Posted in Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Recipe

Water Infusion Ideas

Not everyone is a fan of water. The biggest proof of that in the stores is how many water flavoring enhancers there are. Most of them use fake sugars (which are not good for you) or a lot of real sugar. Then look at all the added in ingredients and who knows what you are actually putting in your body. 

Water Infusion Ideas

The sad thing is that most of them have health claims on them. At least they claim they are healthy because of how we think: no sugar, no calories, no carbohydrates. But that isn’t the only thing that matters when we are consuming them.

I am one of the rare few who do not mind drinking straight water. Put some ice in a cup, put some water in it and drink. But that isn’t everyone. If you are someone who is trying to improve their health and trying to increase their water intake without adding a bunch of unnecessary chemicals here are some great options for you!

Fruits, Berries, Veggies and Herbs are your new best friend! I am not kidding, it will blow your mind when you try this. Here are a few of my favorite ways that I utilize these 3 simple ingredients: 

  1. Create Ice Cubes with Mint: I went to the dollar store and purchased a couple ice cube trays (our fridge has a built in ice maker). In the summer on our TG (urban garden) I grow spearmint and chocolate mint. I just pick a few leaves and then put water in and freeze. After they are frozen I put them in ziplock bags and keep them for putting into my water (and even in my complete shakes; chocolate and mint are to die for in this household). In the winter if I do not have any on TG, our local store now has “Living Gardens”. They are organic little herb plants that come in 1, 2, and 3 root packs. You can do the same thing with those as I do with the ones I have on my TG. 
  2. Create Ice Cubes with Berries: Now what you do here will depend on how intense you want your flavor. I do this two different ways. The first way is really easy. Pick out the berry you want. You can make them all with the same berry or you can put a couple different into one spot. Just put 2-3 depending upon the room, fill with water and freeze. Store in the ziplock bags until you want to use them. Then the intense flavor way. Blend your berry (or berries) up in a blender or immersion blender. Fill each ice cube spot 1/4-1/2 way with your berry mix and then the rest of the way with water. Freeze them and store in a zip lock bag until ready to use. I have even forgotten at times to fill it the rest of the way with water. It still froze and it still tasted amazing. And just like with the full berry you can mix and match any berries you want. 
  3. Infusion Cups/Bottles and Pitchers: These are really easy to use. Pitchers will allow for a more intense flavor because you mix it up the night before and let it soak overnight. It truly infuses with your water and gives you a great flavor. You can also do the same thing with the infusion cups but you are not going to have as much water ready to go in the morning. You can get them at local stores and also from Amazon. Prices vary from $10.00 on up. 
  4. Infusion Pods: This is the same concept as the cups and pitchers but they are not as big. They will fit in a glass or your existing water bottle with a wide mouth. 
  5. Put The Cut Up Fruit, Veggie, Berry or Herb Right In Your Glass: If you are going to be home all day, just cut up what you would like your flavor to be and put it into your glass. Nothing gets easier than this! Your flavor will infuse as you sit there and sip all day long. You can even put it into a bottle you have at home to infuse it if you do not want to buy an infusion pitcher. We have done this with quart mason jars and also a half gallon one. Just put a few of them together with the ring/lid and keep it in the fridge and as I finished one, mix up a new flavor and put the empty jar in the fridge. 

Now that we have talked about how you can add flavor without using the store bought enhancers lets talk about great combinations:

  1. Apple + Cinnamon (use a whole cinnamon stick; this is one for an infusion not in a cup and that sits overnight)
  2. Orange + Vanilla Bean (Slice an orange, with rind. Slice half a vanilla bean down one side, open it and scrape out the “beans”. Place sliced orange, vanilla bean scraps and the shell in your jar of water. Let infuse)
  3. Watermelon + Mint
  4. Watermelon + Basil
  5. Cucumber + Mint
  6. Orange + Blueberry
  7. Raspberry + Blackberry
  8. Strawberry + Lemon
  9. Cucumber + Lemon + Mint + Rosemary
  10. Beetroot + Lemon + Mint
  11. Cucumber + Blueberry + Mint

I do recommend using glass pitchers or stainless steel over plastic. I also do recommend that to get the best flavor you let each infusion sit for at least 4 hours if not overnight. Which is why when we are not drinking straight water, we infuse overnight. 

