Posted in Body, Business, Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On

Here In The United States (I can’t speak for other countries) We Are Plagued With Chronic Illness, Autoimmune Disorders and Cancer. But Why?

Autoimmune Disorders, Cancer, Chronic Disease

What Has Changed That They Are So Prevalent?

Who came up with the idea to genetically modify our foods? So plants growing on their own, at their own pace, with nutrients from nature are not good enough!

I understand we are not the country we used to be. We do not live in small towns surrounded by farmers who we can buy fresh fruits, veggies, meat and eggs from. We do not can or freeze our fresh foods to store up for the winter anymore. We don’t have amish neighbors for fresh honey and real maple syrup anymore. 

What we do have is convenience. We walk into a store and there is always fresh fruits and veggies. But at what cost? These foods are picked before the nutrients are there (foods get the most nutrients in the last 5 days of growth) because they have to be shipped hundreds of miles to get to the store! Some of these foods are even stored in warehouses for months to a year before they are put out for consumer sales (apples average 12 months). 

Now add that we are modifying our foods, processing food and make them convenient, quick and easy. We have lost the ability to wait and be patient, we want what we want and we want it right this second.

When will it all end? When we will say this stuff is killing us and we need it to stop! We have allowed the changes that are creating all these cancers, autoimmune disorders and chronic diseases to run rampant. 

Maybe as you read some of this it is resinating with you. Maybe you are thinking about some simple changes you can make but don’t even know where to start! If you click on the photo above you can learn more about what GMO is and learn how you can try and avoid it!

You see my newsletter come through but you might not really know me. Some of you came through my website and know I use and believe in essential oils. Some of you are customers of mine or team members so you know a little of my story. Here is a video that is less than 4 minutes that gives you a quick glance at what has gone on with me over the past 44 years!

Does our food system have a problem that needs to be fixed? Is this something we can fix by ourselves or is it something that the government needs to step in and help with?

Head on over to Spoon University to find out their take on what is going on!

Posted in Body, Business, Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On

No Fish Burps, Good Nutrition and Reducing Inflammation – All For Your Heart!

Can You Eat Heart Healthy on a Budget?

Change can be scary, especially when you have a small food budget. When you think about having to eat healthy, if you are not used to it, it can be scary! 

Here are some simple tips that anyone can implement into their grocery shopping:

  • Compare Labels
  • Eat What’s In Season
  • Don’t Shop When You’re Hungry

For more tips you can head over to Heart-Healthy Eating on a Budget by Johns Hopkins Medical. 

What Is Safe?

The more I read and educate myself the scarier this world seems to become. I wish that ignorance was bliss. That isn’t the case though. The more you don’t know the more harm you can be doing to yourself and those you love. 

Did you know that vitamins and supplements could hurt you, if your body isn’t deficient in it? Did you know the best place to get vitamins for your body (this includes the heart) is from whole food? 

I am on a couple vitamins because of my autoimmune disorders. I am deficient in these and they are monitored by my doctor with blood levels. However, most of my nutrition does come from me eating whole food nutrition, daily, in the form of capsules. This whole food nutrition has saved my life. I was not getting enough nutrition prior to eating these daily. Even with me following the food guidelines recommended by my doctors. 

Want to learn more about if what you are taking is safe? You can read The Truth About Heart Vitamins and Supplements.

Learn more about the whole food nutrition I eat daily!

Does Inflammation Hurt Your Heart? 

Most people know some things about heart disease. Most people know that if you have high cholesterol and high blood pressure you are at greater risk.

There are also other indicators. At a recent training event I went to for our company, we were educated by Dr. Miles. They are currently learning that a better indicator to whether or not you will have a heart attack is your homocysteine levels. I am not a doctor but I had never even heard about homocysteine levels prior to that training! It is a common amino acid that hangs out in your blood. High levels are a good indictor of heart disease. 

Inflammation can be another thing that is adding to your heart disease. Inflammation is a natural defense of your immune system when you are sick or your body is healing from an injury. This is a good thing.

However, if you have a constant inflammation response you are heading into troubled waters. Inflammation of your arteries can lead to clots and other health related problems. 

Learn more about action you can take to help reduce your risk for unwanted inflammation.

I have avoided “fish oil” for a long time. It has been recommended to me over and over and over. When you have an immune deficiency, your body isn’t working properly.

