Posted in Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Work From Home (Actually Anywhere)

I am going to share a secret with you. I had surgery last week Monday. I could not do anything for the week but rest and more resting. I had some complications and ended up being admitted to the hospital on Saturday. I spent my birthday in the hospital. I had a second surgery on Monday. I got paid on Monday. I got to go home on Tuesday.

What is so significant about what I just shared? If I had been working a 9-5 job, I might not have gotten paid. It is the beginning of the year. Most companies only give a couple sick days for the year. Most companies make you use vacation time if you have something like this or they make you go without pay. 

My husband and I work together. He works a lot harder than I do, but even he had to take some time off because of me. Guess what? We are not getting paid from his 9-5 job for the time he had to take off because of my hospital stay. The company he works for part time he did get paid from. 

This has become something we love. We build relationships. We help others achieve a better life from fruits, veggies and berries! We do work. Don’t believe anyone who tells you they have a work at home opportunity for you that is going to put hundreds of dollars in your bank account daily by doing NOTHING! If you see something like that RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! It is a SCAM. I will never tell you that this isn’t work because it is. However how much fun is it to talk to people all day long and work on relationships? To help educate and get people on a healthy path? 

Jack can not quit working outside of the home yet, but he will be able to some day. When we started this work at home position it was so we were getting money back from the products we were using. It didn’t take long for others to notice a difference in us though and start asking what we were doing. We had not planned on this becoming a business for us. We had planned on it being products we used and money we got back monthly from becoming a VF. There were other plans for us that I didn’t know about. 

Since joining this company we have moved up three levels. It may not seem like a big deal to some but for (me) us it is a huge deal. I have been involved in just about every work from home company there is out there. I have never made it off of the ground floor. I always invested way more money into the company than the company ever invested in me. This company is different. You don’t have to go far. You can just use the product. You can choose to become a VF for the money you get back from your product. You can also choose to help others because you want to help educate others about health and you want to build relationships! That is what we ended up doing! It was the best choice we ever made.

Do you have a desire to help people? Do you just want enough to make a vacation fund, house payment, or savings account? Do you like helping people get healthy? Do you like educating and learning yourself? Do you like developing relationships (because meeting the people on this team has been amazing in itself, but reaching out to new people and developing those relationships has been amazing!)?

Maybe you don’t want to work from home but you are looking for answers to help you and your health. We can help you with that as well!

God has been amazing to this family. We have had our hard times, we still have hard times. At the same time He has been amazing to us. He has placed this company, these people in our life right when we needed it.

Do you see that “Benefits Package”? It isn’t anything I have ever seen before from any of the work at home companies I have been a part of. Not only that I haven’t seen it before but I have never felt as if the top position was attainable. 

This company is about giving. This company is about teaching. This company is about health and wellness. This company cares not only about their employees, but those who are trying to change their lives by living the business and those who are just customers using the products to change their lives.

Are you ready to work from home? Are you ready to change your life? Talk to us because we would love to help you! 

Reach out and tell us about what you have tried before? Why didn’t it work? You have to love what you do, you have to love the products you are talking about and using! These are whole food based nutrtion, is that something you can get behind? 

We would love to talk to you! It is work, I won’t lie to you, but it is so worth it! To have the freedom to be with your children, your family, your spouse. To have the freedom to build relationships and work with others in regards to something you love. To have the freedom to work your business when you can and when you want! To be able to build up and bring in an income to help your family be free! 

I hope you reach out because this has changed our life and we would love to help change yours!

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

It’s Been a Long Week

I really had no idea what my surgery was going to entail. I had no idea what this week was going to hold. I had a lot of anxiety this week. Even after the surgery was over. I wasn’t even anxious about the surgery, so it was odd for me to go full blown attacks after it was over.

We started a new book in Bible study last week, about prayer. The book is called FerVent by Priscillia Shirer. I wasn’t sure what it was going to be about. I didn’t know what to expect but I was excited to get into a book about prayer. I have been focusing on my prayer life. It is getting better but I wasn’t certain how to take it further. So this is very exciting for me.

As some of you know I love to write and (most weeks) I do a weekly summary for the woman’s Bible study I attend. Here is what I wrote this week for the summary of FerVent:

Hi Ladies,

I didn’t do an update last week because we had not finished. So this is going to be a combination from This Means War, Opening In Prayer and Strategy 1. 