Do you have a favorite infusion combo for your water? Or did one stick out to you that you want to try? 

Just wanted to make a really quick update! Tonight for dinner we had mashed sweet potatoes with real maple syrup and cinnamon. We emptied the bottle of syrup and so it gave us a new water infusion jar! So Jack David helped make it happen! You can see our photo below!

We reuse things here: Turned a real maple syrup jar into a water infusion jar. Tonight we used blackberries and raspberries!
Posted in Body, Business, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Tower Garden, Video, Work From Home

We Are Buying a Tower Garden

We are pulling the trigger and getting ourselves a tower garden! Wonder how the tower garden works? You can watch this short video that gives an overview:

We have decided it is time to start really saving on our grocery bill! Have been contemplating this move for 16 months now. Before it didn’t make a ton of sense because it was just pretty much myself and ADam who would be eating the fruits and veggies. However since we have been taking our capsules and chews their tastes are changing!
Here is a video with actual customer reviews:

Are you wondering why a tower garden is a better choice verse a traditional garden? There are five researched back benefits to aeroponic gardening.

  1. Tower Gardens can increase yields of up to 30%
  2. Plants grow up to 3x more quickly
  3. Tower Garden uses up to 98% less water
  4. A vertical design requires 90% less space
  5. Pollution and pests are less of a problem

If you would love to read the whole article where this has come from click here!

One nice thing is that with it being summer, I can stick it outside for the rest of the warm weather. Then in the winter we can get the lights on and move it indoors.

Have you ever just been so excited for something? It is almost like I’m a little who can’t sleep because Santa is coming to leave presents under the tree!

Are you looking for a way to help your grocery budget while still eating healthy? Do you love to garden but hate the weeding and getting dirty (I do!)? This could be the perfect solution for you!

Are you worried because you live in a small space? We have talked about that here in our house as well. However we know it isn’t that big. In the winter we are going to put it in the kitchen at the end of the cupboards. I have a couple friends who are in apartments who have them in their living rooms in the winter and then our on their deck in the summer.

I can’t wait to start sharing photos of the growth from our own tower garden!

Posted in Body, Business, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Mind

It Is Not My Plan But His

My day did not go the way I planned. 

I find myself reminding myself that it is ultimately His plan and not mine. He can and does use everything for His purpose. It is His plan and not mine.

My day consisted of a lot of unplanned things. Some good, some not so good and ​

​some were just ehh. 

  • Texting with friends using GIF’s has become a favorite pastime of mine. We have a great conversation and I love laughing. 
  • I cleaned the living room and sweat awful doing it. 
  • I brushed Gracie, my front yard and side yard and part of the back yard looks like a million bunnies were murdered. 
  • I did my personal Bible study. 
  • I drove to Morley to pick my son up. 
  • Helped said son put the camper up so he had some place to sleep. 
  • Planned a really yummy veggie stir fry dinner only to decide it was to hot to cook, everyone ate hot dogs. 
  • I am a sweaty, stinky, need to shower Mama tonight. 
  • I am watching the weather like crazy where Bella is because she is so terrified of storms and some are set to come through. They will be hitting them tomorrow night. It’s taking everything in me not to just go pick her up. 
  • My autoimmune issues are flaring up. Weather changes tend to throw them into high gear. Thankfully due to me being a crappy sleeper lately I have been doubling up in the fruits, veggies and Berries capsules so that will be helpful during the flare up. 
  • I had planned on doing the carpet cleaner today in the living room, it didn’t happen. I learned that over the last week when I gave the kids ten minutes of cleaning time, they were just hiding all the papers and trash. I spent a lot of time throwing thing away today. 
  • Midway through the day I really needed a break, went to go get the oil changed. For whatever reason I decided to go to our local Chevy dealer – thank goodness I did! Everything that needed to be done was covered 100% this time!
  • While we waited for the oil change Jack David, Parker and I went to my favorite place: Anna’s House. It was amazing to drink a cup of coffee. 
  • News that once again nothing is someone’s fault, that if everyone would just do what they are supposed to then this person would be able to do what they are supposed to. Even though this whole situation is because this person didn’t do what they were supposed to do in the first place. Never at fault, never to blame. 
  • I didn’t drink enough water today and I’m feeling it. I tried so hard but sweated far to much and didn’t keep up. 