You see when you have an autoimmune disorder (or many like I do), your body is full of inflammation. Your immune system is on overdrive. Your body is attacking your own body. This causes inflammation. This causes illness because when you are around someone with a cold, your immune system is so busy fighting your own body that it can’t fight the foreign bodies that have entered.

To be completely honest, I did take it for about a month. To be completely honest, it was awful! I was one of those people (and maybe everyone has this happen) who would burp and would taste and smell fish! I was making myself sick from the small and taste so I gave up.

Now, I do take an omega and it is plant based and it is amazing! NO FISH BURPS!!!

Want to learn more about the benefits of a plant based omega? Check out this video by Dr. Mitra Ray! 

Want to ditch the fish burps? Click here to check out the plant based omegas my whole family takes. This includes my 8 and 11 year old, who put the capsule in their mouth and chew it! 

Posted in Business, Education, Getting Healthy, Network Marketing Professional, Passing Info On, Recipe

Movement May Wrap Up

As We Wrap Up May…

Let’s talk about some more ways to get nutrition into your body so that you can maximize the movement you are doing in your day to day life!

Healthy Starts for Healthy Families

We have incorporated the healthy starts for healthy families programinto our daily life. The biggest problem we have in our home, especially with the two youngest children is their love of anything that isn’t healthy. 

When we learned about the healthy starts program, I was willing to try it out. I mean, it was a one year commitment to the worlds largest study on children and nutrition! 

I was desperate and wanted my family to be eating a lot more fruits, veggies and berries. Until this program came into our life, I was not successful at incorporating anything daily into their diets. Well that is unless it was junk!

Now, every day we eat our whole food nutrition from the healthy starts program. My children willingly choose a variety of fruits and veggies. 

Another perk was that because of a donation made in the children’s name (by our sponsor), with our adult purchase, the children eat free for 4 years!

Healthy Starts for Healthy Families was one of the easiest ways for us to incorporate nutrition into our daily life.  

Healthy Starts for Healthy Families Fact
Healthy Starts for Healthy Families Fact
Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookie Smoothie

Here is another quick and easy way to get nutrition in your body! Complete Smoothie! Here is a recipe for Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookie Smoothie!

The Ripple Effect of Nutrition
In this video, Valerie Miles, M.D. talks about the next generation. She addresses how what we eat, what our children eat does to the generations to come!
Posted in 2018, Getting Healthy, Healthy, My One Word, My Road To St. Jude's Marathon

My Road To The St. Jude’s Marathon

Jack and Amy covered in frosting and cupcake. #thinkonechangeWell let me just tell you a little bit about who I am.

I am a 42 year old (almost 43) wife and mom (that is Jack and I celebrating birthdays with a cupcake fight). I have a few really good friends, a lot of friends and a lot of acquaintances. I have numerous autoimmune disorders and until March 2016 my life was being run by them.

I didn’t think I would be doing much of anything for the rest of my life. I had gone into a horrible depression, I didn’t want to get out of bed daily, and the quality of my life had plummeted downward so fast I missed the whole thing!

In March of 2016 I started taking capsules that are whole food based nutrition. I had tried at this point everything and anything to help. I had been to see doctors, specialists,Whole Food Based Nutrition Capsules #thinkonechange use essential oils (which helped but didn’t heal me the way I wanted), tried to push myself with exercise to just make it better, did prescriptions, elimination diets, joined and used many health products from network marketing companies and then finally gave in and started on the whole food based nutrition.

Since March 2016 things have really changed for me and my family. I could go into a lot of details but, you can do a search (or message) if you are interested.

About a month or so ago (actually as I sit and think about this, it has been longer than that) on our team call they had brought in someone from corporate to talk to us about how this company gives back. Really they are amazing and I am so blessed we have found them but back to the 2018 Goals: #roadtostjudes #healthierme #beahero #helpotehrsthrive #thinkonechangejourney.

She spoke to us about St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and all that they actually do for their patients and the families. Talk about mind blowing. I knew that those families went away without having to pay a dime but it is so much more than that! Maybe as I go alone I will get into more details, but they are truly an amazing place.

