Posted in Getting Healthy, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

This Is Life

I really am not sure what has been going on in life. It has been seriously crazy. I am beginning to feel as if the moon is at a constant full state around here.

We wrapped up the book we were reading in Bible study. I try to always write a summary of the current chapter. This one was a bit more difficult. Not because it was a hard chapter, but it was saying goodbye to a friend. This was the summary I wrote up today.

Good Morning Ladies,
Yesterday we finished the book “You’re loved no matter what” By Holley Gerth. I learned so much from this book. A lot of it went along with a book we did over the summer and it seems to be continuing into another book I am reading as well. I am thinking I have more perfection to let go of than I thought!

Step One: Letting go of perfection in your past. ~We are all human, we are all covered by God’s grace. Yes, all of us have been hurt by others. Who am I to say if those who hurt me were not hurt by me as well. God’s grace has covered all of us. Give God those you are holding hostage in your heart. God wants you to have the peace He died for.

Step Two: Letting go of perfection in yourself. ~We are typically harder on ourselves than anyone else. When you want to criticize yourself for anything, look at yourself through His eyes. Pray that you are released from your binding thoughts and He replace your thoughts with His truth.

Step Three: Letting go of perfection in your future. ~So often I used to worry about what the future would hold. All it was for me, wasted time. Focus on today. Spend your time with Him instead of letting yourself be full of anxiety about what is to come. When you are focusing on God and your relationship with Him, we release the control back to who has always had it.

Step Four: Letting go of perfection in other people. ~For a long time I wanted to change others. Then while trying to save my 1st marriage I read a book. The first thing Stormie teaches you is to pray this, “Lord, change ME!” When I find myself focusing on someone I want the Lord to change, I go back to that prayer. Lord, change me! Amazing how He opens your eyes to them and places a different perspective in your heart for them.

Step Five: Letting go of the guilt and shame that “perfection” brings. ~We can never go back and redo our past. All we can do is ask forgiveness (from the person and God). That person could be yourself by the way. When I focus on my past, I am not with Christ in the present. Hand it all over to Him because when He said, “It is finished” there was no going back for any of us. He took all our crimson sins out of our hands and replaced them with grace as white as snow.

Step Six: Letting go of perfection as a life goal. ~When we focus on being perfect we may accomplish a lot of things. Who are we trying to be perfect for though? When we are motivated by being perfect for everyone we miss the most important thing in our lives. We miss out on the relationship and love we get from being with and in Christ! Stop being who “Fill In Name” would like you to be and be who He created you to be.

Step Seven: Embracing what God has for you forever. ~There is only one you and He created you to be exactly who you are. When you put your focus on the relationship with Christ, you are living in love, with Him! You open yourself up to who you are supposed to be in Him, instead of focusing on what others want you to be. Live in Him, Live in Love.
I still highly encourage you to write the note out to yourself on page 211. Put it on a sticky note, write it out on cards and address them to yourself so you can mail yourself one when you need some encouragement, still it in your prayer journal, and most of all just do it!

“Dear You, I always want you to remember you are loved. You are unique. You are right where you are supposed to be and He will always work in you no matter what is going on. He will never walk away from you. He will always be here with His grace and love. You are who He created you to be, you are His daughter. ❤ the unperfected perfectly unique you!”

Love each of you women!

Headed to the doctor for my pre-op and prayed they could get Jack David in as well. Last week my nephew was diagnosed with strep. Jack David woke up feeling fine. He just had a small cough and a bit of a groggy throat. Thank goodness for our amazing office. 

I was all okayed for my surgery. Jack had no fever, and seriously looked great. However his rapid strep test came back positive. We talked a bit about our fruits, veggies and berries and she agrees that those are really helping him and probable have a lot to do with his odd diagnosis and symptoms. I can’t say for sure but hey maybe the next time he is exposed to it, he won’t even get it! So we went and got him an antibiotic and are also helping with Young Living essential oils.

These are the days I am truly thankful that I am a stay at home mom who can work or can put it on the back burner.

After we got home and pulled into the garage, Jack and I noticed a bag. We were not certain whose bag it was and so we just waited. About a hour after we got home, Kyle was knocking on the door. Apparently he has been released a day early, they put him in a cab and sent him here. 