This day has had many ups and downs. It didn’t go as I expected it to. I’m supposed to be sleeping already because tomorrow is a really early day. 

But I have to remind myself: I have freewill but this life is not my own!

Posted in Body, Getting Healthy, Memories, Mental Health, Mind

Nutrition Is So Important And We Don’t Get What We Need

I have really been thinking about how far I have come in the last year. In March of 2016 I was ready to break. I was miserable, in pain all of the time, and I was not a happy person. When you live with chronic pain, autoimmune issues, mental health issues and attempting to keep it all together it is hard to look at a glass that is partially filled and see it as half full. 

I wanted to be happy. I wanted to be healthy. I wanted to be positive. I wanted to look at that glass and see it as half full. I wanted to laugh. I wanted to play with my children. I wanted to stop crying. I wanted to be able to stop feeling like a failure to others. 

A friend posted on Facebook about her son’s journey since starting the daily dosing of fruits and veggies to boost his immune system. This is what she wrote: 

I live in a constant state of gratitude 💕because of how the portrait of my family’s health keeps improving but there are some things that make my jaw drop and I just have to share. 💥
Buckle up. 🚗 This is going to be a long and vulnerable post but it’s too significant to put into just a few words. So read on if you feel so inclined. ☺️
Our first born child has had it pretty rough. From experiencing painful silent reflux from birth that took us 5.5 months to get under control, undergoing a lip and tongue tie frenectomy at 3 days old, suffering from MSPI (Milk Soy Protein Intolerance), and a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder at 18 months old. His infancy was miserable and his toddlerhood was isolating and worrisome. I’ve always kept proper perspective that in the grand scheme of things he is otherwise healthy, it’s just that a lot of the time it’s seemed like life just keeps “kicking him when he’s down”. Another kick to the shins came around 9 months when he contracted his first cold sore. Not a big deal you would think, but we knew these run in the family and now that he had one it meant this virus was in his body forever. 
For those who don’t know, a cold sore “fever blister” is classified as HSV-1 (Herpes Simplex Type 1). It is a virus that travels to a single nerve and lays dormant until something awakens it. Most commonly, stress, fever, illness, excessive sunlight, or poor diet. A weakened immune system is the perfect environment for this virus to spring to life a few times a year however around 10% of people who HSV-1 have 6+ outbreaks a year. 🔶G* had 8 or 9 last year alone🔶
His pediatrician began to express concern by the age of 2 and we had blood drawn to discuss the likelihood of him needing to undergo suppressive therapy for how aggressive his case was. He has contracted several unidentifiable bacterial infections that have placed him in the hospital over the past 2 years. It became so commonplace that if we went anywhere with a high concentration of germs such a kids play area or the grocery store he would wake up with a cold sore in about 4 days. No matter how diligent I was with making sure he didn’t put his hands in his mouth or disinfecting his pacifiers, etc. I couldn’t prevent them…only treat them over a slow process of applying powerful amounts of essential oils which DID speed up the healing time but couldn’t prevent them because what made him so susceptible was his poor diet and weakened immune system. And these were the case because of his severe food aversions that made improving his diet and immune system by extension, impossible. Rock.🗻Hard place.
✨✨Enter fruits, veggies and berries. ✨✨Yep, here I go. 😆 We started G* on the soft chewables in the beginning of March. Ever since then his body has been flooded with a WIDE range and HIGH number of fruits and vegetables (that he would never touch in a million years) on a DAILY basis. The nutrients that he’s been getting have been doing a hard reset on his immune system and the changes that we’ve seen cannot be explained any other way. 
Now remember earlier when I told you how frequent his outbreaks were..I would average it at every 5-6 weeks he would wake up with that tell tale blister and lingering fever. Keep in the mind that the typical healing time for a cold sore is 2-3 weeks so do the math..his outbreaks were cyclical. Since adding gummies into his diet, G* has had ZERO outbreaks in 4 MONTHS.🙌😄👏🕺🎉 That’s the longest period of time he hasn’t had one since before he contracted the virus to begin with. 
So what happened? WHOLE. FOODS. 