I was not certain what this book was going to be like. She talks about wanting us to use this book and make it worn and torn and use the strategies as situations come up in life. I didn’t know if she was actually going to teach us to pray like Jesus did with, “Our Father in heaven” or if she was just giving us strategies to utilize.

At first I was hoping it would be like what Jesus did in the Bible. Then I started to think about it, Jesus taught us how to pray in Matthew 6:5-15. He tells us to go into our room with the Father and close the door. He tells us not to babble on with big words that mean nothing. God knows what we are about to pray for and He is waiting for us, in our unique way to come to Him to pray. 

I heard yesterday, “We must remember that Satan has his miracles, too.” ~John Calvin. Remember that Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). When I first heard the Calvin quote it really threw me off for a moment. But as she talks about in the book and how it states in the Bible, “Satan is the father of lies” (John 8:44). His miracles could be deceiving us so that things look to be of God, that an answer to prayer is coming, and the path it is leading to, is the wide path and not the narrow one. He is the master of deception, why would he always use bad things, why couldn’t he use good things/miracles against us as well?

This is why we are always told to check the Word with all we do. So of course if we are to check what our choices are with the Word, why wouldn’t we use the Word in our prayers?! 

We are in a war. We are in a fallen world. We forget things we were going to pray for. We forget things we were going to do and things we were not going to do. We get overwhelmed with things that don’t matter. We let things that matter the most go off to the side for later. We are in a war and thankfully, it has already been won, we are just stuck in the middle of it. 

When I think about getting passion back I am reminded of when Roxanne’s boys were lost. They became of the world and she became of the Word. She drew closer to Jesus and prayer. Her Bible verses were (and are) all over her house. She felt closer to God in that crisis because she believed His Word, His Truths and Him! She was praying fervently.
We do not and should not wait until we are in a crisis to feel that passion, that closeness, that power in our prayers. As she talks about pray for the passion to pray. God has placed that desire inside of us, ask Him to fan the flames! 

This is really what I have taken from the book so far:
1. Be precise when we pray
2. As for the passion to be ignited
3. Jesus taught us how to pray, now use what you learned from Him and these strategies and make your prayer as unique as you

P – Praise
R – Repent
A – Ask
Y – Yes, claim His promises

P – Pray
U – Until
S – Something
H – Happens

P – Prayer
R – Releases
A – All
Y – Your
E – Eternal
R – Resources

A – Always
S – Say
A – A
P – Prayer

Something else that has been brought to me is that I need to keep my heart and mind open, because they may not be answered exactly as I want. I tend to pray with a “solution” already spelled out in my brain. So while I am praying, God may be answering and I am missing it because I am so focused on what I think the answer should be. I guess I need to learn how to pray, ask, and look for what answer He is bringing to me. 

God is so good. He never leaves you. Open your prayer journal and just write to Him. Make your prayer personal, precise, thankful, repenting, and claiming His Word for your victory. 

We are reading Strategy 2 next week! 

I pray daily. I have a lot of work I need to do on my prayers. I have been getting more focused and precise, which is great. However I still have a lot of work. I was so focused on making sure I was doing it right, sometimes I feel as if I was missing the point of prayer! 

Some of the times, like I mentioned above, I was focused on  the answer and solution to my prayer than the actual prayer. I was praying to God while giving Him the solution. The problem with that is, I am not God, I am Amy. I can wish and hope for a certain answer to what I am praying for, but then I am missing out on the miracle of what prayer and His answer to it! 

I happen to really focus on this the past two days. I have believed in prayer but I think I have felt like God would not answer my prayers. Why would I feel like He would not answer me? Because when I have prayed before, I was praying with an answer in mind. So instead of being open to seeing, hearing, and welcoming His answer, I was looking for my answer to the prayer. How often are my answers the correct answer to my prayers? I am going to say about 1% of the time, and so I rarely felt like my prayers made a difference. My prayers were not powerful and didn’t change anything. My prayers were missing substance or what was important for Him to actually hear me and for them to make a difference. 

Then last September something changed. Once a week I started writing my prayers down. Obviously since it was once a week, it wasn’t all my prayers. Yet since that time, some of those precise prayers, some of those prayers that didn’t have an Amy answer, have already been answered. Do you know how amazing that is? I stopped answering my own prayers and God took over, who knew!