Their biggest fundraiser is their annual marathon they do the first week of December each year. My heart had this familiar squeeze and ache. I think this is God’s new way of getting my attention and boy does it work! It didn’t take me long to know I was supposed to be a “hero” (what they call those who participate and raise funds for this event).Be selective with those who are in your life! #thinkonechange

I didn’t put it out there at first. To be completely honest, I was hoping no one else had thought about it and it would just pass by. But as time went on and I started to see others from our team posting about what their plans were, I knew I had to actually put it out there!

I skipped the whole month of December and the first week of January. It probably would have been wise to start in December but I reasoned with myself that I had a whole 11 months if I started when the kids went back to school.

Currently I am in week two of being at the gym. I will do a short review about how the first week went a little later.

Here is a really short video that talks a little about my #roadtostjudes

I do not know what this journey is going to bring, but I hope you join me on it!

Posted in Body, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On

Watch Our Tower Garden Grow!

Back in July I talked about how we decided to get a Tower Garden.

Here is where we put her together, put some seedlings in, grew some seedlings and added those and how it has grown over the past three weeks!

Putting Tower Garden Together

Tower Garden Seedlings

Tower Garden Week One Update

Tower Garden Week Two Update

Tower Garden Week Three Update

Even with everything I had known and all the videos I had watched – I am blown away at how fast everything has grown!

Three Weeks of Tower Garden Growth and I am Eating It!  #thinkonechangeLast night I even picked some of the food off from it and ate it with my veggie burger! In THREE WEEKS!

If you have been on the fence about the tower garden, I highly encourage you to get it! Go here and get it!

There is nothing that is as impressive as having a TG of your own, growing your own fruits and veggies and herbs and flowers and picking it to eat during the THIRD week of growth!

It just blows my mind.

Have questions – please ask me! We have one right now because that is all we purchased but to be honest, I see us purchasing the family set before summer is over in 2018.

Not only is this saving us money on our food bill, this is helping our end goal of becoming healthier, helping our end goal of helping others become healthier and it is amazing!

Posted in Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Mind, Relationship, Spiritual

Vulnerable vs. Transparent

I have joined a book study for the summer. We are reading Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen and tonight we read chapter 6, No Longer Lonely. She talked about a lot but one thing she did was define the difference between being vulnerable and transparent. 

I never really thought there was much difference but after reading and thinking about the definitions it really hit me. To be vulnerable you share an edited truth and only allow others to see what you want them to. To be transparent you share everything with them, there is no edited truth, the person looks into your eyes and sees the depths of your soul, flaws and all.

I have been both on this blog. I have had posts that I just allow you to see the edits of what I want you to see. Fearing if I put it all out there, my soul will be out there, I will have people who can use things against me and whatever else happens if you are transparent. Then there are times where I am transparent, admitting so much of who I was, what I did, things I wouldn’t want to admit to people I see face to face. 

There are some things I haven’t even admitted to my husband. Why is that? I am scared of what he would think of me. I am scared he would no longer want to be with me. What if I admit who I was, the things I have done and he no longer looks at me \the same? Not only that, but I am bipolar and if I admit what I had done when not properly medicated, it is as if the reality of it happening again exists. 

You see, I know how he feels about certain things. I know what has happened to me in the past. I know what I am capable of if I am going manic and out of control. It scares me, because if I go there again, I most certainly will lose my husband. If I don’t speak the words, it is as if I am preventing it from happening, because it isn’t real as long I never speak the words. 

There are certain things I haven’t been fully honest about with anyone. What would anyone think of me? 

Here is the thing that was talked about in the book: Jennie talks about the woman at the well (and let me just say that if you have not had the opportunity to read this book – get it! The way she places herself in these stories and brings you into it is amazing). Jesus came and He let her know that she was forgiven, she was loved, she was cared for and most of all she was free. Free from her past, free from her sin, free from the judgment of others and free to be who God created her to be. 

It didn’t matter if others knew her sins. It didn’t matter what others thought about her sins. Jesus spoke to her. Jesus cared about her. Jesus freed her. Nothing anyone could do, nothing anyone could say would ever take away her identity she had in Jesus. Nothing! She went from being ashamed, hiding from others, and feeling less than the dirt she walked on to get to the well to exclaiming her sins to prove He had come for her, He knew her and loved her, He was there to save everyone and that included her and He cared for her. 

She embraced who she had been so that she could be free!  

4 Now he had to go through Samaria. 5 So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 6 Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon.

7 When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” 8 (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)

9 The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)

10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

11 “Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? 12 Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”

13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”

16 He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.”

17 “I have no husband,” she replied.

Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. 18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.”

19 “Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet. 20 Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.”

21 “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

25 The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.”

26 Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am he.”

27 Just then his disciples returned and were surprised to find him talking with a woman. But no one asked, “What do you want?” or “Why are you talking with her?”

28 Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, 29 “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” 30 They came out of the town and made their way toward him.

31 Meanwhile his disciples urged him, “Rabbi, eat something.”

32 But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.”

33 Then his disciples said to each other, “Could someone have brought him food?”

34 “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. 35 Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. 36 Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. 37 Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. 38 I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”

39 Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” 40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. 41 And because of his words many more became believers.

42 They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”

~John 4:4-42 (NIV)

You don’t have to be transparent with the world. There is a lot to be said about being wise with whom you share your past, your sins, your hurts, and your life. There is also no guarantee that those you share with won’t hurt you and break your trust. We are all people, we all sin, we all make mistakes but that doesn’t mean you should not share with anyone at all.

I do believe God has placed people in my life whom I can trust and yet it is still hard to do. It is hard to be transparent because it is letting go of a fear. It is knowing that even if I am transparent with certain people and they walk away, I am still loved because Jesus came here to earth, to save sinners like me. My identity is with Him, in Him and no matter what anyone thinks of me or the sins I have done or will do. He came, He suffered, He died, He gave me grace, He gave me forgiveness, He gave me salvation and He showed me the ultimate sacrifice and love. 

So have I been transparent in the past? No, not really. When I had been it backfired on me. So I have shyed away from being open, transparent about certain things. I do feel that He is pushing me along, trying to get me to see being transparent will free me, to be able to say, “Yes I am this person but it doesn’t define me! Christ is my identity!” 

It is not a free pass to do wrong. It does not take away my past from what I did. It will just change how I see me. I will see me through His eyes. I will be able to look into the mirror and see His child and not the “failure” and the “sinner”. My salvation isn’t based upon what I do, I want to strive to be a better person because He loves me and I love Him and people love doing things for their loved ones. 

Being transparent with Jesus and with myself and with those He places in my life just frees me. It frees me to accept who I am, who I was and who I am in Him. It frees me to accept and own it all. It allows me to see myself through His eyes. 

Posted in Faith, Memories, What Is Your Why

Bad Days Video Update

So the last few days have been rough. I post a lot of positive things because it helps me change where my mindset used to be.

Lately I have been forgetting why I started all this good stuff. I haven’t completely forgotten it but things have been going pretty good compared to March 2016 and before.

God gave me a gentle reminder though of why He placed some things in my life and I am glad. He reminded me of my true why and for that I am thankful.

I missed blogging yesterday and in the video above it explains why. Hope you take a few moments to watch!


Posted in Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Happy 1 Year Anniversary 

It has been a while since I have really done a face update. What better time to do it than the 1 year anniversary of being on the whole food based nutrtion. Better know as the fruit, veggies and berry capsules around here. Plus 13 months of using the natural face cleanser from Young Living! The past year has changed my face and the life of this family!

WOW is the first thing that comes to mind as I see this image. I look at my face before I started and I see so much sadness. I was in so much pain. My face was not only red, it was swollen. It was painful. I had pustules. I hated being around people. I hated going grocery shopping. I hated going to appointments. I hated going to the kiddos sporting events. I hated going to church. I hated going any place that kids and old people were (for some reason kids have zero fear and love to point out how you look and old people tend to go back to a kids mentality). I hated even going to family and friends.

I used to think hate was a really strong word. I wasn’t a fan of it. I always got after my children when they would use it. I still do actually. Yet as I think back to how I felt and who I was just over a year ago, I hated myself, how I looked and what my life had really become. Plus each time I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face or wash my hands I was reminded just how awful I looked to others in this world.

Add to all of that, my reflection from my face didn’t even begin to express the physical pain I was dealing with on a daily basis. I was not the person I had hoped to be when I was growing up. I was not the mom I wanted to be. I was not the wife I wanted to be. I was not even the friend I wanted to be. I was at a breaking point a year ago. I was on the verge of having a break down because I could not deal with all of it anymore.

After years and years and years of being in pain and no one being able to physically see it, you get worn down. I couldn’t take pain medications from the doctor or over the counter. We tried different types of things to help and thankfully some did. Most of the time though I ended up having a reaction and needed to stop. I had been using essential oils for three years at this point. They helped, a lot but there were not fully taking care of everything.