Foods that are high in vitamins, lysine, and arginine. Foods like apples, oranges, beets, broccoli, parsley, spinach, cabbage, kale, garlic, and whole grains. ALL of which and MORE are found in his simple little gummies. 

The University of Maryland Medical Center said, “Vitamin C assists in skin and wound healing, which can decrease the healing time needed to remove any trace of a cold sore.” (Source linked in comments)
Vitamin C is a POWERFUL antioxidant that BOOSTS immunity and is an antiviral. Through it the the body is cleansed of toxins so that the immune system is able to function at its best. 💪
It’s probably clear now why I attached these pictures of G*. In each one you can see a blister or the shadow of one on his face in the same spots. That’s because the virus stays on that nerve and doesn’t travel. It may seem superficial but I usually airbrush them out before posting pictures of him because I don’t want him to grow up and see those blisters on every single picture of him as a young child. I haven’t ever wanted it to be a source of insecurity for him so in a sense I’ve tried to “erase” it for him. Of course we’ve also had to keep him from affecting other children, which I imagine makes him feel like a leper and has hurt my momma heart so much. 💔 He does have seemingly permanent marks where the outbreaks occur and I’m working on getting those to fade since now he hasn’t had one in so long and I don’t expect him to ever again. 😝
To some of you reading this it might not have impressed you. That’s ok. That’s not why I wrote it. I wrote it to share a piece of our journey. A piece of our life, because truly G* having this has been a norm that we didn’t have hopes of it ever changing. It’s known as an incurable virus. No matter how “minor” a virus may be it doesn’t make it minor for the person dealing with it. So that’s why it brings me unbelievable joy that we’ve actually been able to DO something to help our child not to have this be a constant burden in his life. We have found something that keeps that incurable virus at bay and to me that is a victory that we helped win for our son. 🏆
What greater feeling is there than to win a battle in your child’s health? I’m passionate about this…and I’m passionate about helping you win battles in your child’s health too. Will you let me go to war with you? I’ve got some serious ammunition. ❤
So if you read to this point, thank you. It’s sometimes hard to be so open about the struggles that we face but in doing so we find boldness in ourselves and community with those who link arms with us and we all walk forward together. It is my hope that in sharing this you find the courage to not be ok with the “norms” of your health and you make a move to change your sick story into a health story. ❤
#missiondrivenmomma #thepowerofproduce

Now here is the amazing thing. After reading her post and thinking about it, it started to sink in, I have been outbreak free from a cold sore since July 2016. My last cold sore was at the end of June last year! I am coming up on a whole year of no cold sores! The silly thing is, while they are annoying, painful, slow to heal (until I learned a few tricks about 3 years ago), and always reoccurring they were the least of my problems! 

Yes they bothered me and I hated going out in public with them. Which of course caused more stress, more flare, and I could be finishing one when another one would start up. Still with all of my health issue and concerns, it wasn’t at the top of my list to try and make better or less reoccurring! 

So here I am and it has almost been a year since my last outbreak. I never knew it was possible to live so free of them! It has almost been a year since my last cold sore! A year is unheard of when you have them. I used everything from prevention to abreva to essential oils. They would heal faster but I always had them! I am truly in awe of the power of whole food based nutrition!

I do not know your story but I would love to help! I hear so often how healthy the diet is or how they already eat healthy and guess what? So did I. Yes I had my down times but I have always love fruits and veggies and berries! We are lacking the nutrition in our food though for so many reasons. I responded so well because of the fact that they are harvested when they are perfectly ripe and full of nutrition and vitamins. The foods they use in these capsules are not like going to the store and getting a salad because that lettuce was picked 3 or more weeks ahead of time to it being perfect. They can’t pick our food when it is ripe because by the time it gets packaged and shipped and on the shelves it would be bad. 