Now fastforward to about 4:15 in the afternoon. My amazing Bella comes running, screaming and crying that she swallowed something and its stuck. Took about 7 minutes to get out it was a toy that was in her hand and then not in her hand but in her throat. She has no idea how it got there but it was stuck, it hurt and she was scared. 

After calling 911, the firestation arriving, getting her on O2 to get her stats up then the paramedics arrived. She finally got it to move. Now we have to wait for it to pass. Or I should say hopefully pass. If in a few days it isn’t noticed in the poo we have to take her in for an X-ray to make sure it isn’t stuck someplace, caused a rip, and the list of things goes on.

My day has been very eventful. It has been fabulous though. I have been able to rely upon and give myself over to God a lot. I have been able to say thank you to Him for the things He has given us that has made this day go smoother than it could have. I was able to say thank you to Him for small thoughts I wouldn’t normally have, that lead to decisions I made, that made this day a LOT easier.

How was your Thursday? Mine was eventful but I am so thankful that things are well tonight! These truly are the days I give thanks for being a stay at home mom. I can’t wait to hear about your day.

Posted in Faith, Getting Healthy, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

End of 2016 Giveaway

end-of-2016-giveawayWe are ending this year with a 2 person giveaway. Each person will have the chance to win 4 mystery Young Living Essential Oils.

At this point I am not sure what we are going to order for the giveaway. Isabella said we should each pick our favorites, throw them in a hat and draw out 8 oils and split them up into the prizes. After careful consideration and having no other ideas on how we are picking we will probably go with her method!

Make sure you come back daily so that you can register for the giveaway daily! There are many ways you can register but you always have your free entry!

We are doing the giveaway from November 30th thru December 9th so take advantage of all the time you have.

It is Tuesday and we are about to start our last giveaway of the 2016 year. Hard to believe how far we have come since we started doing these.

We have been trying to write daily Monday through Friday since we decided to listen and follow God. I hope that by us listening to Him, it has somehow blessed you!

Please be sure to take a moment to register. We love being a blessing to others.

CLICK -> End of 2016 Giveaway

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Tower Garden is the only vertical aeroponic we recommend for vertical gardens.

*Think One Change links have the potential to be an affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Holiday, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils


Today is Cyber Monday and even though it is later in the day we are going to do another deal for those who want to start on the TRIO!


You must purchase it directly from us or from our site! Have you been waiting for the perfect time to start using the 30 fruits and veggies?

This would be the perfect time to get started! Not only would you be able to easily fill the gap by taking six capsules a day we would be giving you the gift of $20!

Do not forget at the same time we still have the Small Business Saturday special going on as well!

Who doesn’t want the gift of health and wellness?

Praying you have had a great extended weekend!

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Think One Change links are most of the time an  affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Video, Young Living Essential Oils

50% Off Shipping on Tower Garden!

It is small business Saturday! We are celebrating by helping you achieve the gift of fresh fruits and veggies year round!

What better way to give at this time than to give the give of health! Any tower garden orders made from November 26th-30th will receive 50% off shipping* as a gift from US to YOU!

Give yourself and family the gift that gives all year! The soil-less, weed-less, higher producing toward garden that gives year round. You must purchase directly from US.

Order Tower Garden Here

*up to $50 total after product received

With growing faster, veggies year round, less water and no soil (NO WEEDS!) who would not love this gift that keeps on giving.

Small Business Saturday Drawing
Do you have one yet? What is your favorite thing to grow? If you want one what do you want to grow?

Me I’m looking forward to lettuce, fresh lettuce all the time!

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Think One Change links are most of the time an  affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Memories, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Happy Thanksgiving

So this years thanksgiving changed a bit from where I thought I would be this year. We are typically with my family the years we have Adam but because of the neck break and then the arm break of the in-laws we switched. The main reason was I would be helping make thanksgiving dinner.

This year I would be making one of the two turkeys. I would be making a couple of veggie dishes, some desserts and whatever else they happened to need done once at the house. We were supposed to be eating around half time of the Lions game. Didn’t really happen that way but it was a good plan.

The day before I was doing my best to get everything prepped for Thursday. Of course life happened. I started with bringing the turkey into the house and I found that it was pretty much still frozen. So I had to pray for the best and hope it would be thawed in enough time to cook it before going to bed.

Started to cut up the veggies and ended up side tracked with other things. Like driving my sister to the airport, chasing a dog down, taking phone calls, scheduling appointments, running over to the in-laws, fielding more phone calls and finally turning the phone off and heading into the kitchen.