I knew I needed more health and wellness in my life, in my families lives. After breaking down, reaching out to my friend Dana, speaking with Jack, it was decided that we were going to be adding the capsules to our lives! Here we are now a year into our change.

Twelve months later: Most of the redness is gone from my face. All of the swelling is gone from my face. I could not give you an actual date of the last time I had pustules from it. My daily pain level has gone from a 10+ down to a 4-6. Our family dynamics have really changed.

We all take time to encourage each other to make healthier choices when it comes to food and drinks. We get outside in the spring, summer, fall and play with each other which is providing us with exercise. We are laughing more and enjoying each other more. We do have a ways to go still but when I look bad to one year ago, we are not the same. We have energy, we have life, we have love and we are using all of it.

We have been very blessed. We have changed our life, our health. We still deal with illness like most people have been but ours has not been nearly as long or as drawn out (thank you God).

Are you at your breaking point? Are you looking for an answer to help change you and what you are dealing with? Take just a couple minutes to watch this quick video where I talk about the changes over the past 12 months! Maybe this is the answer you are looking for. I would love to talk with you!

Posted in Getting Healthy

Fixing A Shattered Life

Today was an overwhelming day. I had an appointment with my psychiatrist this morning. My typical appointment is meetings, giving an (overly) brief update from the last time we meet. New prescriptions being sent to the pharmacy. A hug goodbye. A see you in a few months. Setting up my next appointment and going upon my day.

Today when I talked about what has been going on, I broke down some. Just having to speak some of what has been going on over the last bit of time. Having to admit what could happen in the next few years. I started to cry. Then my PDoc had some more news for me. She is closing her practice and no longer going to be a practicing PDoc. 

I wish I could say I was jumping up and down for her, but I started to cry as she was telling me. You see, I had gone through a lot of PDoc’s in the two years I had been diagnosed. I was not an easy patient. I wanted someone who listened to me. If I stopped taking meds, I would tell them. If I didn’t stop but hated the way it was making me feel, I would tell them. 

When Life Feels Shattered

Most of the PDoc’s I would meet had their favorite drugs to use. They wanted you to use it and if you didn’t agree, some of them had a “God Complex” and would lash out, get upset, ignore your requests, or fight with me (okay it was probably me fighting with them at that time). How I ended up with this amazing lady, I do not totally recall, however it has just about been 18 years now.


We found out not long into our relationship that we had children who were born on the same day. Those two babies just turned 18 at the end of January. Wow.

I have been a broken person most of my life. I have been stable for a while now and don’t need the care I once did. However having her there, knowing she would listen, knowing she cared about my feelings and knowing she always had my back made me feel safe. Life isn’t always about being in your safe zone. 

We have similar views on things like big hospitals, insurance, government overstepping controlling things, mental health care stigma, and the list goes on. There are no words to explain how much she has meant to me over the last 18 years. She hasn’t just been my PDoc, she has also helped with some things when I was having physical pain. She has been a counselor, she has helped me with other issues/questions when it comes to my Factor V Leiden and she has just been there. 

I felt like it was the last bit of me shattering as I walked out of her office today, in tears. I sat in the parking lot for a while and cried. It was this huge bittersweet moment. I am happy for where she is going. I don’t know where she is going to go but I do know she is going to make great waves. I can picture her doing TED talks. I can picture her making speeches to congress about medical issues. I can picture her using her expansive knowledge writing a blog and bringing notice to many things that need to change. She is going to soar no matter where she decides to go with this next part of her life and career.

Fast forward to me getting home today. I did a lot of relfecting on the way home. Just reviewing the last month and I am thankful. I am feeling broken, beyond broken, I was feeling shattered. I walked into the house, look down and see that one of my kittens had been on the counter. I had a bowl, plate and cup shattered all over the floor. 

I could not help but laugh. I am feeling like I am splattered on the ground in a million pieces and I walk into my house and have to clean up a million pieces of glass off the ground in my kitchen. Talk about irony. However as I was sweeping up all the pieces it was very relatable. 

I am feeling like I was in a million pieces. I have had a month of hell. I have lost the last month of my life it feels like and my appointment was the straw that broke the camels back (or my back). I could be swept up, picked up, dumped in the trash and start fresh. I could attempt to put those pieces back together but it wouldn’t be the same, just like I won’t be the same after this past month. Life changes you. Events change you. You can not go into something and come out the same. You have emotional scars. You have physical scars. You can only make one choice, are you going to be  bitter or are you going to be better? Bitter or better?