Foods get the majority of their nutrition in the last few days of it turning ripe. Yes, I was eating healthy but yes, my body was still missing a lot of nutrition I needed. I have done vitamins and supplements. I urinated most of it out and it didn’t change a thing.

And here I am now doing so much better because my body is using the nutrition it is getting, that it was lacking, that it needed from actual whole food based nutrition! 

How can I give you hope?

Posted in Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home

Just Give Us Four Months!

Just Give Me Four Months!In February Jack lost hours at work because of the surgeries I had to have. Two of them were planned surgeries but the one in the middle was not planned and resulted in a lot of extra time being taken off. Here is the best thing of all, the income we got from this company helped supplement all but about $50 that was lost.

How amazing is that? How amazing is God that He placed this in our lives?

Even though both of us pretty much took the whole month of February off from truly working our business. Even though Jack had to take unexpected and unpaid time off from his regular day job. We still got had money put into our bank account from this company.

So this is what we are doing this month. We decided to participate in a DMO game with our team from this company (Daily Mode of Operation). We decided that since we felt like we lost all of our ground in February and lost touch with so many, we needed to kick it into gear. That is exactly what we have been doing. Truly when you are pushing yourself and changing what you are doing, you see where you are lacking and where you need to step out of your comfort zone.

That being said here we are starting week three and it hit me hard today what a blessing we have. We have transformed our lives. We want to help transform yours!

We are looking for Ten People who want to change their health!
We are looking for Ten People who want to change their health and financial life!

I Want To Inspire PeopleFor the last year I have been kicking myself for how long it took us to get going with this company. For the last year I have been hem hawing over really getting going. I have talked about it with others (because it just comes natural when something changes your life). I have written about it. Still we just didn’t pursue it the way we should have. That is changing.

We are looking for you and your family. We are looking for those who have tried everything and haven’t seen the change in their health they are hoping for. We are looking for stay at home parents, single parents, college students, teachers, doctors, nurses, anyone who wants to change their financial life and also their time. We are looking for you!

We want to help you become healthy. We want to help you improve your life. For years I looked for answers and never found them. There were a lot of moments I just wanted to give up and give in, but I didn’t. I just could not do it. I have children and a husband and I didn’t want to let them see me throw in the towel.

Thankfully there was someone who dripped on me and dripped on me and I finally gave it a chance. We want you to reach out. Ask us questions, let us help you! Just give us four months to help change your health! That isn’t a long time. In four months you are going to feel a difference. Every four months you are using it you are going to see a change.

It has changed our lives. Now we want to help you change yours.

Why Do I Need Four Months

Posted in Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Happy 1 Year Anniversary 

It has been a while since I have really done a face update. What better time to do it than the 1 year anniversary of being on the whole food based nutrtion. Better know as the fruit, veggies and berry capsules around here. Plus 13 months of using the natural face cleanser from Young Living! The past year has changed my face and the life of this family!

WOW is the first thing that comes to mind as I see this image. I look at my face before I started and I see so much sadness. I was in so much pain. My face was not only red, it was swollen. It was painful. I had pustules. I hated being around people. I hated going grocery shopping. I hated going to appointments. I hated going to the kiddos sporting events. I hated going to church. I hated going any place that kids and old people were (for some reason kids have zero fear and love to point out how you look and old people tend to go back to a kids mentality). I hated even going to family and friends.

I used to think hate was a really strong word. I wasn’t a fan of it. I always got after my children when they would use it. I still do actually. Yet as I think back to how I felt and who I was just over a year ago, I hated myself, how I looked and what my life had really become. Plus each time I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face or wash my hands I was reminded just how awful I looked to others in this world.

Add to all of that, my reflection from my face didn’t even begin to express the physical pain I was dealing with on a daily basis. I was not the person I had hoped to be when I was growing up. I was not the mom I wanted to be. I was not the wife I wanted to be. I was not even the friend I wanted to be. I was at a breaking point a year ago. I was on the verge of having a break down because I could not deal with all of it anymore.