Finally started to work on the turkey. It was not feeling frozen but there was still a little ice inside of it, so I pulled it out. I then got the fruit and onion cut up. Mixed up the butter mixture and got ready to stuff the bird. I take and loosen the skin from the breast and put a bit of the butter mix and then the put a slice of orange and lemon on each side. Then I took a little of the butter mix and put it on the inside cavity alone with all but one wedge of the fruit and onion. I took the last wedge of the fruit and onion and put it in the neck cavity. Put a little butter mix on the breast of the bird, tied up the legs and flipped the bird over. Buttered up the bottom side and tossed it into the 400 degree oven! After a hour I turned it down to 350 degrees. After it had been in for about 2.5 hours I took it out, used my heat safe/silicone gloves and tossed the bird so it was breast side up. Topped it with what was left of the butter mixture and put it back into the oven for the remaining two hours.

I really do love the way my turkey turns out. The seasoning, the flavor, how moist it is and the gravy, oh the gravy!

The fruits I use is an orange and a lemon. I put a little water in the bottom of the pan with a couple drops of. Young Living Citrus Fresh.

The butter is a mix of Tastefully Simple Rustic Herb seasoning, honey and butter. Mix it together and yummy.

The drippings when  it is cooked are amazing. Have the fruity flavor that just give a unique flavor to the gravy. I haven’t met anyone who hasn’t liked the hint of citrus in it. It isn’t an overpowering flavor but you can taste it.

My Wednesday and my Thursday really didn’t go as planned and I am still thankful!

Thursday started out with Jack David waking up at 5 wanting to know if it was time to start the day. Daddy said 1 more hour Jackie. About 7 he woke up telling me his belly hurt. So that is how the day pretty much went. He was okay and then he wasn’t feeling good. Made it through church and his singing and then felt awful. His belly just hurt. So Jack and Jack skipped thanksgiving dinner at Grandma’s house.

I offered to skip it but Jack said with how hard I worked on this meal I was going to go over and enjoy it. So I did.

Got home. Put the food away. Cleaned off the rest of the turkey from the bone. Got the bone thrown away so the dogs and cats wouldn’t tear into the bag while we slept. Crawled into bed at about 6 to lay with Jackie for a while and fell asleep.

I slept until 7:45 today. I woke up, tossed and turned from pain (not a shock considering it is raining today), and I slept. I missed washing my face, brushing my teeth, combing my hair, taking my pills and basically getting ready for bed. It was much needed sleep.

Today was deep cleaning the kitchen, deep cleaning the living room and putting up part of the Christmas tree (it is up but not with anything on it). I think my favorite part of the day was putting the tree up. Our new kitten ZaZoo was so cute. He was crawling through the branches as they were on the floor. His eyes got huge and all he wanted to do was play. He was stalking as the branches were being moved. It was adorable. Took me back to when Gizmo was a bitty baby and he would do the same thing.

I hope you had a fabulous thanksgiving and black friday (I try to avoid participating in it). What was your favorite thing about your thanksgiving? Do you make a fabulous turkey as well?

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Think One Change links are most of the time an  affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Free Essential Oils

It is the day before Thanksgiving and I got an amazing box in the mail today. As most of you know I am a wholesale member with Young Living. I participate in their monthly essential rewards program. This month I bought some things I have been wanting to try for about say 3 years now.

So because of all the usual things and getting the new to us products, we got some awesome free to us products! I am always excited to participate in essential rewards. You get so many benefits from it. You get free points to purchase free essential oils at a later time. If you spend so much each month you get free products with your monthly order.

How could you go wrong with any of it?

I will be going over essential rewards soon. We have had some amazing changes to the essential rewards program and I can’t wait to share them with you!

Do you believe to Young Living or another company that you get something like this? I can say this is the first company I have been a part of that has such a great rewards program. Each month the items they offer are new and different and typically related to the season.

This month I was so excited for these free essential oils. With all that has been going on in the home we are just about out of both Sacred Frankincense and Frankincense. Of course I have been wanting to try Myrrh and then the Christmas Spirit, I mean hello next month IS the Christmas Season and in this house, it will begin on Friday!

