Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Memories, Passing Info On

Animals and Essential Oils

I would like to say that I am a believe in essential oils. Not only do I use Young Living on our furless family, I use them on my furry family.

Alternative Treatment for PetsIt has been very helpful for out animals. Especially during firework season. Being able to help calm them is something I think we all appreciate! Especially our fearful pups and kitten.

Here is a great video to show how they can be utilized:

Home Remedies:Essential Oils In Dogs-Dr. Tom Pfafman at the Integrative Vet Med Center

Now Dr. Tom Pfafman isn’t near me but I wish he was! I hope you find something interesting and useful!

One thing I do want to say is that the reporter said you can get these EO’s in a store or online. No you can not buy Young Living in a store – Young Living is a company that you can only (should only) purchase from the Young Living website. You sign up either as retail  customer or wholesale member!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On

June 2016 Giveaway

Who is ready for another giveaway? Well we have a June 2016 Giveaway going on right now! Make sure you take time to register daily for the opportunity to win a free 5ml Young Living Ocotea Essential Oil.

June 2016 Giveaway

You have the opportunity to sign up every day for free! Don’t lose out on the opportunity to win a free Young Living Essential Oil!

Click -> June 2016 Giveaway

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

Posted in Education, Passing Info On

Simple Way To Get Steps In

One change I have been making is to get my steps in. It isn’t always great weather. We no longer have a gym membership, so this is what I have been doing.

One of the best things is when I am doing it earlier enough a lot of the times the two youngest kiddos will join me.

Now after I have done any kind of workout my body is always fighting me. I have some autoimmune issues and my body isn’t a fan. So I use these three Young Living Essential Oils to help.

After I get done I apply these to my muscles to help them feel alive, rejuvenated, relaxed and ready to go the next day!

Simple things, small things, do them for a while and they become your life style.

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.


Posted in Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On

We Have A Winner!

Super excited to be able to announce that we have a winner for the April Giveaway! These days are the days I just love!

April 16 Giveaway Winner

I am very  happy for you and thank you for responding so quickly! It makes things so easy!

Be on the look out for the package to be coming your way! Congratulations again!


Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On, Recipe

Are You a Slave To Your Feet?

Change is hard.

Change takes determination.

Change takes dedication.

Change is not quick.

Change that is real, takes time.

Well currently speaking, I am a slave to my feet. Being active in April has been what I am attempting to improve. Which means being on the feet more. Which means my feet have been screaming at me more. Which means it makes me want to throw in the towel and call it quits. Which means I had to find a solution to help!

Slave To FeetSo do you have your feet screaming at you by the end of the night? Do you wake up and wonder how long it is going to be before you want to cut them off? Do you wonder if it is ever going to get better?

Well it can get better! Here are some things you can try to see if they work for you!

Roller Recipe:
2 Drops Copaiba
2 Drops Lemongrass
2 Drops Majoram
2 Drops R.C.
2 Drops Wintergreen
Fill rest of 10ml roller bottle with Carrier Oil

Roller Recipe:
2 Drops Copaiba
2 Drops Lemongrass
2 Drops Majoram
2 Drops Peppermint
2 Drops R.C.
2 Drops Wintergreen
Fill rest of 10ml roller bottle with Carrier Oil

Apply Daily For Two Weeks (1 in AM, 1 in PM)
1 Drop Valor
1 Drop Wintergreen
1 Drop R.C.
Apply from heel area along plantar fascia ligament

Apply Daily for Two Weeks (1 in AM, 1 in PM)
1 Drop Valor
1 Drop Peppermint
1 Drop R.C.
Apply from heel area along plantar fascia ligament

Since I have been playing around to find what works for me I have been having much better days! I am not wanting to throw the towel in. I am making it while being Active in April! I am making it to my step goal (almost daily).

Change does take time and I am very aware of this! If I can do this and work towards getting healthy, anyone can do it!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.



Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On

Not In The Mood?

There are times when you just don’t feel in the mood. You can try to get there. We all have days where we would love to say, “I have a headache honey” but are we supposed to do that? I guess at times it is okay but really we are not supposed to deprive ourselves or our spouse.

So if you are not in the mood, pull out the diffuser and put one of these combinations into it!

In The Mood

Close yourself into your bedroom, breath in the mist with essential oils and enjoy the company of your spouse!

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

My Kind of Day

I got to start my morning with the kiddos outside on the porch.  

It’s been a great day!

Thank you Lord for all of the blessings you have placed in our lives.

(Don’t forget we currently have a giveaway going on so stop on the home page to register)


Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

Posted in Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On

April 2016 Giveaway

We are here to spOIL your family again!

Let us help awaken your senses this spring with some Young Living Lemongrass Essential Oil!

Between April 14th-27th be sure to come back daily to register for free to win!

April 16 Giveaway



Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

Posted in Education, Essential Oils, Passing Info On

2 Month Face Update

It isn’t the easiest to see the changes in photos. I am trying to do close up’s so you can tell but it is so hard; even for me to see the difference.

I am beyond impressed with all of the changes that are going on in my life! There really are a lot but my face truly is amazing to me!

I can touch my face without pain! Bigger than big!

My face is becoming smooth (still working on the whole picking thing). Amazing how smooth my face really is.

I am only getting pimples (not pustules) around God’s once a month gift to women. This is unbelievable!

I am not completely embarrassed to go out in public. I still have redness but it is getting better. Children still notice and I explain what is going on but it is so much better!

Really I am not one for posting photos. I hated the way I looked. So the fact I have been posting (had to put on my bravery panties) is a huge thing.

I can’t wait to tell you guys more of the good things that have been going on!


Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*I only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.