After years and years and years of being in pain and no one being able to physically see it, you get worn down. I couldn’t take pain medications from the doctor or over the counter. We tried different types of things to help and thankfully some did. Most of the time though I ended up having a reaction and needed to stop. I had been using essential oils for three years at this point. They helped, a lot but there were not fully taking care of everything.

I knew I needed more health and wellness in my life, in my families lives. After breaking down, reaching out to my friend Dana, speaking with Jack, it was decided that we were going to be adding the capsules to our lives! Here we are now a year into our change.

Twelve months later: Most of the redness is gone from my face. All of the swelling is gone from my face. I could not give you an actual date of the last time I had pustules from it. My daily pain level has gone from a 10+ down to a 4-6. Our family dynamics have really changed.

We all take time to encourage each other to make healthier choices when it comes to food and drinks. We get outside in the spring, summer, fall and play with each other which is providing us with exercise. We are laughing more and enjoying each other more. We do have a ways to go still but when I look bad to one year ago, we are not the same. We have energy, we have life, we have love and we are using all of it.

We have been very blessed. We have changed our life, our health. We still deal with illness like most people have been but ours has not been nearly as long or as drawn out (thank you God).

Are you at your breaking point? Are you looking for an answer to help change you and what you are dealing with? Take just a couple minutes to watch this quick video where I talk about the changes over the past 12 months! Maybe this is the answer you are looking for. I would love to talk with you!

Posted in Education, Faith, Passing Info On

April the Giraffe (Dos)

There are zero words to express what this giraffe has done to my life since the 24th. My life hasn’t stopped, it has learned how to work and revolve around being attached to a wall or outlet of some kind to keep my phone working. I even sleep with her on my nightstand. I don’t even know if you can actually call it sleep (no joke I have never been so happy to have the fruit, veggie and berry capsules in the past 12 months!). I am functioning but tired because I wake up all the time to look at my phone to see if she has started to go into active labor yet.

Speaking of active labor I have started my own birth pool (with myself). I believe she is going to give birth on March 7, 2017. Mainly because I love the way it sounds for a birthday: 3-7-17. I believe she is going to have a girl. I believe she will be about 147 pounds and 5’7″. I can’t help it. I know she isn’t a person. I know this will happen when the time is right but I have my own pool going with myself. Of course as soon as I say she best hurry up because tomorrow is due date and then I’m out of the pool my adorable little man goes, “Oh come on (insert palm plant to head)! That is when I say she was going to have the baby!”. He is such a doll.

Seriously if you want to watch and see my sleep mate, my cleaning mate, my laundry mate, my working mate, my overall 24/7 companion head over to view her! 

There are still a LOT of fraudulent sites out there. Please if you are not seeing and Mazuri on the screen, if you didn’t click on Animal Adventure Park – report them! Lots of people are out there taking money for donations, selling clothing that isn’t official and making money off of the YouTube videos! 

Here are the REAL sites for April the Giraffe: 

  1. Facebook: Animal Adventure Park
  2. YouTube: View Animal Adventure Park Giraffe Cam
  3. Website: Animal Adventure Park
  4. Shopping: Get all your April Gear Here
  5. Sponsorship: Help Sponsor April & the Park

Also if you are reaching out to them via email please stop. They are flooded and their servers are overwhelmed because of their limits. They are having to purge their email regularly it sounds and so any schools or educational questions or requests for visits are getting missed and trashed. If you want to reach out it seems the best way to do so is on their Facebook page!

Here is their update about emails tonight: 

 Our inbox was flooded today with concerns of April stealing Oliver’s food (Hay). So many emails – that it has harmed the business – in the sense we cannot respond to emails due to capacity limits. 

#1 the shared feeder is a shared feeder…it is neither of their main food source. 

#2 The giraffes didn’t arrive with the web cam – they’ve been here years prior – and no one has starved! Please have faith in our team! Many things happen and occur off camera; including feeding, watering, enrichment, etc.