This week has been busy. It has been crazy. I have had a lot of anxiety and panics. I have had to deal with pain, children missing mom, and my emotional self. Also trying to make sure that we had everything taken care of financially (starting our strict budget/bill pay off plan here). I was letting negative take over and the accuser get in. I can not fully prevent it but I can fully prepare for it. I can get the Word in me. I can keep the Word with me. Goes back to when I talked about making My spiral notebook. In my post about simple little reminders, I talk about how this little set of index cards has changed my life!

I do not need to be fully of anxiety and panic. That isn’t love. That isn’t what God would want for me. He would want me to be free, to claim His promises from His Word. That is what I am going to do.

I am going to pray. I am going to write my prayers down. I am no longer going to have any expectation of how He is going to answer my prayers because my answers are not the best answer. I am going to pull out my spiral notebook (index cards) and I am going to claim what is mine! He has given me a gift, it is about time I start using my Life Book for my life!

Have you ever been so blessed to have a light bulb go off after a long week? I would love to hear about it! 

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Young Living Essential Oils


Sometimes we set goals for ourselves and we don’t meet them. Have you thought about why that is? Is it that you didn’t try hard enough? Is it that you just missed what you were aiming for? 

I had to really think about this. I have had many goals in my life. I can truly only think of one that I made it successfully; my four children. For a long time I felt like God was telling me I would have four children. Guess what, I did. What makes my children so different from the rest of my goals?

I have this clotting factor and I could have died after I gave birth to any of my children. I gave birth at 18 and it all was fine, or so it seemed. Then I gave birth at 24. Still didn’t know I had the clotting factor. About six weeks after I gave birth though my foot swelled up. I couldn’t walk. Ended up going to the ER and do you know what they decided I had? Cellulitis. Now because of my age they didn’t think I could possible have a blood clot. It wasn’t even a thought in anyone’s mind. They put me on crutches and put me on antibiotics. It didn’t get better and they didn’t know why.

Then fast forward and in 2007 I ended up with the same symptoms at age 32. I had swelling in my foot. They could not figure out what was wrong. They did X-rays. Put me on crutches. Then after a trip to the ER they decided to do an ultrasound and found even with my age, I had a DVT. This was February. 

In April I found out I was pregnant and my OB decided to run some tests. Found out I had Factor V Leiden Heterozygous. Basically that means both of my parents had a single gene (maybe both) but I got one gene from each parent. I had to be fully Anticoagulation with my pregnancy. Then as the pregnancy finished, I found out I was going to have to be on blood thinners the rest of my life.

So here I was 32 years old and I had just been given what I felt like was a death sentence. Blood thinners for the rest of my life. Here was just one more thing that was going to limit what I could and couldn’t eat in my life. 

Going back to goals. Most people don’t live with DVT’s without treating them. They go into your lungs, they go into your heart, to go into your brain and you die. Yet I am still here at 41 (almost 42). 

I think goals come together when you are not just focused on your goals for you but focused on the bigger picture with God. The reality is, I shouldn’t be here and yet I am here, with four children and yet I am. There is a reason for it.

So are my goals not being met because they are fully mine and I am not looking to the Lord? It would be something for me to look at. 

I do think some of my goals have been missed because of the fact they were fully mine. I didn’t listen to God’s leading. I can have goals that I succeed in without His guiding but is it really going to take me where I should be going? Will it be fulfilling like it would be if I was listening and following Him? 

I personally don’t want to be heading anywhere in this world without Him anymore! 

Have you had goals you have made but then felt empty with? Have you had goals that you set but didn’t achieve? Have you ever thought about why for either?

I would love to hear from you!

Posted in Education, Faith, Getting Healthy, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

Left Kidney Stones Removal Day

Had surgery today. I didn’t know what to expect. It wasn’t a normal lithotripsy and that I know what to expect. This I though was going to be easier. It isn’t easier but it is different. 

Managing pain currently with peppermint and deep relief. Although I wasn’t earlier and was dying from pain. Was just so out of it I wasn’t thinking. Then I managed to be out of it enough to put a gracious amount of peppermint in my eye. Followed up with grapeseed oil. 

Going to sleep for the night. There is still one more day for the giveaway to register. There is still one more day to take advantage of the refund Think One Change is giving when you order the Trio capsules!

God bless each of you!

Posted in Getting Healthy, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

This Is Life

I really am not sure what has been going on in life. It has been seriously crazy. I am beginning to feel as if the moon is at a constant full state around here.

We wrapped up the book we were reading in Bible study. I try to always write a summary of the current chapter. This one was a bit more difficult. Not because it was a hard chapter, but it was saying goodbye to a friend. This was the summary I wrote up today.