Honestly though since I first got to smell Christmas Spirit I have been in love with it. I diffuse Christmas Spirit all year long. I can close my eyes, breath it in and be taken back to Christmas mornings, snow flakes falling outside our picture window and the kids laughing while opening presents next to the tree. All I need is a coffee cup in my hand with some delish coffee and some Complete.

Do you have any perfect memories? Okay they probably are not perfect because I know in our home it doesn’t last very long. That peace, laughter, happiness. It quickly changes to things like, “He won’t stop touching me.” Or, “She is kicking me.” Or, “Thanks for the gifts I’m gonna go play games in my room now.” I would still love to hear about any memories that a certain scent brings to mind for you!

Tomorrow is a holiday here in the United States. I will be on posting but it will probably be later so I am praying and wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Think One Change links are most of the time an  affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Posted in Getting Healthy, Memories, Young Living Essential Oils

Unexpected News

I have been quiet. I haven’t really known what to say.

I woke up on Sunday, went the bathroom and got the shock of my life. After still bleeding when going the bathroom 24 hours later I decided I had best call the Dr and see if I could be seen.

Went in and did a urinalysis, took my temp, blood pressure, weight, and asked me a ton of questions. History of kidney or bladder cancer, any injury, burning when urinating, frequency in urination, any back pain and so much more. Then was the physical exam of beating on my kidneys, beating on my back flanks and tapping on the bladder.

Other than the blood in my urine and a fever I had zero signs of infection. Even the urinalysis came back with trace protein and negative on the nitrates (the two main signs of an infection). They did some lab work and sent out a culture. All came back negative for infection.

She also set up kidney and bladder ultrasound. She wants to see if there is any mass, tumor or signs of anything that could have just recently shown up. She said a new mass/tumor could cause a fever as your body tries to fight it at first. She wants to make sure there isn’t any cancer.

At first when I was leaving I was a bit in shock. I mean you see I am on an Anticoagulant and I really felt it was from that. I went in there thinking they were going to want to change the medication I was taking. Walked out thinking of my word how in the heck is this even a thought of hers?

I did however wake up in the middle of the night with left flank pain and a thought. Eighteen years ago, this same week I was 7 months pregnant and dealing with an unknown bunch of kidney stones!

The story went something like this: It was Thanksgiving week. My brother was a senior in high school and he was one of the three football team captains. They made it to state and I was looking forward to going and cheering my brother and his team on. I was not feeling the greatest but figured it was just the fact I was so pregnant. Wednesday I ended up having some serious pain. It was coming and going but it was nothing I had ever anything like it before. Thanksgiving day was much the same. Back pains that were coming and going and bringing me to my knees. Friday came and nothing was helping. I was using tylenol and motrin every three hours (alternating), heating pad, ice pack and nothing was helping. Friday night I ended up in the emergency room. I was sent home being told I had pulled ligament pain and it was normal for pregnancy (it was my second pregnancy and I never had this). Saturday I stayed home and watched the game on TV while I moaned and groaned in pain. Saturday night I ended up in the ER again with them basically telling me the same thing. Go home, use pain meds, heat and ice and rest. Come Sunday I was in worse pain and ended up in the emergency room again. This time I was taken to a different one and they did ultrasound, did labs, had me straining urine, and gave me pain meds to help with the pain. Later that night I was admitted to the hospital with kidney stones and bilaterhydronephrosis. Definitely was not ligament pain! I was beyond happy to know I was not completely crazy (because that is how I felt when I left the other ER).

So here I am again, starting Thanksgiving week and having flank pain. I am 90% certain I have a kidney stone that is moving. However my Dr. would still like me to go in to have a scan because she wants to rule everything else out. I still have a fever but no signs of infection and that is stumping her and making her have concerns.

I am forever thankful for Jesus. I have been turning my eyes to Him! I have been trusting He has me just like He always has! In the past, He has always been there for me in good and bad. Why would any of this change it. He knows what is going to happen. He knows if it is something small or something big and He has me.

At the end of the day, just like I have said before there is only One who has me and it is the Trinity.

I can not see my future. I do not know what is going to happen but He does. Turn it all over to Him because ultimately He is the one who is control!

On a positive note Jack had an interview this morning for a different position. I have been praying to God that he be at least given an interview so that he feels like he means something there. When he came home and told me he was chosen for an interview I was so excited for him! It would be amazing if he did get the job but at the same time, I am truly thankful he got the interview!