Things have been rough this last month. I have to make some choices though. I had to focus, as much as I could on the positive, on the things that are going good instead. On the fact that our health is better from the fruit, berries and veggies we are getting each day. On the fact that even though I had surgery, an emergency hospital stay, emergency surgery and a final surgery and Jack lost pay we made up that pay with our home business. On the fact that I could still be stuck in the hospital and down and out but things were not as bad because I have been getting all the nutrition I need daily from whole food based capsules. On the fact that my children are happy and healthy. On the fact that Jack has a job that provides for us. On the fact that my family, friends and church family have been praying for my healing and pain. 

On the fact that God is so good to our family and I have been very blessed. I have been blessed by a woman who has stood by me for 18 years. I have been blessed by a husband who has stood by me for 10 years. I have been blessed by a church family for the last 13 years. I have been blessed by my children for 24 years.

I am truly thankful for all God has placed in my life, including you!

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Tower Garden

Juice Plus Special

If you have been putting off getting on and using the capsules, maybe you shouldn’t wait any longer. 

We are coming to the end of February and we would love to offer you the chance to get on them. We do end up doing a lot of specials, we want to help people! We know how much these capsules have helped us. We know what they have done for our family. 

We want you to see for yourself how these fruit, veggies and berries can help you! If we could gift each and every person these capsules we would. They have changed our lives. They have changed it in both health and our financial future. We would love for it to both for you, but we will take it just changing your health. 

We are creating an amazing life. We are able to do things we were not able to do before. We are able to be outside in the spring, summer and autumn without the constant sneezing and irritation from allergies. We are able to mow the lawn and not have to stop over and over and over again because the grass is bothering us so bad. We are able to play with our children in the sand, run on the sand dunes, walk out the pier and play with them! PLAY with them!

It hasn’t always been like this. We haven’t always been able to get down on their level without pain and misery. I have had some really rough years. We have been exhausted, we haven’t spent the time with children doing things like we should. We are changing that! Here is a video that talks about some of what I have gone through prior to our capsules: Misery to Victory Video

We are changing our life. We are changing our families lives. We are making our life something we don’t need to run from. We are making our life something we don’t need to take a vacation to get away from it. Do you have a life that you don’t want to run from? Is your life enjoyable and fun and what you had hoped for?

I have come to realize that even the little things can make your life not as much fun. Your health not being optimal. You having aches anywhere on your body. You not eating healthy. You not having energy. You not being able to escape allergies. 

Then for me there is also things that go with my autoimmune diagnosises. Simple illnesses last for a long time. Healing takes a lot longer than most people. That flu that is going around that is closing schools down, we got it. We didn’t escape the bug. We were however lucky that it didn’t last as long as what others had it. We had about 12 hours and everything was gone after that. 

When you are boosting your body’s immune system. When you are pumping your body full of fruits, veggies and berries you are using all that you put in your body. Our bodies were meant to digest food. Our bodies were created to utilize the nutrition from fruits, veggies and berries. Flooding our bodies with the nutrition from whole food’s is the best way to boost your immune system. 

Have you ever taken vitamins? When you take those vitamins did you notice your body isn’t able to utilize all of the nutrition from them? If you are not sure if your body is or isn’t absorbing and putting them to use look at your urine. Does it change color? Does it get bright yellow? Does it have a funky smell? It is all of the minerals and nutrition from the vitamins your body isn’t able to absorb. It has to leave your body one way or another. Easiest way to pass the 75% (average) of minerals & vitamins out is through your kidneys and urine.

In case you are wondering, my urine doesn’t change color from taking these capsules. So what does that mean? It means my body is using all of the nutrition from the fruits, veggies and berries. Why would your body be able to use all in the capsules but not all that is in vitamins? Because the capsules are literally putting food into your body. It is dehydrated food. Vitamins are not just dehydrated vitamins. They are broken down and they change form and your body can not process what they are made into.

We want to help you! We want you healthy. We want you to feel better. We want to make sure you are not wasting money on things your body isn’t even able to use all of. Give the capsules a chance. We are running a special through the end of February. Give yourself a bonus and join our family!