Good Morning Ladies,
Yesterday we finished the book “You’re loved no matter what” By Holley Gerth. I learned so much from this book. A lot of it went along with a book we did over the summer and it seems to be continuing into another book I am reading as well. I am thinking I have more perfection to let go of than I thought!

Step One: Letting go of perfection in your past. ~We are all human, we are all covered by God’s grace. Yes, all of us have been hurt by others. Who am I to say if those who hurt me were not hurt by me as well. God’s grace has covered all of us. Give God those you are holding hostage in your heart. God wants you to have the peace He died for.

Step Two: Letting go of perfection in yourself. ~We are typically harder on ourselves than anyone else. When you want to criticize yourself for anything, look at yourself through His eyes. Pray that you are released from your binding thoughts and He replace your thoughts with His truth.

Step Three: Letting go of perfection in your future. ~So often I used to worry about what the future would hold. All it was for me, wasted time. Focus on today. Spend your time with Him instead of letting yourself be full of anxiety about what is to come. When you are focusing on God and your relationship with Him, we release the control back to who has always had it.

Step Four: Letting go of perfection in other people. ~For a long time I wanted to change others. Then while trying to save my 1st marriage I read a book. The first thing Stormie teaches you is to pray this, “Lord, change ME!” When I find myself focusing on someone I want the Lord to change, I go back to that prayer. Lord, change me! Amazing how He opens your eyes to them and places a different perspective in your heart for them.

Step Five: Letting go of the guilt and shame that “perfection” brings. ~We can never go back and redo our past. All we can do is ask forgiveness (from the person and God). That person could be yourself by the way. When I focus on my past, I am not with Christ in the present. Hand it all over to Him because when He said, “It is finished” there was no going back for any of us. He took all our crimson sins out of our hands and replaced them with grace as white as snow.

Step Six: Letting go of perfection as a life goal. ~When we focus on being perfect we may accomplish a lot of things. Who are we trying to be perfect for though? When we are motivated by being perfect for everyone we miss the most important thing in our lives. We miss out on the relationship and love we get from being with and in Christ! Stop being who “Fill In Name” would like you to be and be who He created you to be.

Step Seven: Embracing what God has for you forever. ~There is only one you and He created you to be exactly who you are. When you put your focus on the relationship with Christ, you are living in love, with Him! You open yourself up to who you are supposed to be in Him, instead of focusing on what others want you to be. Live in Him, Live in Love.
I still highly encourage you to write the note out to yourself on page 211. Put it on a sticky note, write it out on cards and address them to yourself so you can mail yourself one when you need some encouragement, still it in your prayer journal, and most of all just do it!

“Dear You, I always want you to remember you are loved. You are unique. You are right where you are supposed to be and He will always work in you no matter what is going on. He will never walk away from you. He will always be here with His grace and love. You are who He created you to be, you are His daughter. ❤ the unperfected perfectly unique you!”

Love each of you women!

Headed to the doctor for my pre-op and prayed they could get Jack David in as well. Last week my nephew was diagnosed with strep. Jack David woke up feeling fine. He just had a small cough and a bit of a groggy throat. Thank goodness for our amazing office. 

I was all okayed for my surgery. Jack had no fever, and seriously looked great. However his rapid strep test came back positive. We talked a bit about our fruits, veggies and berries and she agrees that those are really helping him and probable have a lot to do with his odd diagnosis and symptoms. I can’t say for sure but hey maybe the next time he is exposed to it, he won’t even get it! So we went and got him an antibiotic and are also helping with Young Living essential oils.

These are the days I am truly thankful that I am a stay at home mom who can work or can put it on the back burner.

After we got home and pulled into the garage, Jack and I noticed a bag. We were not certain whose bag it was and so we just waited. About a hour after we got home, Kyle was knocking on the door. Apparently he has been released a day early, they put him in a cab and sent him here. 

Now fastforward to about 4:15 in the afternoon. My amazing Bella comes running, screaming and crying that she swallowed something and its stuck. Took about 7 minutes to get out it was a toy that was in her hand and then not in her hand but in her throat. She has no idea how it got there but it was stuck, it hurt and she was scared. 

After calling 911, the firestation arriving, getting her on O2 to get her stats up then the paramedics arrived. She finally got it to move. Now we have to wait for it to pass. Or I should say hopefully pass. If in a few days it isn’t noticed in the poo we have to take her in for an X-ray to make sure it isn’t stuck someplace, caused a rip, and the list of things goes on.