If you are the praying kind or the good vibe sending kind I would appreciate them. I am His and I know this and I am okay with whatever He has planned. However I always appreciate prayers!

I hope you have been having a great time over the last few days!

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Think One Change links are most of the time an  affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Productive Day In Our World

Today was a very pleasant and productive day. I had a customer join our team and today we had our first face to face meeting. It was so nice to hear what she wants to do. We did a lot of brainstorming and talking and reviewing and learning, together.

Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone. That is what I had her do today. That is what I did today. We did a little roll playing and it was a good thing to do. I think it helped her see new ways to approach things. We practiced with a few different ways to answer people, ways to approach people, ways to just be her so others would see the change.

So not only was I able to have this awesome meeting today but our family has been boosting our immunity with the 30 fruits, veggies and berries every day. I am watching post after post on facebook about how everyone is sick. The stomach flu is hitting all over. Not only the stomach flu but also it seems there are other things like sinus issues and other crude that comes with weather changes.

I am so thankful we have not had that happen here. We have been a bit under the weather. Seems that each of us was hit for about 24 hours but it was nothing like what I am reading online. My daughter is on day 4 of the flu. My son is on day 7 of sinus pressure. My husband is on day 10 of his man cold. It just keeps on going on and on and on. Thankfully because of the life choices we have made since March we have been able to minimize how long the crude is lasting in our home.

I will be forever grateful for the friend who changed our life!

So things were very hectic on Thursday. My Thursdays are always crazy busy and most of the time I like making quick and easy meals because we have extra bodies to feed. This was a meal that I have transformed from the original recipe into this. It has a ton of veggies in it. We do change it up in how we eat it. Sometimes we make it into fajitas. Sometimes we eat it with scoopable chips. Sometimes we just eat it with a fork. It is so good and so filling.

Truth be told very rarely do I actually measure ingredients. But this is what I do:

  • 1 Bell Pepper of each color
  • 1 Package of baby spinach
  • 1 Red Onion
  • 1 Rotisserie Chicken
  • 1 Brick Philadelphia Cream Cheese
  • 1/2-1 Package of Any Shredded Cheese
  • Chili Powder, Garlic Powder, Cumin Powder, Paprika (and sometimes Onion Flakes or Onion Powder)
  • Water

I julienne cut the peppers and onions and sautée in a healthy oil (coconut is our usual pick). While these are cooking down and getting soft I tear all the chicken off the bones and shred it. (Side note: I do not always buy a rotisserie chicken, there are many times when I take the time to slow cook chicken breasts in the oven). After it is shredded and in the pan I just sprinkle the seasonings on top of it, add some water (to make it moist and allows it to cook into the meat for better flavor) and let it cook. Once the veggies have started to get soft and are easier to move around I toss the baby spinach on top. I let the baby spinach steam for about 3 minutes and then start to stir it in. Once the veggies are where I would like them I toss in the cheese (the reason for the difference on the amount of shredded cheese is some of our family is not a fan of pepper jack cheese so if anyone wants that on top I don’t put as much in the meal) and stir until it is all melted. Then I add the shredded chicken in. Mix well and serve it up.

Again I am someone who seasons by smell and taste. So I am that person who you ask for a recipe and hate me when I say I can give you the ingredients but I can’t give you measurements. I always promise myself I am going to get better at that but I never do. It is the way I cook and I am not a professional so I don’t worry about it to much!

Thank goodness I think most of my friends have adjusted and either just don’t ask for measurements or just say, “Hey I would like to come and watch you make it so I can get an idea as to how much or how you make it.” It is always nice to know your friends get you and accept you!

How has your past two days been? Hopefully it hasn’t been as crazy as mine have been. Has your family been dealing with any of the crazy yucks that have been going around? Praying your family has not been affected as badly like ours and if you have been affected I wouldn’t mind talking to you about how you can get your immunity boosted up as well!

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Think One Change links are most of the time an  affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Posted in Education, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Better Not Bitter

I love when someone says something that just sticks! Not only does it stick but it makes you think about yourself. It makes you think about your life. It helps you change areas that you are struggling with.

better-not-bitterSo one of my best friends has been saying, “I want to be Better Not Bitter” when she starts to get upset over certain things. So guess what I have been repeating when things start to go south? You guessed it, “Better Not Bitter”.