If you haven’t had the chance to go and watch the video I highly encourage it. To see her belly jump from that baby kicking and moving! It is truly amazing. I can’t tell you have many times I have just watched in awe. God is amazing isn’t He?! To know how to create such a beautiful animal. To know because they are so tall the front legs would need to bend backwards while the back legs would need to bend forward in order for them to get up and down. To make each one unique with their spots, just like each of us are unique. I do stand and stare at her in awe. I also am in awe of Oliver. To see him running and kicking around. How in the world is it possible for those tall animals to be so graceful? I am not even the height of their legs and I can barely walk with grace. I am pretty good at falling with grace though!

While this wasn’t a huge update I need to get my rest before the big day tomorrow! Hahaha – come on April, let me win my pool of one! Also if she doesn’t give birth tomorrow my second guess is March 13, 2017 (poor April, hopefully I am not correct with guess number 2!)

Posted in Getting Healthy

Fixing A Shattered Life

Today was an overwhelming day. I had an appointment with my psychiatrist this morning. My typical appointment is meetings, giving an (overly) brief update from the last time we meet. New prescriptions being sent to the pharmacy. A hug goodbye. A see you in a few months. Setting up my next appointment and going upon my day.

Today when I talked about what has been going on, I broke down some. Just having to speak some of what has been going on over the last bit of time. Having to admit what could happen in the next few years. I started to cry. Then my PDoc had some more news for me. She is closing her practice and no longer going to be a practicing PDoc. 

I wish I could say I was jumping up and down for her, but I started to cry as she was telling me. You see, I had gone through a lot of PDoc’s in the two years I had been diagnosed. I was not an easy patient. I wanted someone who listened to me. If I stopped taking meds, I would tell them. If I didn’t stop but hated the way it was making me feel, I would tell them. 

When Life Feels Shattered

Most of the PDoc’s I would meet had their favorite drugs to use. They wanted you to use it and if you didn’t agree, some of them had a “God Complex” and would lash out, get upset, ignore your requests, or fight with me (okay it was probably me fighting with them at that time). How I ended up with this amazing lady, I do not totally recall, however it has just about been 18 years now.


We found out not long into our relationship that we had children who were born on the same day. Those two babies just turned 18 at the end of January. Wow.

I have been a broken person most of my life. I have been stable for a while now and don’t need the care I once did. However having her there, knowing she would listen, knowing she cared about my feelings and knowing she always had my back made me feel safe. Life isn’t always about being in your safe zone. 

We have similar views on things like big hospitals, insurance, government overstepping controlling things, mental health care stigma, and the list goes on. There are no words to explain how much she has meant to me over the last 18 years. She hasn’t just been my PDoc, she has also helped with some things when I was having physical pain. She has been a counselor, she has helped me with other issues/questions when it comes to my Factor V Leiden and she has just been there. 

I felt like it was the last bit of me shattering as I walked out of her office today, in tears. I sat in the parking lot for a while and cried. It was this huge bittersweet moment. I am happy for where she is going. I don’t know where she is going to go but I do know she is going to make great waves. I can picture her doing TED talks. I can picture her making speeches to congress about medical issues. I can picture her using her expansive knowledge writing a blog and bringing notice to many things that need to change. She is going to soar no matter where she decides to go with this next part of her life and career.

Fast forward to me getting home today. I did a lot of relfecting on the way home. Just reviewing the last month and I am thankful. I am feeling broken, beyond broken, I was feeling shattered. I walked into the house, look down and see that one of my kittens had been on the counter. I had a bowl, plate and cup shattered all over the floor. 

I could not help but laugh. I am feeling like I am splattered on the ground in a million pieces and I walk into my house and have to clean up a million pieces of glass off the ground in my kitchen. Talk about irony. However as I was sweeping up all the pieces it was very relatable. 

I am feeling like I was in a million pieces. I have had a month of hell. I have lost the last month of my life it feels like and my appointment was the straw that broke the camels back (or my back). I could be swept up, picked up, dumped in the trash and start fresh. I could attempt to put those pieces back together but it wouldn’t be the same, just like I won’t be the same after this past month. Life changes you. Events change you. You can not go into something and come out the same. You have emotional scars. You have physical scars. You can only make one choice, are you going to be  bitter or are you going to be better? Bitter or better?