My day has been very eventful. It has been fabulous though. I have been able to rely upon and give myself over to God a lot. I have been able to say thank you to Him for the things He has given us that has made this day go smoother than it could have. I was able to say thank you to Him for small thoughts I wouldn’t normally have, that lead to decisions I made, that made this day a LOT easier.

How was your Thursday? Mine was eventful but I am so thankful that things are well tonight! These truly are the days I give thanks for being a stay at home mom. I can’t wait to hear about your day.

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Supplement vs. Nutrition Labels

Have you ever really thought about what the difference is between a supplement and nutrition label? I never did until recently. 

I did a lot of reading at the FDA website and online in general. The FDA has a lot of words and codes and graphics and examples. However some of it was a bit difficult to understand but overall I had a general understanding.

I started out by just going and looking for the difference in their definition. So I went to my favorite dictionary website, Merriam-Webster. I looked up Supplement first and found that it is something that completes or makes an addition to. Then I looked up Nutrtion and found that it is the act or process of animals or plants using food.

Our family used to take supplements. We all had vitamins we took. We all had probiotics we took. I knew we were not getting the nutrtion we needed from the foods we were putting into our bodies. I knew that since my husband and my youngest two kiddos barely touched fruits, veggies or berries that we were not helping them. So we turned to gummy vitamins for the kids and myself. We got my husband multivitamins. We added things like Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Calcium and the list goes on.

Do you know what I noticed when we took them though? One of the biggest things was that our urine changed color. It would be a bright yellow most of the time about 4 hours after taking the vitamins. So what did that mean? Was my body not really using the vitamins I was spending money on? Why was I spending money on something my body wasn’t fully using? When I asked my doctor what was going on, basically it came down to I was urinating out what my body could not absorb. That caused me to question some more things, like if I am supposed to be getting so much of my vitamins from the supplements since I am not getting them from my food, and yet I am now taking the supplements to help me get what I need, but I am urinating enough out to change my urine color, how much and how often do I actually have to take the supplements to get what I need?

At the time though none of those questions stopped us from using them. We kept on using them because we felt like we were missing something. We felt tired and draggy and we just know there was something we needed to be doing.

I knew now the difference between supplement and nutrition. However I still didn’t know what allowed a company to put a nutritional label on packages verse putting a supplemental label on packages. That is where the FDA really came in, since they are the ones who set the standards.

I kept on reading and one of the biggest things was I kept on seeing that the DSHEA considers dietary supplements as food but it really isn’t food. They have to use supplement facts label if the supplement has: vitamin, mineral, herb, botanical, amino acid, dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake, or a concentrate, metabolite, constituent, extract or combination of anything listed above. (Woah, got it out). 

It comes down to the fact that even though foods have these items in them naturally, if you are breaking apart the foods to extract out the specific item, or breaking apart the original form, it is a supplement. You are not keep it in the natural state and you are breaking it up to create a substitute, to supplement the body in a different way. Yes it is considered food,  but since you are breaking it apart and creating a different form than what it started as, you can not use a nutritional facts label. 

Why do we do that? Isn’t the form that these vitamins come in naturally the best way to consume them? I have a few theories on why it has taken place but since I didn’t reasearch that I will keep my speculation to myself. 

What is a way to get more nutrtion from foods? Eating plate after plate of fruits, veggies, berries? I wish I had the money to do that. At the same time foods currently do not have the same amount of nutrtion it used to have. 

In order for a package to have a nutrition facts label what must it be made up of? In other words, if I pick up something from the store that is in a package, what are the requirements for it having a nutrition facts and not a supplement facts label on the package. It is really simple. So simple it is completely mind blowing! It has to be food.

Now go back to January 2016 when I was really feeling like we were throwing money down the toilet with the supplements we were purchasing. I personally wanted to feel better and was being told the only way to do that was to take medication A, B, C, and on. 

My friend, Dana has been using these capsules for a while at this point. She had been on them almost 8 years. I had heard about them many times. I had looked at them so many times I had lost count. I always came to the same conclusion, they are so expensive! So I would dismiss them and go on. As we approached February 2016 I saw a few things she was posting and was feeling a bit defeated. How in the world could I afford to eat 10 cups of spinach, 8 oranges, and so on each day? Not only how could I afford it, but what was all of that going to do to my body? Between all my awesome diagnoses and then having Factor V Leiden and having to limit my vitamin K because of the anticoagulant I was on (warfarin/Coumadin), I had a heavy weight in my chest. I was really feeling as if there was nothing I could really do.