You know how fast you can turn into a bitter person? It really takes no time at all. Read something on facebook about a friend who is traveling? How about how perfect their family is? How about the perfect date their spouse planned? How about the new car? It is so easy to read something on social media or even talk with someone and start to turn bitter over what they are telling you.

We should be happy for those people! We should want them to be given joys and gifts. We should not be jealous or bitter over what God has gifted others. We should thank God for what we have. We should want to be better. We should want to be happy.

What do you pray for? I pray a lot for peace. I pray a lot for stability. I pray a lot for joy. I pray for a lot of things really. When I look at what I pray for, how do I know that someone else isn’t praying for the same thing? How do I know that the vacation isn’t a joy they have been praying years for? I do not because I am not them.

I would hope that someone looks at my social media and doesn’t get bitter about what I am putting up. I pray they don’t see someone as bragging or perfect or all together because we are so far from that!

We are the biggest cracked pots there are out there. I just hope that as we walk and talk as these cracked pots we are water flowers that need it along the way.


The next thing I find myself saying on a very regular basis right now is, “Give It To God!” It goes with 1 Peter 5:7, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.”

Life is messy. It has ups and downs. What hurts some people does not hurt others. Our pains can not be measured in the same ways. Our feels have the same names but you can’t know exactly how my happy feels and I can not know how your happy feels.

I belong to an amazing church family. Over two years ago we started to tithe on a regular basis. That hasn’t left room for savings though. I attend Bible study twice a week (sometimes more if there are classes). I go to church and sing my heart out in praise to God (there is nothing like lifting your arms up to God and giving Him the praise He deserves).

At home I am a stay at home mom. I am also a work at home mom. My house keep skills are lacking when I don’t force myself to keep up. I spend time in the morning doing Bible study. I pray and talk throughout the day. I turn christian music on and sing and dance around because it makes me feel good. It makes me feel alive. It makes me feel loved. It shows God He is never far from me.

Still with Him around me so much and with me in Him so much there are days I have to stop and give it to God. Today was one of those days. Here is what I wrote to my
Bible study group tonight when asking for prayers lift-it-upbecause I currently was struggling to give it to God alone:

Prayer Request:

I am laying it all down here. I need some wisdom ladies. From Noon to 3 PM today all doors closed for fixing our car. We still owe just about $6k on the car. It isn’t fixable, it needs a whole new engine and that is around $7,200. So for the next 12 months we will be paying our car payment and full coverage insurance for a vehicle we can’t use.

I have given all of this to Christ since it started on November 8th. I haven’t been worried or upset, I have just given it all to Him. Today however I have been very angry and hurt (since say about 3 PM). I do not enjoy feeling this way.

I just really need to be lifted up. I have someone who is struggling with some pride issues over all of this stuff. Being a 1 car family is going to be miserable but doable. On days I have things to do, I will get up at 5 with him and take him to work. On days I have nothing to do he gets to drive to work on his own. The problem with all of this comes when Adam graduates in May and starts his apprenticeship. Then the kiddos will have to get up at 5 to take Daddy into work. Still doable.

I just really need some wisdom. Something to jump out at me saying take this path. Something to point us in the correct direction because everything I have done so far is resulting in closed doors. Maybe I am just missing the obvious.

Please pray for me to hear His words and His path if He is talking to me.

Thank you!

I have been pretty upset tonight. I really wanted to just not go to church this evening for Bible study but I knew I needed time to hear His word and to write to Him. I was struggling to focus on anything. I was not being better, I was being bitter. If I want to have some peace about any of this stuff, I need to be lifting it up instead of focusing on what is wrong!

I used to be a very negative person all the time. I have worked very hard on changing that. I still have my moments, hours, days, and weeks where I focus on the wrong stuff more than focusing on the right stuff. So when I have these slips, I try very hard to focus on the positive. The happy things. The good things. The right things. The truth.

The truth is no matter what I do, no matter what I don’t do: HE LOVES ME!

Do you have times where you see you are going down the wrong path? What do you do to turn yourself around? Do you have anything you say to yourself to help pull you back?

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Think One Change links are most of the time an  affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils


At the end of each day there is only one thing I can count on: my Faith that Jesus gifted to me.

Would you like to contact us ?

*Young Living is the only essential oil we recommend.

*Juice Plus+ is the only company we recommend for whole food based nutrition.

*Think One Change links are most of the time an  affiliate link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.