning to recognize the onset of it a bit more now. You see as you start to feel better, your body does change, and that changes how you feel as you start to fall down the rabbit hole of illness. The past couple of days I have wanted to do nothing but sleep. I had a mild headache, mild body aches and just an off feeling. This is all new when it comes to the onset of illness. It isn’t really new but it is really different. 

I still deal with these things day to day but they are so mild compared to what I have been used to. So when these things get just a bit more, I am not sure if it is just a worse day or if it is the start of something. Someone might read that and think how can’t you tell! Truth is, I wish I could tell. If I fully knew, I could double up on the capsules and try to head it off. 

I am however trying to teach my children to see, know, understand and help them make colds and illness last as short as possible. It is so important for littles to understand the importance of fruits, veggies, and berries and how it affects their life. I want to be able to provide these capsules for them for the rest of their lives! 

I do not have perfect health. I am sitting here tonight with a love hate relationship with myself and my capsules. I am so thankful God placed these capsules in my life. I am so thankful I am better in so many ways. Then I think why am I not even better! Seriously though, I do sometimes get frustrated that I “still” get sick. I am pretty demanding when I find things that work for me. I expect instant 100% perfectness. That just isn’t a reality for me or anyone really. 

I am beyond blessed though. When people look at me they don’t see someone who is disabled. When people look at me they see a normal person. When people look at me they see someone who should not have the struggles I do. But I know what goes on inside my body. I also know that inside my body I am getting better! I know my struggle is not as bad as it was, but not as good as it will be. 

I am taking the time to teach anyone and everyone I can the importance of getting your nutrtion from food, from the capsules. I want everyone to feel as good as I feel, and that is saying a lot! 

I met a friend for breakfast this morning and I had the perfect cup brought out to me:

I had just been sitting there thinking about how lucky I am to have a healthy chocolate in my life. I had been dying for something chocolate a couple nights before. I could have sent my amazing husband to the gas station to get me a sugar loaded candy bar. Instead I made myself a treat with a chocolate complete shake! I made the choice to make a healthy chocolate treat instead of sugar treat.

God has been so good to our family. I am so thankful for what He has brought to our lives! 

We have been blessed in this family. I help my husband with his companies. I am able to work when I can from home. I am able to rest and recuperate when I need to at home. Having autoimmune issues and mental health issues can be draining some days and yet God has blessed this family.

Being healthy is so important. You pay for it now with things like fruit, veggie, and berry capsules and chews or you can pay for it later in medical bills. I wish I would have known about these capsules long ago. I wish I would have understand how important food and nutrition really is to the body. How important is your health and your family’s health to you?

I would love to hear about blessings in your life! Tell me about one of the blessings you had happen today.