Jack and I talked and we decided that we were going to give these fruit, veggie, and berries capsules a chance. I mean what if it actually worked for me? What if it helped the kiddos? What if it helped Jack? We had already tried so many things, why not give whole food based nutrtion a chance?

We decided to join the virtual franchise they offer. It had never crossed my mind to start another business. I wanted to avoid it. I was enjoying what I was currently doing. Jack thought why not join for the money back we will get on our orders. You are right, that really does make sense since we were ordering for more than one person. So we enrolled in the VF and placed orders for our family. Before I had even been on it a month, others at church started to notice a difference and see a change. That was pretty darn amazing. When you have someone come up to you and say, “I don’t know what you are doing but your changes are amazing and I want whatever you are doing!” – welcome to the new business! I had my first sale and I wasn’t even trying. 

That is life changing! 

You know one of the other things I noticed taking all these fruits, veggies and berries every day? My urine wasn’t changing color! My body, my families body was actually taking and processing and using all of the nutrition we were putting in it! How cool is that? I find it fascinating. We were not wasting our money by peeing excess out because our bodies were using it all! It was so worth the costs!

When it is broken down by day, the cost isn’t that bad. Plus our family is currently (and was from the beginning) taking advantage of the Children’s Health Study that the company participates in. That is up to four years of free products as long as Jack and I purchase ours! I am all for getting free products. While I feel it is well worth the cost that we would be paying for the kiddos, I did grow up in West Michigan and have a bit of that Dutch in me. When we finally broke it down, it costs me less for our capsules than to juice five oranges! How crazy is that?!

Are you looking to change the health of your family? It can be financial health as well as physical and emotional health (because when your physical and financial are balanced those emotions level out so nicely). 

We are a husband and wife who work together. We are changing the direction of our families life. Do you want to take control of your life? Are you someone who loves health and wellness? This is the perfect work from home business for you. This is the perfect get your family healthy company for you!

You do not have to join in order to purchase. You do not have to purchase in order to join. 

I would love to talk to you. This company that has a nutrition facts label on ALL of their products has saved our family! Could it be the way to save yours?

Posted in Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Recharge Your Soul

You know that you need to take care of you. You probably do not do it as often as you should. What is it that you like to do in order to feel refreshed and recharged?

Maybe you don’t actually know what you like to do in order to be recharged. I know I really don’t fully know who I am. I am mainly a mom and for a long time I have been a person who has been in pain all the time. I have been a wife and I have been a mom and I have been in pain. There isn’t much refreshing you do when that is who you are. 

Today I spent some time with a friend. She has become a best friend. I look forward to our get together time. I love getting to spend time with her. 

You don’t have to do a lot. You just have to find something to be you.

Today I got there a little early. I read my book. I drank some coffee. I enjoyed just being. I was a bit worn when I got there, and apparently it showed. After she got there, we talked and we ate. We enjoyed coffee. We enjoyed each other. We had a really nice time and by the time I left, I was a new person. 

I needed it. I was thankful. I am thankful. 

When life has you running around like crazy how do you refresh and recharge? Do you take time for yourself? 

I have been making sure to take care of myself but I needed to do something for me. There is a difference between making sure you are taking care of yourself and doing something for yourself!

I have been purposefully making good choices. I have been purposefully making healthy food choices while away from home. Even though I did okay during the holidays, I did let all the sweets and treats get the best of me. I stayed gluten free but I allowed myself to make a lot of bad choices. My body health paid for it. So my word of the year purposefully has been a good choice for me and my whole life! I am making purposeful choices and decisions for my life right now.

This goes along with needing to take care of myself, my mental healthy, recharging, refreshing, and choosing God when I don’t want to (yes there are times I don’t want to do my Bible study but I walk away much better).

I took time to work on relationships today. I reached out to people who I knew had some things going on to see how they were doing and see how I could pray for them. You know one thing that always makes me feel better is being able to pray for others. Talk to them about what is going on and pray for them. Building and maintaining relationships is so important in life! It always has been for me. 

Do you need to take some time to refresh and recharge? What are some of the ways you do that? Do you actually take time for yourself before you are beyond worn out? Do you wait to take time to you until you are so burnt out that there isn’t enough recharge time in a year to bring you back?