Things have been rough this last month. I have to make some choices though. I had to focus, as much as I could on the positive, on the things that are going good instead. On the fact that our health is better from the fruit, berries and veggies we are getting each day. On the fact that even though I had surgery, an emergency hospital stay, emergency surgery and a final surgery and Jack lost pay we made up that pay with our home business. On the fact that I could still be stuck in the hospital and down and out but things were not as bad because I have been getting all the nutrition I need daily from whole food based capsules. On the fact that my children are happy and healthy. On the fact that Jack has a job that provides for us. On the fact that my family, friends and church family have been praying for my healing and pain. 

On the fact that God is so good to our family and I have been very blessed. I have been blessed by a woman who has stood by me for 18 years. I have been blessed by a husband who has stood by me for 10 years. I have been blessed by a church family for the last 13 years. I have been blessed by my children for 24 years.

I am truly thankful for all God has placed in my life, including you!

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Tower Garden

Juice Plus Special

If you have been putting off getting on and using the capsules, maybe you shouldn’t wait any longer. 

We are coming to the end of February and we would love to offer you the chance to get on them. We do end up doing a lot of specials, we want to help people! We know how much these capsules have helped us. We know what they have done for our family. 

We want you to see for yourself how these fruit, veggies and berries can help you! If we could gift each and every person these capsules we would. They have changed our lives. They have changed it in both health and our financial future. We would love for it to both for you, but we will take it just changing your health. 

We are creating an amazing life. We are able to do things we were not able to do before. We are able to be outside in the spring, summer and autumn without the constant sneezing and irritation from allergies. We are able to mow the lawn and not have to stop over and over and over again because the grass is bothering us so bad. We are able to play with our children in the sand, run on the sand dunes, walk out the pier and play with them! PLAY with them!

It hasn’t always been like this. We haven’t always been able to get down on their level without pain and misery. I have had some really rough years. We have been exhausted, we haven’t spent the time with children doing things like we should. We are changing that! Here is a video that talks about some of what I have gone through prior to our capsules: Misery to Victory Video

We are changing our life. We are changing our families lives. We are making our life something we don’t need to run from. We are making our life something we don’t need to take a vacation to get away from it. Do you have a life that you don’t want to run from? Is your life enjoyable and fun and what you had hoped for?

I have come to realize that even the little things can make your life not as much fun. Your health not being optimal. You having aches anywhere on your body. You not eating healthy. You not having energy. You not being able to escape allergies. 

Then for me there is also things that go with my autoimmune diagnosises. Simple illnesses last for a long time. Healing takes a lot longer than most people. That flu that is going around that is closing schools down, we got it. We didn’t escape the bug. We were however lucky that it didn’t last as long as what others had it. We had about 12 hours and everything was gone after that. 

When you are boosting your body’s immune system. When you are pumping your body full of fruits, veggies and berries you are using all that you put in your body. Our bodies were meant to digest food. Our bodies were created to utilize the nutrition from fruits, veggies and berries. Flooding our bodies with the nutrition from whole food’s is the best way to boost your immune system. 

Have you ever taken vitamins? When you take those vitamins did you notice your body isn’t able to utilize all of the nutrition from them? If you are not sure if your body is or isn’t absorbing and putting them to use look at your urine. Does it change color? Does it get bright yellow? Does it have a funky smell? It is all of the minerals and nutrition from the vitamins your body isn’t able to absorb. It has to leave your body one way or another. Easiest way to pass the 75% (average) of minerals & vitamins out is through your kidneys and urine.

In case you are wondering, my urine doesn’t change color from taking these capsules. So what does that mean? It means my body is using all of the nutrition from the fruits, veggies and berries. Why would your body be able to use all in the capsules but not all that is in vitamins? Because the capsules are literally putting food into your body. It is dehydrated food. Vitamins are not just dehydrated vitamins. They are broken down and they change form and your body can not process what they are made into.

We want to help you! We want you healthy. We want you to feel better. We want to make sure you are not wasting money on things your body isn’t even able to use all of. Give the capsules a chance. We are running a special through the end of February. Give yourself a bonus and join our family!