Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

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From the 2015 Holiday Catalog that is…


I don’t know about anyone else but I am getting really excited for the holiday season. I enjoy spending time with family and friends and looking at the cover it really reminds me of the upcoming season and how much fun it is.

Do you have any special traditions that you participate in with any of your friends or family? I can just about smell all the food just thinking about it!

Collectors Roll-On SetIt is so important to be prepared and ready for all that is going to come. This trio of Roll-On’s is perfect for that.

You get one of each of Stress Away (as much as I love family and friends, sometimes getting ready for it can be stressful and this is a way to melt that away), Breathe Again (there are moments when I get worked up and it makes breathing difficult so I put this on and the eucalyptus just opens me up), and Deep Relief (all the running around can leave some tender muscles, deep relief can help relax to loosen those up).

Glass Water BottleWith all the running around and preparation that you do for the holidays keeping yourself hydrated is so important.

Not everyone knows this but you should never put essential oils (and I only recommend using Young Living for internal use because of the therapeutic quality) in anything other than glass or ceramic. They can eat through plastic.  So if you want to add any essential oils to your water for an extra boost of flavor and don’t have a glass water bottle this would be perfect!

Lip BalmSo let me say that I am over the moon excited about this Lip Balm set!

Back in February I started to use some Young Living lip balms and fell in love with them. Especially the Lavender one! Wow talk about adding some moisture to the lips. I do enjoy making my own and I still do it but I always have a set or two on hand of Young Living’s in case I don’t feel like making my own at the current time. Everyone in the family loves them and they all have their favorites as well.

Massage Gift SetDid you say you were hoping for some kind of Massage Gift Set for Christmas? Well let me tell you this is the PERFECT one!

Between shopping and cooking and visits and stress and laughter, who won’t want or won’t need a fabulous massage?!

I am so excited for this set and getting a massage!

Red Gift SetThis is one of my favorite things from Young Living (I do that statement often but I mean it this time. 😉 ). NingXia Red has helped me get so much nutrition that I would not otherwise be able to get in a day. It helps keep my immune system boosted, it gives me extra energy and overall I just love the flavor of it.

I can’t wait to get this gift set. My daughter and I can have a toast this New Years with some NingXia Red!

Travel ToothpasteThis toothpaste is the top of my list for my mouth! I am so excited to see it in travel size. Now I don’t fly that often but it would be nice to be able to put my favorite toothpaste in a carry on. That way if my suitcase doesn’t show up, I still have my favorite stuff with me! This is also great to put into stockings or even to give to family or friends for them to try it out!

TrioReally excited to try this whole page out! I was so excited to see the Cool Azul blend! Add that to the massage or do a separate massage with it (I think I am hopeful for a holiday season of massages). The Manuka I am excited to try with my current skin care regiment. I am really excited to smell it for the first time and use it!

By far my favorite on this page is the ceramic diffuser with the Christmas Spirit. I love Christmas Spirit and then to be able to wear it on myself during this season. Although if I only buy one of these, I am certain I will have to fight my daughter over who actually gets to wear it.

Puppy LoveOf course during this season we can not forget our precious animals! Plus we do not want them to think we forgot them either! I understand that we can get busy during this season so make sure you take some time out to play with your animals! I am really excited to be able to play with my puppy with this set. Of course my largest puppy will run and hide (she is afraid of her own shadow) but the littlest one will love playing with the ball!

Back CoverDon’t forget these are not all of the items in the 2015 Holiday Catalog from Young Living! These were just some of the favorite ones I saw! If you are interested in seeing what else there is you can go to our “order” site and look there for the rest of it!




Do not forget, we have a giveaway going on right now! Make sure to register! Retail value of the two oils is: $30.92

(make sure to follow our blog because we are giving away essential oils in November and December as well!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway October 2015

No Purchase Necessary

If you are ready to join the YLEO spOILed Family?

If you want to order or see products for Young Living?

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Recipe

NingXia Red Facts and Tips

YLEO spOILed logoNingXia Red is an amazing drink. You don’t need a lot of it and what little bit you do drink you get so much goodness! If you were are able to afford all these foods daily then by all means go get them. Then the next trick though is to be able to eat all of them for the nutrition they provide, daily.

Can You EatSo you would need to eat: 100 Oranges, 814 Blueberries, 22 Medium Carrots, 10.85 lbs of Spinach, 59 Broccoli Florets, 73 Medium Strawberries and 93 Apples.


Drink 1 ounce of NingXia Red


You can also mix up NingXia Red by adding some other Young Living essential oil drops to your drink! Here are some of those recipes for you to try and enjoy! Please after you have tried them come back and share what your favorite one is, or if you make up your own!


The Frachelle

The Jessica

The Walton

Personally I love this drink. I love how it tastes and I look forward to drinking it. I can’t wait to try some of these recipes to see which one I enjoy the best! So tell me what is your favorite way to drink your NingXia Red?


If you are ready to join the YLEO spOILed Family?

If you want to learn more about Young Living?

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.